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Tfw you’re clearly not wanted :) When they’re online and read your messages but don’t wanna talk to you :)) When (different they) go on a date with you and tell you they’d like to see you again but completely avoid you :)))
Tfw your girl @psychoxknyte reblogs one of your number ask games and then asks the numbers IN THE REBLOGS instead of your ask box and ends up looking like a Tumblr Mess™
tfw u thought she texted u back but dat was jus at&t lettin u kno u used up 75% of ya data 😢
tfw = think fast, waluigi
tfw you just realize my ahoge’s facing the wrong way in DR3
Tfw u wanna fap to some vids of pixyteri but they’re so hard to find :(
TFW the man you had assaulted while you unintentionally violated a treaty refuses to acknowledge your presence after your princess told you to go seduce him to prevent all out war
tfw you’ll never have Ebina-chan lusting after you
tfw no money
tfw you miss the bohemian life and just want to pack up and hit the road for a while…
tfw you have received something really fucking awesome in the mail and you can’t wait to open it its going to be amazing but it’s at your permanent address not where you’re actually living
TFW WWIII may have just started and could actually go nuclear at some point
TFW You are offline for just two and half days...
TFW you go to like a post, only to see the little heart button already lit up
Tfw: you just wake up needy and horny and have nobody to help you take care of it. :/
Tfw someone on the forums reports the bard job change quest broken because they can’t start it on a female archer.
Tfw you realize you could try doing OGH with oboro. HOBOY.
Tfw you finally get the Carga Mace:
Tfw old Dir en grey on your playlist. /shot
Tfw you end up making not one, but two +7 Enhanced Variant Shoes:
Tfw it’s past midnight and you just wanna cry your eyes out because Zakuro’s guitar solo.
Tfw you summon water Bearman (used in making an Undine, which is used for making Veromos). HNSGHFSD. ♥
Tfw 2 hours into playing Pokemon Moon and I run into a Misdreavus:She’s mine now. (I didn’t know was Misdreavus available in my version really. I didn’t. But it was. So I get to baby her again. As always.)
Tfw you spam the fuck out of your keyboard in a chatroom in LHZ because you want the bio engineer title so bad:
Tfw you pull a fire magical archer from unknown scroll:
Tfw you have to bump your old bug thread because it was claimed in the maintenance notes that the bug was fixed but it wasn’t. *facepalms* I’m going to sleep, I’ve spent enough time farming stuffs now. @w@;
Tfw your bf tells they started playing SW:
Tfw you manage to get the missing monster of another nat 5 fusion while you’re trying to get fodder for leveling monsters used in ANOTHER nat 5 fusion (read: I just finished getting all Sigmarus materials while I’m trying to level my Veromos materials).
Tfw you pull a Lushen… ON YOUR ALT ACCOUNT.
Tfw someone on SW forums points out that while the transmogs for girls reveal a lot, that there are also monsters like Ifrits who also wear almost nothing.PS: Yes I’m pleased they wear almost nothing. Just wait till I fuse my goddamn Veromos. Just.
Tfw you summon Tyron also on your alt account:
Tfw you manage to get Spell 4/4 in 5 resets.
Tfw people keep saying they want a Briand and have been trying to get him for ages and you have pulled two of them by now:
Tfw I still get messages on fRO forums asking about my chaser build:
Tfw you drop a boss card but you’re pissed because it wasn’t a design. (We dropped a Set Card and now it’s going to be sold because designs are better. 8′D)
Tfw you pull a fake nat 4 from your monthly L/D scroll =w=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Awakened, 4* Devinodon (dark lizardman). Sigh. It’s a dark. I’ll keep it. As always.
Tfw you go back to playing Nova and they’ve added EMH to cash shop.
Tfw someone uses the lame language barrier excuse for speaking something else than english on #main, when it’s really a rule that all talking done on #main MUST be in english:
Tfw you realize Negan is in this fucking series (to me he is Negan, deal with it).
Tfw your GX gets hit on on #main and you just think what kind a huge ass bitch fit her husband would have if he were there to see it. Yes that really happened. Jesus. Creepy.
Tfw you notice your Baretta has +23k HP and it’s not even lvl 40 yet:
Tfw you finally have enough zeny to buy that damn +9 HBP but no one’s selling.
Tfw you read someone asking for Artamiel to become a fusion monster:
Tfw someone sells a +14 DG with 2x Fanats in it and you have enough zeny to buy it but you’d be left with just tens of millions after buying it so you’re a cheapskate and cry about how much you want the fucking sword on your blog.
Tfw you get asked are good at styling male suras.
Tfw Kisaki follows Karuna on Twitter. You asshole leave my precious baby alone.
Tfw my posts demanding for sexy male transmogs on SW forums get likes:
Tfw you just go and level things. (This is a battle HP.)
TFW you’re brute forcing (or trying to) your way through Rift Raids.
Tfw you browse and you basically wanna order just about everything you see (and if I could have by now what I saw I would have SPN pajamas, shot glasses, Crowley shirt, Castiel shirt, Castiel socks [<- don’t fucking ask I just need them] aaaaand
Tfw you have a lot of time to write, but don’t wanna even mention it because you want to write a certain fucked up bs couple anyways and fear you’ll end up going through even more heartbreak because of that and you still want to write.=w= I LOVE being
Tfw your dad uses you to buy him crap country vinyls. 8′D Oh well.
Tfw you watch finnish weeaboos trying to represent their kind and the first thing they say is “j-rock means visual kei basically”.And you just roll your eyes because if you actually bother to look into things, you’d see that visual kei is just
Tfw Gany keeps Ventilating Baretta (in autoplay mode) in ToA so he can keep spamming DoTs:
Tfw you make a +8 Chibi Pope. And it’s not even on your healer account.
Tfw a person can’t do even DB10 or R3 and they bitch and whine how they’re frustrated with PvP. (Honestly, most units use violents in PvP and seeing how you can’t do DB10… yeeeeeah.)PS: Consider farming GB10 until your runes are good enough
Tfw someone wants to buff Ariel… “HUR HE SHOULD HEAL, CLEANSE, BUFF ATB AND PROBABLY EVEN CLEAN YOUR HOUSE FOR YOU BECAUSE VELAJUEL BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW”.Wtf is this cancer I keep coming up with on C2U forums…
Tfw Gravity & Com2Us will be at the same game convention:
tfw ur gonna score it with the wizard chick but eremes cockblocks you
Tfw you use Throw Stone to lure Knockers to you so you don’t step on their stupid traps and they just… instantly use the same skill. Like… “No, fuck YOU!”