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savarend replied to your post: What pronouns do you ask your tour groups to use? gender is like the worst thing why did people ever decide they could gender others But actually. Because now I’m super nervous about what to do with my gender identity
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: You know what, I… how fitting that thor is incest in this case I’m trying to think of a witty comment, but I think I’m just going to leave yours as it and not ruin it.
savarend replied to your post: 30 Day OTP Challenge Day 2->Cuddling Somewhere, Fili/Bilbo/Kili THEY GAVE HIM A ROCK IM It was a shout out to you :o) <3333333
savarend replied to your post: Soooo, I think I’m just going to write that… omg im so excited for this i love college AUs :D Ah yayy. I do, too! I abandoned a college AU in another fandom and it made me sad so I want to go through with it
savarend replied to your photo: Soooo, I got a fifty dollar giftcard to Amazon. I… my brother has the warg set and the little wargs are the cutest things. but i alsohavent seen the adorable that lego bofur must be so I was looking at the wargs
savarend said: im sorry :( parents can really fucking suck sometimes But rly tho. I’m just super messed up from it and it’s three am here so it’s kind of a really bad combination to be dealing with while actively interacting
savarend replied to your post: Duties, Fili&Kili fic WHY THIS I asked myself the same thing after I wrote it tbh. Also, I’m working on my college AU and I don’t think that’s even going to have a happy ending? DON’T EVEN LOOK
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Duties, Fili&Kili… so my local toys r us has hobbit figures and i almost bought the fili&kili set but i then imagined just running up to the register, throwing it on the counter
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to… ah crap speaking of online shopping i need to purchase a tv and also a ps3 and possibly some kind of hobbit-related shit. gotta psyche myself up to spend more than
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to… i have a โ amazon gift certificate too. torn between the inda books and monster high stuff. i’m a parody of myself I heard about the Inda books through Jasper.
savarend replied to your post: æ ❁ ☼ oMG <3 I ADORE YOU! I know that this is super soon in our ~relationship, but you’re lovely.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: æ ❁ ☼ oMG omg omg im blushing. but me too gosh you are really great Wehhh this makes me so happy and blushy!
savarend replied to your post: DEAN O’GORMAN’S CHARACTER JUST GOT STABBED. I… WHY WOULD YOU HURT SOMETHING WITH SUCH A GLORIOUS NOSE. and attractive rest of the face but i mean. nose. really. If it’s any consolation, he survived! BUT
savarend replied to your post: I have a mighty need. It’s fics dedicated to… me, always. also oh btw i found some kili transfic idk if youve read it already but im trying to finally post my rec list (i have the gen section all formatted and ready
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I have a mighty… hobbit-kink.livejournal… Ahhh thank you :)
savarend replied to your post: Kotetsu? kotetsu/karina more like HAHAHAHA NO I just… Karinaaaa. I actually love her a lot. I just want her to be happy. Also, let’s be real, she could find herself a babe.
savarend replied to your post: KILI HEH HEH HEH WATER U HEH-ING AT?
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Kotetsu?… I LOVE KARINA SO MUCH OMG SHES FANTASTIC! i just. dislike the ship for /way/ too many reasons. Totally understandable. There’s a lot of issues to be had with that ship
savarend replied to your post: Graham is playing the new Neopets multiplayer… i should. play that. when i dont have like five billion tabs open and my computer is no longer in danger of exploding I haven’t played it yet, either, probably
savarend replied to your photo: The HOBBIT + LOTR 2 by 黒い鳩 (click on the source… this picture is a complete mystery to me, if not utterly delightful I feel as though it’s another case of “things I didn’t know I needed until
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I really like… all my favourite things are thorin being really bad at things. did you know there are at least four fics about thorin getting lost. and in one of them they somehow make
savarend replied to your post: Being Human AKA Simultaneously Aroused and… isnt that all the time tho Basically. Not quite coming to terms with feelings toward Aidan Turner: The Blog: The Life
savarend replied to your post: I should write fics with genderqueer readings. I… barnaby? pao-lin? frodo? idk i dont have any good ideas for this but i think pao-lin’s gender ought to be dragon Pao-Linnnn <3 Augh she’s so genderqueer
savarend replied to your post: It’s probably time to go to bed. Or at least stop… THOOOOOOOOOORIN It’s coming out more like Thooroin oh dear.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: It’s probably time… oin, gloin, and thoroin That’s how the line of Durin goes, right? ALSO I ACCIDENTALLY TYPED “LOIN OF DURIN” GODDAMMT.
