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victoriousvocabulary: DIGLADIATION [noun] fighting or fencing with swords. Etymology: from Latin digladiari (derived from gladius - a sword) - to fight like gladiators; to contend fiercely; to dispute violently. [Arik Roper]
victoriousvocabulary: EQUIPOISE[noun/verb]1. an equal distribution of weight; even balance; equilibrium.2. a counterpoise.Etymology: from Latin aequus, “equal, even†Middle English pois(e), “weight†from an alteration of Latin pensum, “weight
Well, this one’s got proper capitalization (we can debate “mom” as a proper noun), but if she’d just remember her punctuation, perhaps mom would be proud… “Hello mom, I’m a dirty whore hope you’re proud&rdq
No idea what language we’re reading here. Or maybe those are all proper nouns? Any help?
Are you?
dperikhh: puddlebum: A picture’s worth a thousand words, though sometimes that’s just a long list of increasingly redundant adjectives and a comprehensive itinerary of nouns. This photo on the other hand is the literary equivalent of the hottest
suhojpg: obliv·i·on  (noun.) \É™-ˈbli-vÄ“-É™n, Å-, ä-\ 1. the state of something that is not remembered, used, or thought about any more 2. the state of being unconscious or unaware
baechyu: star·lightˈstärˌlīt/ noun the light that comes from the stars.
Toyfriend /toi frend/ noun.1. A regular, steady, sissygurl companion with whom an Alpha or Domme has strictly a physical relationship with. The sissygurl may have romantic feelings for the superior but they are not reciprocated. 2. The relationship
himboheaven:Bimbro: (Bim·bro) ‘bim-(.)bro; Noun, English - a male version of the term ‘bimbo’, often a more masculine version/variation on the word ‘himbo’. A bimbro/himbo is a stupid but attractive male. See also: ‘bimbo’ Example of usage:
himboheaven: Bimbro: (Bim·bro) ‘bim-(.)bro; Noun, English - a male version of the term ‘bimbo’, often a more masculine version/variation on the word 'himbo’. A bimbro/himbo is a stupid but attractive male. See also: 'bimbo’ Example of
himboheaven: Bimbro: (Bim·bro) ‘bim-(.)bro; Noun, English - a male version of the term ‘bimbo’, often a more masculine version/variation on the word ‘himbo’. A bimbro/himbo is a stupid but attractive male. See also: ‘bimbo’ Example of
Nymphomania: Nymph-Oh-Man-I-ANymph [Noun]A mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.Oh [Exclamation]Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy,
Snack /snak/noun A small amount of food eaten between meals. a light meal that is eaten in a hurry or in a casual manner.Synonyms: light meal, collation, treat, refreshments, lunch, nibbles, tidbit(s); informalbite (to eat) “she made herself a
“I want a verb and you give me a noun.What do you dream up while I tongue you down?” -GEMINI (BIRTHDAY SONG)“ WhyComments/Questions?
Post 428: April & Lilly - Hardcore Pixiepix·ie /ˈpiksē/noun: pixie; plural noun: pixies; noun: pixya supernatural being in folklore and children’s stories, typically portrayed as small and humanlike in form, with pointed ears and a pointed
whore [hawr, hohr or, often, hoor] Show IPA noun, verb, whored, whor·ing. noun 1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.
… Wow, whoever wrote that line needs to be smacked. A name is by default a noun. Specifically a proper noun. To say that one’s name is also a noun is utterly redundant.
i-am-mr-clever: amoying: FACT: adding “inator 3000” to ANYTHING makes it 200 times COOLER ex. uncool noun: bird COOL noun: Birdinator 3000 thank you Dr. Doofenshmirtz
princess-autogynephilia: i need game ideas my mind is blank help my mates on this discord channel they made do this thing where they use a this site to generate 2 or 3 random nouns then they make a game based off
internetexplorers: aoiras: h0odrich: *ducks everyone but tape* what the fuck. what the fuck does this mean. duck isnt a verb. this doesnt make sense when duck is a noun. you cant noun something. is it a game of duck duck goose? what the fuck. that
zennistrad: amoying: FACT: adding “inator 3000" to ANYTHING makes it 200 times COOLER ex. uncool noun: bird COOL noun: Birdinator 3000
victoriousvocabulary: APRICITY [noun] 1. the warmth of the sun. 2. the warmth of the sun during Winter. Etymology: from the Latin aprīcitās, noun of quality from aprīcus (“warmed by the sun”). [Vladimir Kush]
victoriousvocabulary: COSMOPOEIA [noun] the act of creating a universe; world-creating. Etymology: from Ancient Greek kósmos, “world, universe” + -poeia, used to form nouns that denote the making or creating of something, from poiéō, “I
y’know, I forget this constantly, but according to the Guide to the Crystal Gems, Fusion is a proper noun and thus is supposed to capitalized. Also the proper term for the Gems making up a Fusion seems to be “fusers” but I always say “component
victoriousvocabulary: EMPRISE [noun] 1. an adventurous enterprise; adventurous undertaking. 2. knightly daring or prowess. Etymology: Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French, noun use of feminine of empris, past participle of emprendre, ”to
cumleak: sunsetrambles:aimingforenigmatic:sunsetrambles:English has alternating stress patterns that indicate whether related words are nouns (first syllable stressed) or verbs (second syllable stressed):Noun: récordVerb: recórd(x)My fucking god!!
