personal care
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When you pretend not to care
You Can't Demand Love, But I'd Like To Feel Special And Cared For In My Life. Is That Too Much To Ask?
Warning: very cheesy, very lovey-dovey-mushy, and very cliche. Do I care? Fuck no. I’m in Paris under the sparkling Eiffel Tower with my love.
Im really unsure about what is left that I can do to try turn my life to something positive. I really only manage to stay waterlogged but that’s about it. I don’t dare to give in to dreams again. I should take care of the unemployment issue
Carefully colouring and shading Rainbow Dash’s mane and tail…. and then realizing you got the spectrum bass-ackwards.
I hate my stick-straight hair. I could set a clock to how straight my hair is. One night, when I was sixteen and had unforgivably straight hair down to my jawline, I decided to take action.I washed my hair before bed.I carefully rubbed 2/3rds of a bottle
(If I started writing these posts early enough not to fall asleep during them, they might be more on time.)Person of Interest Appreciation Week: Day 3Favorite dynamic time!…Let me just have my moment of pretending that I care about things for reaso
I’d still prefer to remain anonymous, but I just wanted to prove to y'all that I am not lying about my body nor have I ever been. I just never really cared to post a picture of it because I never deemed it necessary. So to the anons who keep messagi
Why cant I have a daddy that’s like actually obsessed with me? I wanna be able to know he’s mine and not interested in anyone else..To wake up with him every morning, and be able to take care of him like a good wife. To give him what he needs
I want to be dead asleep and wake up to my daddy fucking me obviously not caring is he wakes me up or not. Either having ripped my panties off or just pulling them to the side, I want to feel a cock forcing itself into me while I’m half asleep.
I’ve been kinda thinking about something. I don’t want to have someone that provides for me. I’m capable of taking care of myself. I pay my own bills, I cook for myself, I’m more than capable of killing spiders. But having someone
10000 thanks to all the sweet people checking in on me like really i know im crappy mixing emotion with a fetish blog ..who wants crying on there blog? yall want a differntly kinda liquid haha im funny..but everyone is so sweet and nice and caring ahhhhh
So much anger I recently broke up with my boyfriend because i felt as tho he didn’t want to be in the relationship anymore he would do and say things that was so hurtful and ignored me and would go about his day without a care in the world.What hurts
Ugh guys you know what is completely fuckin amazing? MUSICdo you know what I’ve had pretty much zero opportunity to devote any time or care to:/
So Etrian Odyssey requires a great deal of care and time commitment to play. Which I don’t have.But these are my FAVORITE games. Have always been. Trying out the first one was the best gaming decision I ever made. So fuck me if I’m not going
I!!! DO NOT!!!! NEED!!!! TO SEE!!!! THE FUCKING!!!! MOON!!!! IF!!!! YOU HAVE!!!! TO PUT!!!!! YOUR HAND!!!! ON!!!! MY BACK!!!! TO SHOW ME!!!! WHERE!!!! THE FUCKING!!!! MOON!!!!! IS!!!!! I!!!!! DO!!!! NOT!!!!! CARE!!!! SHUT UP AND GO THE FUCK AWAY AND KEEP
The majority of advice I am getting is to decline the call center position. Every person online and off who has advised me in this direction has prioritized my self-care. Thank you, everyone. It’s really hard to do and I’m scared as shit and
My cat is at the vet’s own personal home for an overnight stay/overnight care. I have never spent a night in this house in over 16 years that my cat was not in it with me. Empty.
Oh my GodSomebody ask me what happened with NeilYes I’m looking for validation that someone cares about my shitposting so message me :)
Neil just texted me saying to be careful driving home tonight because it’s been snowing for hours and it’s slick he is still thinking of me he still cares 😭😭😭
Ugh it would be very easy to die now. My body is already in my hometown, along with my cat, so she’d be taken care of. No one would have to notify my parents. But the reality of dying would be ok for me and unspeakably awful for everyone else. Like
yeah i kno nobody cares but my hometown team won the super bowl 😯
I didn't necessarily expect (or even want for that matter.. I have everything I need and want) that I’d be getting red pockets today, but I did. It feels nice to have people care. :‘3
If I died tonight, would you even miss me? If I died tonight, would you even care where I went?
noizaooba: do u have that one person who you kinda just im so happy youre alive i dont care that youre miles and miles away i just love you a lot and care for you so much
So apparently I get around? Idk. I never fucking do anything with anyone nor do I care to try because I’m just here to dance and drink and then BAM I get laid. And I’m just like woah where did this come from. I don’t even know how I
Finally I learn something… I learned that I blur the lines between love, sex, and intimacy causing me to become distant, hurt, but not really wanting to care at all. That kind of explains why I’m having lots of romantic issues… How
You know what? I AM hard to talk to. But you know what else? I really couldn’t care less. Especially to some of the people that try to talk to me. Now I just generally sound uninterested in talking to anyone, more specifically with guys that try
In case anyone cared:
Read more for some personal stuff related to my stuffed animal that probably a lot of people don’t care about, but which is important to me.My special stuffed owl Hibou was lost when I was in Vegas. The housekeeping staff accidentally scooped him up
rakugakisuto: tfw you rEALLY CARE ABOUT A PERSON slbtumblng scaitbluemy family <3
All the people that usually take care of me are home/at work, so I spent the entire day not wearing pants, writing fic, and not eating. Oops.