savarend replied to your post: I’m cheering for the 49ers, because their… goddammit tumblr i was going to say you should cheer for them cos theyre /my/ team and i dont give a fuck about sports but the niners are a family legacy Aww! Now I’m
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Therapy… yeah one of the reasons i stopped going to therapy is because i tend to verbally downplay my problems so therapists dont grasp the magnitude of how messed up i am. but i believe
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Just had a… i havent checked yet but the weekend is finally over SENDING LOTS OF HAPPY VIBES IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION <3
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: jessthebear replied… same i just. why does this happen to me. no but rly tho I just finished up chapter 16 please put me out of my misery.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to… im so sorry. i am here for you in this time of need Thank you. Because right now it’s me swaddled in blankets eating therapy ice cream cheering “GO
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I just finished… i just dont know how to function if frodo doesnt grow up with sam AU of the Sons of Durin AU in which Sam comes with.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to… who says thats an au. bilbo is like “well i once broke like thirteen guys out of prison how hard can stealing a child be” Provided without comment.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to… hardened criminal bilbo baggins I am trying to explain this to my housemates and nobody appreciates it :(
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I may have just… me but with monster high dolls oh god I guess I put Fili and Kili together. Then… like. Bilbo between Thorin and Bofur? That’s all I got. And I
savarend replied to your post: babrahamlincoln replied to your post: savarend… do you want my number to text whenever you need handholding? I don’t want to put you through that, really D: I get like it so frequently, I’d feel awful.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I’m doing it,… haha i played flute and was atrocious Oops, I’m imaging you as a bb with a too-large flute oops.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: iambickilometer… wow i did. the exact same thing in summer ‘09. same reasons and everything. also i found my reclist:… That is comforting in a weird way?
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I may need to get a… i hope thorin gets really mad at him and then gets all emotional JESUS CHRIST, BLYTHE, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME WITH FEELINGS? BECAUSE YOU’RE DOING A REALLY
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: If anyone’s around,… oh also thorin making dwalin dress up nice for some political thing and then ogling him every five seconds like “oh no he’s hot” WHICH HE SOMEHOW NEVER NOTICED
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: What if I just… dude, they are being aggressively gross i think you’re more than entitled to be upset and unsafe feeling. they’re willfully being a disgusting piece of shit Yeah,
savarend replied to your post: icefeels replied to your post: savarend replied to… tony would make a terrible ravenclaw. leave that shit to bruce banner and reed richards, dude Hahahah yessss. I guess the fandom doesn’t want to break up
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Tiger & Bunny AU in… FRICK. he and pao-lin in an adoptive dragon family. A DRAGONRIDER AU. what if their dragons are named after their superhero codenames. except pao-lin’s cuz
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Also, if you do… i’m really sad too :( man i was really excited about t&b i actually managed to start watching before it was over so i had to wait for episodes WHICH WAS TORTURE
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to… YES OH MY GOD my headcanon is that she’s very brash and aggressive and gets in fights a lot especially with misogynists YES PLEASE. I just see her as this badass
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: I’ve been wanting… i don’t think anyone can actually hear the noise i made into my hands but oh god i’m gonna cry Noooo don’t cry! It’s happy seeee? Only
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post… i wish i could do something for you. do you want piles of kittens i mean queer punk au prompts? That’s actually exactly what I need. I just didn’t want to write without
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post… my right arm is slowly coming back to life this is so pathetic I can move my fingers, so I can type and stuff. But any major movement of my arm is an effort.
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post… i mean hopefully a doctor would be able to help you find one that’s good or at least has side effects that won’t tamper with your working/teaching ability Yeah, that’s a good
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post: Not really here… they’re like “armin it fits your butt perfectly” Mikasa and Eren have to arrange mirrors strategically to prove this to him.
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your post “I think the saddest thing about writing…” ugh my children ;~; but at the same time think about how much better off bert and annie and reiner are. ymir too, although she still has
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your post “I want to write something for Eremin…” their first date as boyfriends??? idk. armin’s birthday? omg I’m trying to think about them trying to date in earnest. And
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your … they…” jean ruins everything Jean’s sisters just want to hang out with Eren and Armin and he’s like “WILL YOU NOT OH GOD WHY”
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your post “indevan replied to your post…” i’m going to fly into the sun and bring back a chunk to bludgeon them with >| hopefully they’ll find him acceptable tho :x yeah well
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your photo “live from dallas-fort worth airport…” i think the airport actually closes at night?? probably? i know the san jose one close by 11ish yeah I mean yeah… I figured there’d
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your post: I don’t want to reblog the quote from…” in as much as ya isn’t technically a genre it’s still a. type of book i guess. and yeah there’s waaaaay more out there
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post “trying … they’re all very important but jean is just. the least secure about his position in life and i think that might be what makes his part in the story so ripe for the telling.
savarend replied to your post “savarend replied to your post: I also need a backup plan in case I…” just dress up as yourself during the day but put your armin wig on it’ll be perfect I’m not punk rock enough to just use my own
savarend replied to your post: savarend replied to your post “I am so… at the same time tho, it’s representative of how fandom constantly mischaracterized armin as cute and sweet when he isn’t Oh, entirely. It’s interesting seeing