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In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3521 #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #spiral #galaxy #spiralgalaxy #ngc3521 #universe #science #space #astronomy
NGC 2403 in Camelopardalis #nasa #apod #ngc2403 #islanduniverse #constellation #camelopardalis #spiralgalaxy #universe #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
NGC 3310: A Starburst Spiral Galaxy #nasa #apod #ngc3310 #spiralgalaxy #stars #densitywaves #gas #dust #starformation #constellation #ursamajor #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
Sculptor Galaxy NGC 134 #nasa #apod #chart32team #ngc134 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #sculptor #galaxies #ngc131 #galaxy #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
NGC 253: Dusty Island Universe #nasa #apod #ngc253 #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #starburstgalaxy #galaxycluster #constellation #sculptor #stars #dust #xrays #gammarays #universe #intergalactic #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
NGC 891 vs Abell 347 #nasa #apod #galaxies #spiralgalaxy #ngc891 #galaxycluster #abell347 #constellation #andromeda #universe #intergalactic #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
Galaxies in Pegasus #nasa #apod #galaxy #ngc7331 #galaxies #constellation #pegasus #stephansquintet #spiralgalaxy #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #galacticcluster #space #science #astronomy
NGC 4696: Filaments around a Black Hole #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #afabian #ngc4696 #spiralgalaxy #supermassiveblackhole #blackhole #gas #dust #filaments #hubblespacetelescope #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 5033 #nasa #apod #esa #mast #hubble #spacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #ngc5033 #seyfertgalaxy #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #stars #dust #interstellar #gas #supermassiveblackhole #blackhole #intergalactic #universe #space
Edge-On NGC 891 #nasa #apod #ngc891 #spiralgalaxy #dust #filaments #stars #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Porpoise Galaxy from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hla #hubble #spiralgalaxy #porpoisegalaxy #ngc2936 #ellipticalgalaxy #ngc2937 #arp142 #gravity #dust #stars #hubblespacetelescope #constellation #hydra #watersnake #galaxies #interstellar #intergalactic
The Comet, the Owl, and the Galaxy #nasa #apod #comet #comet41p #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #messier108 #planetarynebula #planetary #nebula #messier97 #milkyway #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Leo Trio #nasa #apod #galaxies #leo #triplet #leotriplet #ngc3628 #m66 #m65 #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 4302 and NGC 4298 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #spiralgalaxy #ngc4302 #constellation #comaberenices #virgogalaxycluster #ngc4298 #spiral #galaxy #dust #stars #star #hubblespacetelescope #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC: 3628 The Hamburger Galaxy #nasa #apod #ngc3628 #hamburgergalaxy #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #galacticdisk #dust #gas #stars #constellation #leo #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
UGC 1810: Wildly Interacting Galaxy from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hla #spacetelescope #telescope #spiralgalaxy #ugc1810 #arp273 #galacticcollision #bluestars #stars #star #gas #dust #constellation #andromeda #interstellar #intergalactic #universe
A View Toward M101 #nasa #apod #galaxy #m101 #messier101 #spiralgalaxy #pinwheelgalaxy #stars #star #gas #dust #constellation #ursamajor #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Star Cluster, Spiral Galaxy, Supernova #nasa #apod #starcluster #ngc6939 #spiralgalaxy #ngc6946 #thefireworksgalaxy #supernova #sn2017eaw #constellation #cepheus #star #stars #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Spiral Galaxy NGC 6744 #nasa #apod #spiralgalaxy #ngc6744 #constellation #pavo #stars #galaxies #star #galaxy #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Markarian’s Chain to Messier 64 #nasa #apod #markarianschain #galaxies #virgocluster #spiralgalaxy #messier64 #blackeyegalaxy #constellations #nebulae #markarianseyes #m87 #ellipticalgalaxy #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science
NGC 7814: The Little Sombrero in Pegasus #nasa #apod #chart32team #ngc7814 #littlesombrero #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #constellation #pegasus #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
A View Toward M106 #nasa #apod #messier106 #m106 #spiralgalaxy #ngc4258 #canesii #canes2 #galaxygroup #ngc4217 #constellation #canesvenatici #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1512: The Nuclear Ring #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #legus #spiralgalaxy #ngc1512 #barredspiralgalaxy #stars #star #gas #dust #rings #hubblespacetelescope #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Messier 63: The Sunflower Galaxy #nasa #apod #hubblelegacyarchive #subarutelescope #naoj #messier63 #m63 #spiralgalaxy #ngc5055 #constellation #canesvenatici #thesunflowergalaxy #gas #dust #stars #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1512: The Inner Ring #nasa #apod #esa #hubblespacetelescope #ngc1512 #spiralgalaxy #nuclearring #stars #gas #dust #innerring #outerring #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Bright Spiral Galaxy M81 #nasa #apod #naoj #subarutelescope #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #telescope #m81 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #greatbear #ursamajor #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
M51: The Whirlpool Galaxy #nasa #apod #ngc5194 #spiralgalaxy #ngc5195 #companiongalaxy #m51 #gas #dust #stars #constellation #canesvenatici #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 891 vs Abell 347 #nasa #apod #ngc891 #spiralgalaxy #abell347 #galaxycluster #galaxies #telescope #interstellar #intergalactic #stars #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 1055 Close-up #nasa #apod #eso #naoj #ngc1055 #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #stars #gas #dust #constellation #cetus #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
M33: Triangulum Galaxy #nasa #apod #constellation #triangulum #m33 #spiralgalaxy #pinwheelgalaxy #triangulumgalaxy #stars #starcluster #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Clouds of Andromeda #nasa #apod #iac #m31 #andromedagalaxy #andromeda #galaxy #islanduniverse #spiralgalaxy #interstellar #gas #ionizedhydrogen #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Ribbons and Pearls of Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398 #nasa #apod #eso #spiralgalaxy #ngc1398 #stars #gas #dust #intergalactic #constellation #furnace #fornax #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 7331 Close-Up #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #ngc7331 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #pegasus #gas #dust #stars #galaxy #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Facing NGC 6946 #nasa #apod #naoj #subarutelescope #ngc6946 #spiralgalaxy #fireworksgalaxy #stars #gas #dust #constellation #cepheus #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 613 in Dust, Stars, and a Supernova #nasa #apod #esa #qub #hubble #spiralgalaxy #ngc613 #supernova #sn2016gkg #supergiantstar #detonationwave #star #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 253: Dusty Island Universe #nasa #apod #ngc253 #spiralgalaxy #islanduniverse #silverdollargalaxy #sculptorgalaxy #starburstgalaxy #gas #dust #stars #constellation #sculptor #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 247 and Friends #nasa #apod #chart32team #ngc247 #spiralgalaxy #needleseyegalaxy #constellation #cetus #burbidgeschainofgalaxies #galaxies #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 289: Swirl in the Southern Sky #nasa #apod #ngc289 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #sculptor #stars #star #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Facing NGC 3344 #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #ngc3344 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #leominor #stars #gas #dust #galaxy #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Rotation of the Large Magellanic Cloud Image Credit & Licence: ESA, Gaia, DPAC Explanation: This image is not blurry. It shows in clear detail that the largest satellite galaxy to our Milky Way, the Large Cloud of Magellan (LMC), rotates. First
NGC 6744 Close Up Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and the LEGUS team Explanation: Beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 6744 is nearly 175,000 light-years across, larger than our own Milky Way. It lies some 30 million light-years distant in the southern constellation