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me-loves-strawberries replied to your photo: No Name He remembers onstage, sometimes. Flashes… It’s perfect omg ;w; Now I actually want someone to write this *subtly glances at you* It’s beautifully heartwrenching ♥ RMW, Day 1 - it’s
arteriuss replied to your post: RivaMika sad headcanon, for arteriuss dAMN IT DAM NTI F CKU NO WH AT THE HEL L I DDINT’ WATN THIS ≖‿≖
lampurple replied to your photo: “WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS I AM DYING LOL I even had to zoom out my…” not me but you SHOULD look at it again …not sure if you’re responsible for Penis-kun or Senpai
baconhood replied to your post: RivaMika sad headcanon, for arteriuss AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! ≖‿≖
midnight-in-town replied to your post: Do you know if it’s unusual that Isayama finished the chapter earlier? I’m trying my best not be nervous about the next chapter but him finishing early makes me think something huge is going to happen
rickenstark replied to your photo:15-year-olds have a lot of responsibilities. i don’t have my glasses on. is this ceo levi AU Hahaha no, it’s young King Livius from Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii! He looks like a mix between Lelouch and Levi
lampurple replied to your post:Well, it is confirmed info. It came from shonenmagazine(.)com/bmaga/index(.)html But thank you! I’m screaming, I’m hoping it’s what I think it issssss i.e. Ackerman showdown I will honestly be shocked if this next
ackersexual replied to your post:There’s a panel appearing in the chapter 58 tags. Some people are saying it’s a rotated panel from chapter 53, but when you compare the two they’re definitely different. So it looks like maybe the first
riahchan replied to your post:I’m also laughing at Jean’s reaction in this… I wonder if the other 104 kids know about Eren and Mikasa’s past? They may not have heard the info from the trial or seen the times that Mikasa has threatened
megillien replied to your post: For the anon who just asked about Isayama’s love for Levi Also I think he mentioned in an interview or something that we was bullied as a kid because of his short stature? Lol talk about creating the embodiment
lampurple replied to your photo: In case you’re wondering, this is Crunchyroll’s… Mad libs, Chapter 58 version??? I can’t believe no one has done it yet, lmao. THAT WAS WHY I PUT THAT THERE.
me-loves-strawberries replied to your post: Ongaku - RivaMika *looks at own stuff, reads yours, throws own away* Perfection in every syllable, truly a masterpiece. I almost cried the tears they couldn’t ;w; Don’t you DARE throw anything away!!
alodia-belle replied to your post: Ongaku - RivaMika HOLYCRAP, you have no idea how much I was bawling my eyes out when I was reading this! This was so freakin perfect, so beautifully written. Fukushuu you are so amazing. Wow, I am just soo amazed
me-loves-strawberries replied to your post:Rhapsodies in Blue (Chapter II) - RivaMika This is utter perfection… seriously can’t describe it in words. Don’t you dare end it there (please *puppy eyes*) Thank you!! I’ll try not to stop here,
heterochromania replied to your post:Rhapsodies in Blue (Chapter II) - RivaMika EYELASH MORSE CODE IDK MORSE CODE
me-loves-strawberries replied to your post:Dulcius Ex Asperis (Prologue) - RivaMika Gorgeous beyond belief.. How you included even the scars as resemblance for their bond, seriously can’t wait for the next part. Also ‘LOL NO’ .. omg I’m crackling.He’ll
monidon replied to your post:Dulcius Ex Asperis (Prologue) - RivaMika I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN! This actually reminds me of “The Duo” period drama. A LOT A LOT. omg Ohhh I’ve never seen this series! But I just read the synopsis and
arteriuss replied to your post: “Dulcius Ex Asperis (Prologue) - RivaMika” my poo r hear t is no t goin g to mak e it g ooD
arteriuss replied to your video: A Summer Violence (Trailer) All I care about… wha t havE YOU DONE F UCK committed the murder of arteriuss apparently
redscarfedsoldier replied to your video: A Summer Violence (Trailer) All I care about… Mizuhara Kiko, Jaejoong and Isayama probably gather together and have secret meetings about your blog and fics yes I am sure of it now. OH WHAT I WOULD GIVE
story-of-el replied to your photoset: Levi and Mikasa (ARTFX J) by Kotobukiya I’m… How much did each of them cost? :o The MSRP for each Levi is 11,000 Yen, which converts to about 贌 USD (Not including shipping)! Mikasa is 12,000 Yen
titaniachiru replied to your photoset:Izumi’s face = legit my face as this moment… Mikasa would probably wear the same expression but Levi would be so disgusted someone write this I AGREE. SOMEONE MUST WRITE THIS. NEW METHOD OF RECRUITING
captain-kat-celestial replied to your post:↖ Changed my avatar for the first… It’s beautiful (๑◕ฺ‿ฺ◕ฺ๑) Thank you! (*⌒∇⌒*) I think a few people are going to do serious double-takes before they realize who this “random
falcon94ssy replied to your post:Oh my god what if Ymir is an Ackerman and is the Y of that theory that there are 26 members of the Ackerman clan with first names according to the letters of the alphabet??? see my Kenny Levi Mikasa picture~XD Your art
tankfromvenus replied to your post:I don’t have work today… So here goes another day… so glad you could join us Right now I’m going through fics from my own recs tag, haha. Gotta love our talented fandom!
