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Not really sure what that guy is doing in that picture, but that doesn’t make her any less hot. That ass - damn. Still - it’s kind of a weird picture with that guy doing…whatever.
Ha sido la semana más CURIOSA de la (mi) vida ❤ #selfie #me #happy #love #blackandwhite #curiosity #weird #art #life #wonder #learning #unusual #people
#fiercelook #rhastafari #rastavibes #reggae #dreads #dreamer #ganga #girlswhosmokeweed #gauges #tattoo #piercings #ufcnation #different #rad #moreink #loveink #artselfie #equality #jamaica #vibe #goodvibes #chilling #music #lovemusic #selfie #weird
#random#crazy#click#night#weird#feeling #moon#vivid#dreams#fear#of#a#blank#planet
#crazy#random#streetlight #vivid#dreams#mad#weird #life
#random #crazy#lights#weird #life#vivid #dreams #music#is#life
#random #rainy #day#life#weird #feeling #mad#thoughts#vivid
#mad#weird #life#green #nature #vivid
#kids#life#survivor#weird #life
#king#of#the#forest#loin#weird #life
#happy #diwali #crazy#lights #life#weird
#random #Crazy #rainy #night #streets#of#bangalore #weird #life
#random #Crazy #blue #sky#weird #life#gujrath #india #music #is#life
#random #Crazy #sun#unknown#destination#weird #life
#random #Crazy #life#weird #feeling
#random #click #weird#life#Crazy
#chai#tea #glass#weird #life#cool#weather
#random #Crazy #fireworks#weird #life
#backlight#random #crazy#night#weird #mad#life
#sun#or#moon#confused#weird #life#mad#crazy#music
#random #me#Crazy #life#weird
#nature #blue #Crazy #weird #goa##india
#ocean#weird #crazy#goa#india
#ocean#red#nature #weird #goa#pleasant
#blue#sun#ocean #goa#india #Crazy #weird #colours
#abandoned #jail#fort#aguwada#goa#weird
#beach#random #shack#weird #life#goa
#lights #candel #through #bottel#weird #vivid #goa#beach #latenight
#Crazy #dreams #vivid #weird #life #goa#india
#random #Crazy #sun#set##bangalore #india #weird #life#vivid #dreams
#vivid #abstract #crazy #pune to#mumbai on #bike#life#weird
#me#and#my#crazy #friend #looking#weird #mad#life
#crazy #rainy #day#headlight #bangalore #india #abstract #weird #life
#ruins #gangapur #crazy #weird #life#andhra #pradesh #india
#unknown #me#weird #life#madness #bangalore #india
#coffee #beans#roasted#crazy #weird #life
#lonely #life#park#green#weird#life#sanjeevaiah#park#Hyderabad #andhra#pradesh
#signal #red#crazy #weird #life#Hyderabad #andhra #pradesh #india
#road#way#to#heaven #weird #dreams#mad#life#nandyala#A.P
#sun#hot#too#much#crazy #life#weird #nandyala #A.P
#matchsticks#weird #black #and#white #madness #vivid #life#nandyala #abandoned #house #A.P
#crazy #street #sun#set#life#weird #madness #overloaded #music #is#heaven
#random #sun#set#weird #life#madness #crazy #nandyala #A.P
#sunset #weird #life#music #is#life#vivid #dreams #mahanandi #AP
From BG designer Clark Snyder: I also got to work on another really fun episode of Steven Universe “Keep Beach City Weird” where I lucked out & was assigned the crazy fun location of Ronaldo’s office in that lighthouse that overlooks Beach
raveneesimo: Here’s one of the sequences I did for the Steven Universe episode, Keep Beach City Weird. There are a bunch more panels under the cut! Keep reading
keepbeachcityweird: DOUBLE NEVERMIND!!! KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD IS BACK!!! I was completely wrong about Sneople, but I’ve got new theory that’s ROCK SOLID! Because it has to do with rocks! Polymorphic Sentient Rocks!!! They’re here to hollow
keepbeachcityweird: My life’s work is finally here! Keep Beach City Weird - THE BOOK!!! I’ve collected all of my findings into a single, very legitimate looking book, so that everyone can know the truth about my hometown of Beach City! Finally,
Oh boy, last Monday something CRAZY WEIRD happened in Beach City. The sky turned blood red! Winds kicked up so high that my dad’s car flipped over! And a GIANT EYEBALL THINGY was in the sky! My little brother blamed global warming for the
Yesterday, a bunch of weird crystalline flowers showered Beach City at sunset. Who knows where this mysterious flora came from. Perhaps it was a seasonal gift from nature. Or perhaps it was to signal THE INVASION OF BEE PEOPLE FROM OUTER SPACE!!!
A lot of WEIRD weather has been happening in Beach City lately. First, a crystal flower shower, and now it’s raining GUYS! You know, G.U.Y.S.? Guys Under Your Supervision! They’re toys. My guess is it’s some viral marketing
KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD IS BACK! I’ve been off the grid for the summer. Not because government was on my tail, but because I… dropped my phone in the toilet. And then I was googling “how to remove a phone from a toilet in a way that
DOUBLE NEVERMIND!!! KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD IS BACK!!! I was completely wrong about Sneople, but I’ve got new theory that’s ROCK SOLID! Because it has to do with rocks! Polymorphic Sentient Rocks!!! They’re here to hollow out the
I’m gonna be livestreaming my first WEIRD WATERMELON AUTOPSY!!! Sign in and check it out!
Whoa - some, truly, unruly, weird object just came shooting down from space and landed over by Steven’s house!!! I didn’t have time to snap a pic with my camera, but luckily I have an extremely accurate photographic memory and I have reconstr
So I went to my first rave tonight! I was expecting to see lots of weird things - candy necklaces, grown adults using pacifiers, the dropping of crazy sick beats. But nothing could prepare me for what I saw in that warehouse - A TEENAGER SPLIT APART
Sandwich reacher failed. I was not able to get the sandwich. I fear I might die under here. If anyone out there is reading this, just grant me this one last wish: KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD!And also I want my body to be shot into space with a print
I’ve been hearing very weird sonic disturbances all week and I finally caught one on camera! Perhaps it’s a Polymorphic Sentient… Comet?! I’ll have to do more investigating, but I have a feeling something BIG is going to happen in Beach City
Not only has NOTHING weird happened in Beach City this week, but now there’s some ANNOYING noise-wave concert happening on the beach! It must be kids from Beach City Community College playing some “experimental jazz” or something.
The power was OFF today in Beach City, but the weird was ON!Mayor Dewey told everyone in town it’d be back on by sundown, but HE WAS LYING! He also told my dad that it was just some routine maintenance work. He was probably LYING about that