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Okay, all happy again. ♥
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Hello there Flamel, cute Vani. I hope it has 1k matk. Otherwise it’s just cute. XD
I don’t know WHY, but this picture makes me go… “Ohai Randel. You, me and handcuffs - questions?” *facedesk* Karu needs a life.
Twisted. Yet it fascinates me. *shrugs*
Fsds. Bye sanity. o/
Even strong ones are allowed to have their moments of weakness.
Sucks to be you Howard. Eremes just isn’t your bitch. :3 It takes a Seyren to make that sinx bend over. ♥
Holy sh— Hai dere. *w*; ♥
Thank you for reminding me why Margaretha is my ultimate favorite female from the third floor.
Eremes. ‘Nuff said. *w*;
I’m so sorry Eremes, but… Oh my dear god, isn’t that just CUTE!? Now, where’s the nearest adoption agency, I wish to adopt this little thing. *w*
Finally something new on Pixiv. \o/ Chen, you lucky, lucky bastard. ~ Nonetheless, she’s my favorite Bio 4 female. ♥
Celia. ♥
I’m effed. Can’t focus at all anymore.
The tarot cards of my life.
Oh God, how heartbreaking can one simple drawing be. .__.
*whimpers* ;~;
… … … *recovers from fainting* I need a bucket. Sorry Eremes. ;~;
Thank you once again Chen for making me melt. *bangs her head against the desk* Stupid… Bio… obsession…
*flails* I’m Eremes deprived and will be until my husband is able to play again. So I’ll just drool over this for now.
Looking good as always. ♥
After a year!
Talk to the foot cause the face isn’t listening Howard! Good boy Seyren. ♥
Karu needs to find a corner and a bucket now. Kthxbai. @w@;
Why does Kathryne get a kitty Chen but I don’t!? D: He’s soooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuute. *squeals* Click the picture for the whole comic, it’s a link. :3
Sometimes I find Celia more beautiful than Margaretha. But then again, when I play, I main a professor myself. x3
Just found this. Makes me melt partially. Sorry again Eremes. ;~;
I need to remember to kill my dearest ingame husband for making my OTP split up in RP. *gets her Krishna*
Way to go Howard, you pissed off Seyren YET AGAIN. XD PS: I feel sorry for you Eremes. ♥
Well. It’s my birthday now and there’s a new Eremes art on Pixiv as you can see. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME 8D /slur … Am I the only one who can’t help but stare at those eyes and melt? *w*
It still makes me feel fluffy. Oh so fluffy.
Kitty Seyren anyone? ~
Not sure if I myself have posted this in my blog. I know other people have. BUT I WANNA POST THIS BECAUSE SEYREN. ‘NUFF SAID.
I just died. Oh god. STOP BEING SO GODDAMN ADORABLE EREMES. ;~; *claws at the display*
Ohai Chen. Thanks for reminding me that you’re one of the things as well that makes me fangirl.
Whatever you’re asking from yourself, I’m asking the same question myself right now. I feel like Koori….
I just watched this, because I would personally want to try to take on Bio 4 things with a party. Not sure tho if cRO has the actual instance that’s seen in this video… *pouts* HOWEVER. While watching this thing, I noticed something near
Finally something new that I approve of on pixiv \o/
I. Don’t. Wanna. Know. *falls off her chair laughing her ass off*
Three things that are all of the bad. Handcuffs.Blood.Eremes. ALL MIXED. AND I’M AT WORK. *facedesks violently*
I dunno WHAT these things are, but they have a pricetag on them. TAKE ALL MY MONEY DAMMIT.
I never thought this day would come. OH MY *beeeeeeeeep* GOD. FOR ONCE HOWARD, DO ME.
“Who’s next? ♥”
Does anyone know the feeling called “WHY THE F*** CAN’T I DRAW!?”
You know the feeling when see something so freaky you can’t help but stare it in awe? Margaretha triggers that a lot. And I mean A LOT.
I’m rarely impressed by Bio 2 mobs, unless it’s a cute picture of Laurell. However, HOLY S*** EGNIGEM.
Seyren, that’s gay. Tho… Do tell where’d you find that lovely, ragged, red scarf from. ;3
Those. Goddamn. Puppy. Eyes.
Excuse me, I’m slowly dying here cause I can’t stop going all baww.
Not quite as pretty as Margaretha, but still cute. o3o
Celia y u so pretty? :< ♥
These are the times when I’m torn between two different, completely opposite options. “! ;~; Omg you’re hurt, here, lemme fix it all up, I’ll make you all good again…!! ;~~;” OR “HOLY—– *pounces*&rdqu
Brand new stuffs on pixiv again! Gogo, clickclick~!
Bio 3, Kafra style! \o/
*runs around, flailing, fainting and fangirling* Those expressions. *w* ♥