xavalos replied to your photoset: “Where are we?” “The Forest of Giant Trees.” … IS THERE A FIC FOR THIS I NEED IT …in my head?? IDK. FEEL FREE TO WRITE IT.
ackergay replied to your post:In case you missed it You kinda mistag it as eruri? 8D Haha no it’s not a mistag! For the most part these are pretty general, informative posts, so the headcanons should go across fandoms! (The original Chinese
psyxi0 replied to your post:On the horoscope translation I noticed Taurus wasn’t on the list? Eren & Jean both had Aries ? Sorry for asking😔 just curious as to why? Connie is Taurus. Maybe they did duplicates of Leo, Aries and Aquarius
rickenstark replied to your photo:New official art poster preview (Source; to be… it’s so strange b/c anime levi is so much skinnier than manga levi and idk it just makes me wonder why they didn’t want tiny buff levi Let’s see how
voltisubito replied to your post:You wished really really hard like on a star for that Mizuhara Kiko casting, didn’t you? *smiles and hugs you* well… considering Kiko Mizuhara’s actually *of* Korean descent (her mom’s an ethnic Korean resident
draconequis replied to your post:Holy crap holy crap holy crap Kiko is probably… Plot twist she’s actually Levi I will laugh for a year if this happens lmao
elilee23 replied to your photo: “First look at the Shingeki no Kyojin film’s military uniform!…” she wont be Mikasa T___T, Maki Horikita will play Mikasa Quite a few fans considered Horikita Maki as a possible actress for Mikasa, but
fire-senshi: fuku-shuu: elilee23 replied to your photo: “First look at the Shingeki no Kyojin film’s military uniform!…” she wont be Mikasa T___T, Maki Horikita will play Mikasa Quite a few fans considered Horikita Maki as a possible
beatotsundere replied to your post: Hi, what exactly are the hangeki no tsubasa things? I’m confused about the numbers and pictures and such… I miss soo many of them… Could you post them somewhere for download maybe? I plan to! Please
fuku-shuu: beatotsundere replied to your post: Hi, what exactly are the hangeki no tsubasa things? I’m confused about the numbers and pictures and such… I miss soo many of them… Could you post them somewhere for download maybe? I plan to!
vic-fuentabulous replied to your post:What if Levi came from a noble/rich family? And for some reason they were taken away or murdered for a crime or something and his parents covered up his last name so he wouldn’t get hurt? Maybe that’s
phantomkim replied to your post:was Nile gonna join the Survey corps with Erwin originally? Oh, I thought that Nile had planned on going with Erwin in the Survey Corps, but he met his wife, and decided that he wouldn’t be able to be with her if he
nazgwen replied to your post: There are so many actors that look like Levi! Jaejoong, Dane Dehaan, Cillian Murphy, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Kristen Stewart….:) But this fandom chose Dane Dehaan xD Of all those, I quite prefer Kristen.
mybedismade-mysweaterison replied to your photo:hattubel: This is so Levi!!! Mikasa is 3DMG-flying above him and he’s thinking: “Damn…She’s so…. beautiful…” :-D Oh yes yes I like this yes
darlingpoppet replied to your post: Do you happen to know how popular the Eren/Armin pairing is in Japan? Since the pairing got its own fake preview in the manga (J-Pop Hell Arc), I was wondering if its close to Eren/Levi or Eren/Mikasa levels in terms
mrsdanikins replied to your post: I agree. A lot of people think Isayama will just do what he wants anyway in terms of killing off characters (Levi specifically) but considering he saved Sasha because the editor recommended not killing her (I believe?)
