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hehadaname: dividebysix: kill-with-style: tanukitails: i-speak-fluent-nerd: thelegendofzachary: colorsofequality: drunkenpoets-dream: pumpkinspicelovebutters: hellomynameis-jessica: awilltosmile: t0rey-j0e: t0rey-j0e: phalanxiforismydrug:
tanukitails replied to your photo: So I got this today after giving someone โ for… Video games! Or food. I just went grocery shopping yesterday at wal-mart and my mother cheap self sold my PSP so I only have my 3DS and sadly there is nothing
tanukitails replied to your post: tanukitails replied to your photo: So I got this… That’s where I work sadly. Sometimes our video game selection is pretty bad. In my location, anyways. I think it’s all wal-marts, Because I live in florida
tanukitails: cnnbreaking: uterlyartlez: indianchiefkeef: fucking white people can’t stop rewatching lol IS SHE FUCKING DEAD I’m sorry but I’m reblogging this again because I’m pretty sure that toy truck is made out of stone or something
tanukitails: shaggyhayden: wiggitywiggitywiggitywhoo Everyone reblog this as if we’re doing that handshake.
tanukitails replied to your post: “The weirdest people are the weirdest people.” -Le… This is true. Yes, I agree very well
tanukitails replied to your post: AGAIN!! Tumblr is such a cruel mistress. It is
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tanukitails: Those “Tumblr Crushes” posts are just an excuse for me to follow more people.
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tanukitails replied to your photo: ICON CHANGE!!!! Woo! WOO!! yea!!!
tanukitails: Don’t do this shit to me.
tanukitails replied to your post: Printscreen your pornography. I swear to god if I’ve seen you on a certain thread… what thread?
tanukitails replied to your post: Did you know (Fun Fact) Interesting. Yush if anyone like I can show you what I wrote maybe I can ask one of the remain members if anyone would like to see my lyrics I wrote
tanukitails replied to your post: Someone should talk to me K K
tanukitails replied to your post: Xbox one? More like Xbox None Why did you go there. Gomen V.V I’m REALLY bored but and stuff so i just looked around and stuff
tanukitails replied to your post: Life? what’s that? My god.
mylifeissogay: tanukitails: this-is-the-beginningx-blog: theavc: “Two corpses. Everything’s fine.” It’s the 30th anniversary of Clue! Head to the avclub.com to read how it earned its spot in The New Cult Canon My favorite movie! ❤❤❤