skuttz mod
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I can’t wait to break these in. I have fine points agaaaain I hate the tumblr app. I had a huge thank you typed out here and it dumped all of it. Tumblr fix your app. Its killing me. I waste so much time typing replies to people or descriptions on my
I am a dirty pervert.
Oh goodness you guys. Pardon my tits XD D: stoner mod reblogged boobs onto wrong blog. I meant to reblog it on my people-smutt blog. XD I didn’t realize why I was getting asks through my main blog about it until someone just sent me a message about
[tyrian-delirium] [DONE] [DONE] [changeling-stress-relief] [DONE] [aegisofz][Done] [Kitty] Anthro bust [DONE] [Anon][DONE] [Daf-mod][DONE] [the-smiling-pony] [DONE] [spypony][DONE] [retropony28][DONE] [Amber][DONE] jaxwolf [DONE] silvarrn[DONE]
Like, you know. Actually posting the chibis that I draw or something.I want to get more used to how the system works. Its a little wonky to upload things and a little unclear to me how to do it proper. So if you are one of my patreons, and see me post
I’m going to be filling more sketch slots. I need monies for the end of the month.I’m going to fix my post again with more pictures, and fix the information i am asking to be sent. Then i will be boosting that through the week.Deciding what upgrades
My task before the weekend was to collect commissions and get my files backed up and install my new OS. This was much harder than it needed to be for so many random reasons.So, now I have purchased SAI. I need to make and adjust some tools and shiz.So
Despite my stubborn attempts to prove otherwise, I can’t write or draw right handed. At least for the time being, and for however long it takes. Assuming the nerve damage heals with time. Even trying to draw for an hour or two will leave me in pain
Today is the day.Not that i’ve been terribly active lately anyways, but I might drop off for a week or two after my surgery.No idea how long until i can draw again, but I believe it will be much quicker healing this time around. Then i can start physical
Who wants a mod pic? I was tired of feeling so blue, so I tried a little purple instead ;D
going away for the weekend, and since I do not have a laptop I will be puterless. I will be even less available than usual XP Going to sew and draw while i am house sitting, but a little warning: i got art-nostalgic and started going through my archive
I wanted to be a graphic designer back when I started my senior year in high school. An over-bearring teacher turned down everything i did because she didn’t think it was “my best” forcing me to end up doing project after project at
7 followers from 3k!
She’s and old friend who was trying to move back in state. Timing worked perfect. She fits into our kinky lifestyle perfect. She is an an interview for a job right now. Things might finally be okay for me soon for the first time in too long. :)
I am not answering any messages. I am about to start reblogging this daily because i guess people are either missing the post or missing the concept. Its not my fault if you take offense to my absence. If you are a barista working at Starbucks, and
I’m….not really the best, but i like sharing knowlege and i have picked a few tricks up over the years. **Suggest a topic if you are interested in drawing tutorials, and i will hold a poll to choose if i go through with it. (things to work
YO:I got so set back, i forgot about a little sewing project I have to finish for tomorrow. I’m almost caught up from being stuck for a little bit, and then I will be pouring out the pr0nI’ll be uploading some sketches to patreon tonight too. Unf.
If anyone happens to be going, let me know. Would be awesome to say hi! :D I am going to scope out merch and vendors and see if the desire is still in my heart to push to vend, or if i am going elsewhere career wise (metal working/tattooing). But i am
Happy Easter peeps~~! I almost forgot it was possible to have fun sometimes. Just gotta let go and step out your comfort zone to try new things. I feel envigorated!! Had a great time with mah bestie (WHO WAS IN A SICK ASS PRISON SCHOOL MAKO COSPLAY!!)
skuttzdoescosplay: I just straight up made a Cosplay blog since it *could* go on my mod blog, but i dont want to spam anywhere else. I loved this pic so much, so I’ll use this one for the announcement :P I’ll be working on armor n shit for next
I mean, Mei and Sombra are pretty much where i am at right now, but i am curious about general fan pairings :o Zarya x ?
Am i gross if i want to draw and sell cute things but my main bag is still pin ups and porn? I want to vend conventions…but if some poor fuck buys a cute Applejack chibi at a convention and then goes to my tumblr i might melt their decency and
I’ve been really busy. Last week turned into getting ready for a job interview, as well as trying to finish my welding project for my mom. What does this mean: i do not think i will be taking on further commission work once my checks come in.
Sometimes when i get so hungry….i imagine eating food. I just started thinking about how good it is savoring the last bite. Rolling it around in your mouth. Letting it cover all the pallet zones on your tongue, sampling its sweet and tarts…
Putting in my two weeks tomorrow. Gonna miss the money, but i cant make a 70 mile round trip commute and pay for parking to get cut after an hour and a half. I spent ฤ to get there, and made ภ on the clock. I spent 5 hours to lose Ŭ. Done. So done.
I have been scheduled for nothing but bussing tables for two weeks and its fucking wrecking me.I put in my two weeks wednesday night when i got on shift, and when i left at night someone had shattered my car window in the parking garage :/Just been in
Stream after the eclipse! :o getting set up while i wait, and I’ll hop on to work afterwards! Keep an eye out for the PICZEL link! (currently swapping over from picarto due to reasons.)
Daddydog’s kitty hasn’t been doing so hot. Bailed on working today to visit and say goodbye and offer my condolences. To anyone who has ever awkwardly had to hear me meow at shit in old mic streams, its that kitty’s fault. Always walke
I’ll just not be to hard on it and give it another go fresh next week.I shut our sliding door wrong with my bad hand last night, and it has angered the cyst that affects my grip. I just tried to draw, and it was bad enough I shouldn’t push it right
My neck is fucked up dudes.One wrong sneeze and it hurts to look down and my neck is grinding worse.I guess its time for a short break from working :( got a dr appointme t and trying to get into some more physical therapy again.
Skupdate: thanks again for the patience.So, my neck is starting to do a bit better. The inlaws came to town to visit for a bit, and i got knocked down with my mystery tummy troubles again not eating for a week. Still alive, still here, just….pretty not be moving until September (it looks like there is a lot available, and when you call they have nothing.) So i’ll still be taking donations while I work, stream, and clean~!!
New porn-station location~
I’ve been doing a lot better since I moved! Internet should be back this week :D*internal screetching*My birthday is the 14th, my ass is going to be able to have regular streams again. I am regulating the food that is bough so i can’t eat
Yo: I’ve been really sick again. Be back ASAP.I’ve been struggling with real bad GI issues flairing up again, havent been able to eat. That jazz.As soon as i have some energy I’ll be back on the horse!Patreons, get your suggestions ready
xxx tumblr
likeableartist: krinomi: skuttz-mod: 3dmat: “Dealing” with art block Its the only way. That’s about right right on the money *cough cough*