I think I have an idea for combating my depression when it gets particularly debilitating, but I’m not sure. The problem is that when I get the blues super bad, I forget how to take care of myself. Or rather, I don’t prioritize taking care
I hate everything I want to die I don’t know why I bother talking to people who don’t give me a fucking chance or respect me nobody actually cares I’m better off dead and once I’m able to be alone long enough I’ll take care
Someone please be my mom I’ll try and do something nice for mother’s day I just want a maternal figure please take care of me
yesterday at ac I had a lovely discussion with someone in my cohort about the criminal minds finale only to have another person scream at me, “DON’T SPOIL IT! I CARE ABOUT REID JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO!” and now I’m horrified that
ok usually I am total allo garbage and I’m super invested in ships and all that. and I totally have some ships in y*wapeda, but deep down, I just really care about the friendships, specifically the third years and their ~kids~. like. I could
On one hand I want to make this blog more personal. Add more of my own thoughts and creations… but its hard to work up the confidence to do anything about it. It doesn’t feel like anyone would care.
this is the first time in forever i’ve got on this goddamn site but idec i’ve been wanting to get this theme for like six years i don’t care i dON’T CARE CRIES.
cubanflagemoji: princeackerman: Y'all complain all year ‘round about cultural appropriation until St Patrick’s Day rolls up and suddenly everyone’s fucking Irish. i can honestly guarentee you that not one damn black person cares about your potato
i wonder if anybody’s actually had feelings for me, like actually got upset or mad over little things i did and got jealous and confused over me and thought about me on a regular basis. i feel like i’m the only person that ever really cares about
Depression Losing 15 pounds because you can’t eat. Not caring how you look, or how your relationship stands. My health is plummeting and I honestly don’t care. If you don’t care to help me, neither do I. My seizures are getting worse and to be
lingeringpassion: I’m a jealous person when and only when I actually care for someone. I’m not jealous cause I doubt myself or anything, it’s just cause I’m selfish. I like having you to myself. When I want you. How I want you. Where I want you.
the past 4 days have been a fucking DOOZY. between fyf and going on a little ~personal trip~ i’m so fucking happy, exhausted, and smitten. got some pictures to document it all. awesome.
Over the trip I took to Philadelphia for New Year's Eve. I became friends with a lot of people but one person stuck out to me because I did drink too much and got a little sick but my friend Allie took care of me but this one guy, who I had just met was
scrapes: why am i so sensitive but i’m so nice i didn’t do anything to anybody i’m a really nice person i really care about people with all my heart why are people so fucking mean
thepinkqueen: Care Bear Jean Shoulder Bag
I don’t want to go to school anymore. I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m so tired, and I’m so done with all of this, and I simply don’t care anymore. Fuck this.
heavily insecure people can be so toxic to you. take care of them but take care of yourself first
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? sure 2.When did your last hug take place? idk its been a while 3.Are you a jealous person? i can be at points, yes very much so when it comes to the people i care about 4.Are you tired right now? exhausted
I understand exactly how you feel... it hurts so much to try and please people when it makes you miserable doing so. In your opinion, it doesn't necessarily make you a bad person for taking care of yourself, does it? Or selfish?
Care to join me for a tea party?
i spend way too much time and effort being nice to people who don’t deserve it and don’t care about me either at all or as much as i do about them. and i know this, but i keep doing it to try to get them to care.
I’m a good person… I care so much about other people… I have nothing but love to give… And I always get the short end of the stick. Always.
MaybeThe only place I belong is in compulsory care on psychiatric ward. At least people there are nice and caring. Professionally so but still. Not having free movement was seriously bad tho. I wish being alive could be a good thing although that seems
That person who go to cafe’s only to study other people’s conversations only to never know what or how to respond myself. I always end up in silence. I care. I want to speak. I want to share. Support. Listen. Yet I’m quiet frozen in
at this point I think the only person that cares about me is my sister and that’s cool
I do not often talk about personal things here, sometimes I feel like it’s irrelevant or that no one cares… but this time thing were serious… anyway, I put a few posts on queue cause I’ll be on hiatus for this week. There is
I got a good night’s sleep last night after an evening of self care (okay, mostly I was just watching new Sense8) and I wrote down some positive affirmations this morning and I’m feeling like a new person! Feeling lucky to have people in my life who
My vaginal lips are so long my lover has to be careful when entering me so they don’t get tucked inside of my actual vagina.Your body parts are normal. :)