sad really
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Sadness expressions of the Zodiac Signs
i really wished you were here with me right now. cause i really want you to tell me that everything is gonna be okay..
in the end nobody seems to really care at all..
I feel so torn right now between 2 things I care about. I really should just call a friend to talk it out but I can’t seem to bring myself to do that. I’ve been in a such a good fucking mood all day the last thing I imagined was I’d
coyocoyo: The Bully This comic I made over a year ago, but I’ve touched it up since and I’m happy to share it on tumblr C: while I’ve improved immensely since I made this, I’m still really proud of myself for making it. ps. this was during a
I think this is the point when I officially remove myself from the Tiger & Bunny fandom. I really don’t want to do this. I love the source material. I love that it has provided me with nonbinary characters that I can relate to. I am pretty
I give up. I really, truly do. Because no matter how many warning signs I basically scream at people, nobody in my life outside of a few people wh oare way too far away to really give me the support necessary for this type of stuff are actually going
I just looked at a huge pile of dishes and actually felt my knees shake. Also, being home alone was the last thing I needed today. If I make it through this day unscathed, it’s going to be really impressive.
I think what kills me about the shittiness of this summer is that I really thought I had a decent group of friends, online and off. I thought living with my SO would help (and it has) but my mental health issues are really bad and my friends are not
I did this really ugly thing all day when I kind of shook my phone periodically and hoped to magically hear from people. I’ve also decided to stop looking at Facebook, because it’s either going to tell me 1. no one I’m friends with gives
really sad don’t bother looking at this ahhhhhhh I sent a message to people explaining the falling out and no one? really said anything? I don’t know if I’m supposed to expect it. I don’t know what to expect. I also keep doing
wow I wish I could go back to like. an hour ago. really really badly. I am actually incapable of being happy and I don’t know what to do
“my life has been pleasant right now. i don’t feel like discussing this.” hah hahah fuck you I just said a long string of slurs and it’s so fucking UGLY AND I HATE IT I HATE HER and honestly I really don’t feel comfortable
I get it, I’m unstable and I’m not really a person. I’m going to just quit student teaching and probably kill myself. there. that’ll make everyone be able to move on with their lives.
Today was one of those days I really needed somebody. Guess what? I didn’t get it. So… backing away from life and giving up. yeah.
i want to relapse haaaaaaaaah i mean i haven’t hit this point really during the entirety of this horrible ordeal but I’M AT THIS POINT NOW.
I can’t even cry anymore. There’s no point. Nobody really cares. At least anyone remotely interested in/able to support me in person. This is how it ends. This sucks.
a year ago I had a home full of people I cared about and who I really, truly thought cared about me, too. now I can’t stay in my own apartment, because I don’t feel safe and the people who live there don’t really care to make me feel
I may just go to bed, because I shouldn’t be flooding people’s dashes. I shouldn’t be talking to people who don’t really care. I shoudln’t be talking about people who are happy and over me. I know I need to remove
I can’t even do things that are fun correctly. I should just kill myself. I dont have any friends. I don’t have any hobbies that aren’t stupid. I’m worthless and nobody really reaches out when they see these posts anyway.
i’m driving way too many people away to really think it’s any one’s fault but my own. problem is, i don’t even know how the fuck i could fix this about me.
Does anyone here who’s trans go through phases where you really can’t look at yourself in the mirror because you dont look at all like you want to? Because that’s happening to me rn and its not good
still really fucked up over seeing a picture of an ex friend on Instagram two days ago ………………………………………….. god bless
I’m a week into the semester and I already had to pull the “I have an undiagnosed mental illness and it makes being a student really hard!!!!!!” card. I’m a fucking disaster please kill me.
i had a group project that i was supposed to present with people from the dance program on wednesday and LO AND BEHOLD THEY DROPPED OUT THIS WEEKEND, BECAUSE THE CONTENT WAS TOO DIFFICULT FOR THEM. So now I’m just really confused, having intense
suicide cw, assault cw jeeeeez I’m at the lowest low fuck. I guess I’m just realizing how hopeless everything truly is? My ex-best friend left me. My really close friend who ~understood me and made me feel safe violated me. Now any
Things are not really great right now. I dont really know what to do and I’m scared.
this is so silly but I broke out kind of bad and I’m really upset about it? I haven’t changed anything in my makeup routine and the only theory I can come up with is that the zits line up with where I rest the phone against my face when
I witnessed a really fucked up thing at work today and I don’t know what to do (talks about robin williams and suicide) I didn’t hear any discussion about robin williams at work this morning, which was a little weird, but whatever. we were
things are getting really bad but if I talk to someone I’ll probably inadvertently out the person who assaulted me and hah… haaaaaaaaah. hah.
I was doing really good this week, but of course the moment I have down time I just feel that kick in the stomach of oh. right. that thing happened to me. I still feel broken from that and no professional success can fix that.
