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ask-twilight-and-trixie: (And here it is, the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Happy holidays everyone, hope you enjoyed this very special arc. <3) *SQUEE* <3333
mylittlemerrygold: “”Freaky…”“ Squee~! X3
askcutieloo: I STILL DON’T GET THEM! Wah! Cutieloo post #10 (Repost) So ponies can actually reblog! SQUEE! So adorbs <3 Despite how much she claims otherwise. X3
ask-teenage-pipsqueak: [2/10]((I GOT TOO MUCH FUN WITH DRAING R63 PIP, JUST LOOK HOW ADORABLE THOSE 2 ARE, OK? -3-)) SQUEE X3 <3
ask-ponyghost: someone give me a smooch °3° royal wind OMG SQUEE <3
spectralpony: C’mon! Let’s go play! (~^-^)~ Squee! <3
askoctavia: Ask Octavia #198 … This might have been a terrible idea… SQUEE <3
askcutieloo: Cutieloo post #13 Squee! :3
asktwixiegenies: Trixie: Uhm… yeah… she’s actually… kinda… d… delicious… Squee X3
farx: Matt Foley - Motivational Speaker OMFG this reminds me of when I read a fanfic involving a ponified version of him as a motivational speaker for Fluttershy, before that stupid Iron Will episode. I squee’d and spazzed so much XD
taboopony: asklorddarkmatter: there :D Squee!! thank you so much :D *pounces* Eeee cute <3
taboopony: asknathanbrokenhorn: ;) ((oh you nathan)) O cool good to know what you do…Wait what D: whats going on! well.. at least i get to touch all your gems now.. (squee! awesome nathatn ^^) lolwut XD
madame-fluttershy: Royale With Squees by *Beavernator D'aww <3 The three Princesses of Equestria~ c:
ask-sapphire-and-greyzeek: Suddenly, you find a small fluffeldragon on your bed, what do? <3! Squee and huggle him with all my might, d'uh!
paperderp: MLP ATG 2013: Day 04 by *AniRichie-Art XD! OMFG DAT REFERENCE. *squee!*
teenprincesscadance: Every grumpy little filly must go! SQUEE! <3
askfillyrarity: Hide your rupees! I’m coming for all your rupees! (( AHHHHHHHHHHH I SQUEE’D SUPER LOUD WHEN I SAW THIS AND IT’S SO ADORABLE AND THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 )) X3 <3
askclockwisewhooves: The method of research totally works! Learn more about the whale (scripted with Squeak, the Guide from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) @W@ OMG TRIPLE FANDOM HIT. *spazzes* Ponies + Dr. Who + Hitchhikers *fangasm squees*
cocoa-bean-loves-fluttershy: So my sweetheart drew this for me. *squee* (\^∇^/) She hasn’t posted it online anywhere herself yet (hence no official source), but I couldn’t wait to share, so here it is! The background on the desktop version is stock
asklocketheart: *squee* I love it!! <3 <3 Woo! <3 So fabulous! ^w^
dreamingdusk: trainbowdash: oh look it’s fluttershy doing some yoga “And, um…now we shift into the Downward Facing ‘Please-Pet-My-Back-Because-I’m-So-Adorable’ pose. Breathe in…and *squee* out…” X3! <333
braeburn-corner: nothingbutstallions: Booty bump by Ende26 And Oldy butt a goody *SQUEE* <3
ask-thecrusaders: And it’s done! Enjoy! Squee! <3
midlifedreamoflamb: Awww, yay!! *applauds & whistles* HNNNNG <333 *squirms and squees!*
umbramist: amodwithoutamark: Just the requests from the stream. ITS NOT LIKE THIS SUPRISED ME AND MADE ME SQUEE OR ANYTHING.B-BAKA. >//w//> x3
ask-pon3: 1 / 2 / 3 YES! <3 *squees!*
meistras: Fennekin?? SQUEE <3
science-woona-answers: *Squee* First drawing on my new LCD tablet >u XD
asktrixandberry: ~Squee~ ^w^!
littleredmare: See this? You is mine Luna! *Nuzzles* Squee~ Art by my good friend Lokit! Hnnnng!