arteriuss replied to your photoset:“Sweet?” “It tastes like you…like the most… b r u h l m a o
sirspamzalot replied to your post:so nanaba is a non-binary character, but she’s portrayed as male in the anime right? because Krista said “Yes sir” to Nanaba while they were on the expedition. Nanaba is portrayed as fem in the anime
chronic-aesthete replied to your photoset:New Hangeki no Tsubasa class for Eren & Mikasa! … wikipedia entry on Light Infantry (skirmishers): “… These became designated as rifle regiments in Britain and Jäger (hunter) regiments in German
bibi-sp replied to your post:Do you know Hajime Isayama’s real twitter account? Yes, he has it! It is @hajime_isayama I have been informed previously that this is fake - and I believe it’s fake as well. The official editor-san Twitter
patchedworklife: fuku-shuu: rivaidere replied to your post:You know that manga characters’ name will be changed once they’re translated into chinese/mandarin (like One Piece’s Luffy become Lufu or something). I wonder how SnK characters name
revaill replied to your post: Levi’s actual canon eye color is grey, which makes it perfectly possible for the color to be perceived different depending on angle/light His true eye color is grey, depending on the Light Source and Time, his hues
voltisubito replied to your post: prompt: rivamika, some kind of kpop au :D *LEVI OPPA* THAT IS ALL I EVER WANTED TBH
kaposiopesis replied to your post: prompt: rivamika, some kind of kpop au :D NOW I WANT TO SEE ACTUAL LEVI DO THE GWIYOMI THIS IS CLOSE ENOUGH
soterianyx replied to your photoset: “If I don’t make it today, brat - any gear I leave… I love this one Mika. Absolutely. Love. It. I’ll possibly borrow this idea later if you don’t mind—it fits in quite nicely for something I
mrsdanikins replied to your post:hi!! so i had a question about levi’s old squad but i didn’t know who to ask. before there was a special operations squad for the purpose of keeping watch over eren, did levi have those members (meaning petra,
lampurple replied to your post: So do you know how the fandom says Levi is French? Idk, I personally think he’s Greek since his name is from Hebrew origins. I think he could pass off as a Jewish Greek man. Considering what Jesus Camp is about,
excylala replied to your photoset:Hangeki no Tsubasa Overview Starter Classes -… I know Marco’s gone and all but I really wish he was included in these ;_;. Thank you for your sharing of these!! I’ve never seen all of the sets before! You’re
kerbecks1 replied to your post:Duty - RivaMika Wow okay that was not okay my feels hurt again thx. But very well written, I love the fact that there is not really any direct dialogue, it fits it perfectly! Thank you for reading! <3 Sorry not sorry
k-lionheart replied to your post:Duty - RivaMika *laughs* *laughs some more* *laughs until heaving* *heaving sobs* *cries hideously* *cries a lot* ;_____; :D
monidon replied to your post:Duty - RivaMika I had a feeling you’d do that. Still, it excuses nothing! ;_; I REGRET NOTHING A CHOICE WITH NO REGRETS
nadyaackerman replied to your post:Wow. Demasiada nostalgia. :’) Voy a leer el fic de nuevo, aunque me gustaría poder hacerlo en español, porque mi inglés es muy malo. xD I love you, Mika-sama! Ahh! No te preocupes. Estudié un poco de español
mirazel replied to your post:top 3 animes?? otps?? idk food i wasn’t surprised about snk not being in the top 3 but i’m surprised about rivamika not being in the top 3 :O you’re like one of the big name captains of our ship!!! Hahaha I’m
pharaoh-doll replied to your photoset:It looks like we’ll be seeing new official art,… They’re all from the card game. I can scan the cards for you, if you’d like! I think I have all but the Bertolt one. Ohhh! I guess that’s why
otaku-turning-fujoshi replied to your photo:Animedia’s January 2015 cover, featuring Kuroko no… Thats Haruka and Makoto from the anime Free! Eternal Summer Bottom left, not bottom right :) I know and adore the Free! guys - wouldn’t