I’ve also internalized that no one really wants to hear about anything I have to say, which sucks. I want to talk about my experience rereading chernow’s hamilton biography or my kids or fandom stuff and I just kind of go “stop talking
assault cw, nsfw text, tmi (overshare monday sorry) I think what really pissed me off about my assault, and still does really, is that I didn’t even have a great comfort level with sexuality before it happened. dysphoria fucked me up a lot and
nsfw text, mentioned after effects of assault etc I hate feeling broken. and there’s not really a reason to feel broken, but I still do. even having sex now is me going “I don’t react how I used to I don’t feel the way I used
this is also probably working in tandem with the fact that I just slumped really fucking bad right now and I don’t even know how to cope hah hah so of course I’m going to just. be terrible and a mess. but also have it attack the parts
talks about #assault/exes I get so stressed out when I see a person like a whole bunch of my shit in a row. which is absolutely ridiculous. and yet I still get really stressed out, because it’s what they did and they assaulted me and the past
hhhhhh I’m really freaking out rn fuuuuck turns out my ex-best friend is moving back to her parent’s place? which is like. within walking distance of the school I work at. and I’m just. feeling physically ill thinking about it.
I think what really sucked about this year for me, aside from the horrible current events, is that I did so much I should be proud of. I completed my master’s, survived going on interviews, and I got a teaching job. But no! This is the year
Today has not been a good day then again I don’t really have good days so. Its whatever I guess.
lmao why am I trying to go out tonight I really just want to curl up and cry or be self destructive, because I can’t produce anger right now. I’m not angry. I don’t really feel anything and that’s usually the sign that I’m
I’m not even mad that people aren’t saying much to me. Because, really? It’s a sad situation and I totally get that there isn’t much that can be said. I’m sorry I’m whining so much, I’ll just move it to
so basically I had a panic attack earlier today and almost had one during dinner. the rest of the time I just felt bad/ill/stressed/panicked/whatever the fuck. I’m just. really freaked out and upset. because it was so long since I had physical
I feel hideous rn and its really bad I usually am fine with looking very Italian but other than that whatever but I’m breaking out and I don’t look like how I want and things are not great rn
also I kind of entirely dissociated while running homeroom yesterday? I didn’t realize it until kids pointed it out. I’m actually really scared about the New and Weird things my brain comes up with.
I am going through a wave of like. really bad thoughts. and you’d think after dealing with this shit for basically my whole life, i’d be better at handling it, but I’m not. I’m not even sure what to ask for, even. I’m sorry.
I think what’s really frustrating about whatever my head is doing is that it’s sliding back to how I felt when I was in high school? the whole you’re hideous/nobody likes you/you’re fucking useless. and I’m sure it’s
I literally want to die and I feel like nobody really gives a shit? I mean, a few people do. but I’ve wanted to die nonstop for four days and just. haven’t gotten much support. I guess I’m fake and not really mentally ill which is cool?
lmao sudden wave of gender dysphoria coolI think I just keep getting into a weird funk because of cosplay-related stuff????? like I get really defeated, because there’s characters I’d really love to cosplay in earnest (maki, fuku, joseph)
turns out one of the cylinders in my engine misfired. it really had nothing to do with the snow. so it’s either get a new engine, or fix it for more than the price of an engine.the biggest problem with all this is that I literally don’t have
I slept on it and to be frank, I never want to speak to my parents ever again.I really don’t see the point. I should definitely wait until I have a full time job before I do anything permanent, but… what’s really stopping me, other
demigirljoseph: gulps nervouslyRead More I think what I should do is tell them about this? but idk how to say anything without sounding really Crazy and Evil. Uh. please help.
so it turns out they’re not renewing my contract and I’m out of a job.I am absolutely terrified and really suicidal right now so I don’t really know what to do.that’s all I guess.
uuugh tmi nsfw post about gender dysphoria………….last night gwyn was like “oh yeah remember when I used to be able to touch your breasts and nearly get you off?” last night, adding “you know… before you really used
rosemochi:harrierdoobie:shoutout to everyone dealing with. thhe fucking difficultythe fact that all of my mutuals immediately reblogged this from me really says something about all of us, doesn’t it
theravenchilde: cherabby: “Man humans are lame why don’t we have like wings/horns/etc” Humans can’t even handle having different skin colors how well do you really think that would go #basically the plot of x-men
Sadness was once one of the seven deadly sins
really though, if you felt sad today bc you didnt have someone please know that I love you very much <333
If everyone really knew how sad I am they would put me in a mental institution
Someone that care about me should bully me put me in chastity and never let me access the keys. Really cute idea. Really like it a lot.
i stayed up all night reading a really emotional fic about sad yuris and i’M NOT EVER FINISHED READING IT