ask-sapphire-and-greyzeek: And the last kiss for Valentine’s Day goes (of coure) to my deer friend. :3 Squee~! <3
Twilight and Spike Art by FuunSaik1 Squee~! Cute ^w^
henriettalamb: My most mellow stuffed animal. ❤️ Squee <3
sweetiebelleasks: Hugs!!!!! Squee~! <3
rawrcharlierawr: lloxie replied to your post: kuro89 replied to your post: kuro89&n… For some reason I imagine she’s really ticklish and giggles when you lick her and has the most adorable little giggles. you are correct *squee!* <3
A youth spell by porygon2z Cuuuuute! Hehe, the others are freaking out but Pinkie’s just squee-ing over how cute little Twily is X3
askdjvinylscratch: Octavia: Now i’m seeing double… I should go to bed… Vinyl: Oh, look! It’s another me! ((Most questions I got to answer at one time.. Featuring: ask-pon3 you should go follow ‘em! Seriously I mean i’m like *Squee!*)) X3
askderpyscientist: Started up the bi-weekly best follower awards. Basically whoever gets the most amount of points on the content from the past two weeks gets some stuff done by me, usually OCs. Likes are worth 1 point, asks are worth 2, re-blogs gives
spectralpony: Convention Season is drawing closer~! <3*squee*~(>w<)~ <3 x3 D'aww~!
ask-omegacoder: Always dressed for Nightmare Night. We Repair Ponies #33 …okay, there are parts of this story arc so far I’ve rather disliked, but THIS…. I just LOVE AJ-scarecrow. X3 *squees!*
justapinchofpinchy: Pinchy’s back, back again. Pinchy’s back, tell a friend. x3 Squee~!
pikapetey: ladynanaki: So I found out that you can dress up pikachu in the new pokemon games….. so yeah this kinda happened! pikapetey you are my new model! Oh mah Gwad!!! *rolls around squeeing on floor* X3!
bubblepopmod: lloxie replied to your post: “Whenever I wake up”: *pets* ;w; thanks silly =O OMG this is so cute hnnng <3 Thank you for the random cameo! *super-huggles* ^w^
mrdevastation101: Don’t even try to tell me this isn’t the most adorable thing ever. Because you know damn well it is. All the squee!!! <3
appelknekten: spoopy-replies: Bagel! *Squee!!* So cute! >w< Hnnng <3
vivzcast: Raven SQUEE~! <3
askseaponyluna: Cheerilee: You know, I’m not even sure if we’re celebrating the right holiday. Hearths Warming is coming and what are we wearing. And Silver dear I think you’ve been spending too much time with the fish. Silver / Luna: *Squee* Featuring
asktwiceratops: Happy Holidays all. My work schedule will be returning to normal this upcoming month, so hopefully more regular updates will start happening again. <3 -bunny SQUEE~! <3
askcottonpuff: >/(mod:…Is that…happiness…. oh god, the earth is going to end! mountains will crumble! the seas will dry up! cities will fall!) Kitt:… and I’ll be happy. Squee~! <3
askbeatandfus:askmoontheblushypone: *squees happily* Mod: Awww, Beat is still a sweet pony. (Careful, Blog is NSFW) x3
ask-confident-fluttershy:Shy: Heh, whoops. Must have gotten a little too excited there. *squee*((I laughed way harder at this than I should have. Thanks so much for doing this ask-past-fluttershy ! You guys know what to do. =3 )) >w<!
thedragokitty:These two make my heart sing, you can tell some characters are your Otp when you squee and have a heart attack when you see anything to do with them. <3 <3
inquisitivecolt:IC: ^_^Dinky: *squee*Derpy: aww, isn’t that cute?(Mod: Well, here’s another update, sorry it took so long folks. These things always take twice as long as I figure and I ended up having problems focusing on drawing for a little
asktuftyfluffstuff: Cameo: lloxies-art-boxy ‘s OC EEEEE <333 Thanks for the random cameo on your adorable blog! ^o^ Double thanks for actually linking to my (inexcusably neglected) doodle blog! X3
fiddlesticks-answers: get prepared for pony kisses… SQUEE <3
asksparklesanddashie: ((WOW It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a page of this.)) SQUEE <3
asklovelylaughter: BH: Who’s got a question? x3! Squee~!
dailyponydoodle: so it’s the beginning of fluttershy month hope you will enjoy this as much as me Squee~ <3
ask-the-out-buck-pony: (Fire Breaker) just admit Bluey it you fine it cute(True Blue) Ok it is cute(Jazz Notes) *squee* Cutiefilly <3