noun - a person skilled in the use of a bow and arrow (insp)
Fat is an adjective and a noun; fingernails is just a noun. This feels like it’s saying fat is a bad word; it isn’t. Eliminate the idea that being described as fat is a bad thing. It’s not. Fat is not a bad word.
nouns: im watching annie hall hey
nouns: flying lotus drunkenly live-tweeting the vmas is perfect
Nouns and Verbs
i-am-mr-clever: amoying: FACT: adding “inator 3000" to ANYTHING makes it 200 times COOLER ex. uncool noun: bird COOL noun: Birdinator 3000 thank you Dr. Doofenshmirtz
sunsetrambles:aimingforenigmatic:sunsetrambles:English has alternating stress patterns that indicate whether related words are nouns (first syllable stressed) or verbs (second syllable stressed):Noun: récordVerb: recórd(x)My fucking god!! This is
donkeyking44: trannybrides: beau·ty ˈbyo͞otē/ noun noun: beauty; plural noun: beauties a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight. “I was struck by her beauty”
werewolftits:vampiraptor:Fantasy books need to stop with the “Noun of Noun and Noun” title format please I am begging it’s been going on for at least a decade at this point torture of cock and balls
prokopetz:prokopetz:“Any word that sounds like it might be the noun form of a verb is in fact the noun form of a verb” is 100% a valid grammatical rule. Fingers do fing. Creatures do creach.
victoriousvocabulary: COSSET[verb] 1. to treat as a pet; pamper; coddle. [noun] 2. alamb brought up without its dam; pet lamb. 3. any pet.Etymology: akin to Old English cossetung, “kissing”, verbal noun based on *cossettan, “to kiss”, derivative
alrightanakin: The great thing about having a noun for a last name is it’s difficult to find me on Google the bad thing about having a noun for a last name is everything else
la-tenore-regina:sunsetrambles:aimingforenigmatic:sunsetrambles:English has alternating stress patterns that indicate whether related words are nouns (first syllable stressed) or verbs (second syllable stressed):Noun: récordVerb: recórd(x)My fucking
sunsetrambles: English has alternating stress patterns that indicate whether related words are nouns (first syllable stressed) or verbs (second syllable stressed): Noun: récordVerb: recórd (x) My fucking god!! This is why English does the thing!!!!
knownpleasurerecords: Nouns at Austin Blood Alliance Fest last weekend. Photo credit: @prettylittlefingerz on IG
chirpey: pet·ri·chor ˈpeˌtrīkôr/ noun noun: petrichor 1. a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather. “other than the petrichor emanating from the rapidly drying grass, there was not a
mosthottestmen: (via Alexander Abramov on Instagram: “🐻💭🚿 lex’s dictionary 🧐👉🏻 [ hot shower /noun/ • a regular shower, but with @brettm10 in it ] ☺️❤️ #lexdictionary #hotshower #init #noun…” • Instagram)
onlyfoolsandgoats: I was in my modern foreign languages lecture the other day and my lecturer asked us if we as people are nouns/verbs/adjectives and so forth.. So obviously we were like WE A NOUN DUH DUMBO and she was like “then tell me, if you’re
jessehimself: shredder257: postracialcomments: murder 12 people, injure 70. not a monster Unarmed, hands up, surrendering Instantly called a demon mon·ster ˈmänstər/ noun noun: monster; plural noun: monsters an inhumanly cruel or wicked
nighttimers: cockringtoss: PLURAL NOUNS DON’T NEED APOSTROPHES Noun’s
English has few gender-specific nouns, and for many of the ones we do have, a neutral term exists that is often considered more acceptable today (like saying server instead of waiter/waitress). Often these gender specific nouns are title-based anyway.
(noun) a small quantity of anything left over
noun-meem: Pris avec Instagram