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readysetjeans replied to your photo: This is the only explanation I have for this, I’m… Harumi = perfect human being shhh no you
spectersspace replied to your post: I want to do that Homestuck 30 day challenge but I… no harm in giving it a shot yeah you’re right ;u; maybe I will try to!
sketchcomplex replied to your post: I just noticed my birthday is a month from today… IF I WERE TO DRAW YOU SOMETHING FOR YOUR BDAY WHAT WOULD YOU WANT OMFG dgsha no one would really have to though ;u; but I’d love anything with Caliborn,
kilroywuzheere replied to your post: im sleepy goodnight guys, wish for me to dream… YOu MAY DREAM OF CHERuBS. HOWEVER I MuST DEMAND. THAT THERE IS NO HAND HOLDING. OR ANY SORT OF AFFECTION. I WILL NOT BE A PART OF ANY. OF YOuR FILTHY HuMAN SEX
spookylynx replied to your post: sighs If your broken tablet was a Bamboo Fun, then I know exactly what happened. It’s a cruel and malicious conspiracy and there is no cure. yeah its a Bamboo Fun, it like, turns on if I hold the cord at a certain angle
turntechgodisc replied to your post: screamssss okay im seriously starting to think that a rap is a subpar present omg no I love all gifts that come from the heart sjhahgaj
fortheloveofjollyneps replied to your post: I know your pain wit this weather in FL. I mean,… You don’t know cold till u walk to ur bus in 20 degree temps everyday Then you know cold no thank you, i’d rather 3 nights of 30 degrees
loonytwin replied to your post: i was about to go to bed like a minute before that… no join me in my sleepless christmas harumiiiiiiwiidiifenxujeiiiiiiiiiiii img onna pass out tho omg isn’t your icon the sandman??? go to bed loony sxhga
synnesai replied to your post: are you finished with those errands im gonna have to say no makes a face at
bootyking replied to your post: good afternoon uvu no yesterday someone said something similar, i guess i can’t come online and greet anyone anymore :c
tripfeldthemystic replied to your post: I don’t know why but I always thought Snail from… …Snail wasn’t a girl??? N-NO…..OOPS
Well first of all i love how i got these replies/asks as if I knew what had happened upon me logging into to tumblr Now that i properly looked it up i can say that i’m not exactly sure how to feel? I mean no I don’t want Yahoo to drastically
kitsunenojutsu replied to your post: wow im currently dealing with a 100% serious no… Is said person demanding you get it done before the end of the day? I’ve had some of those… regrettably I never got paid for anything I drew though.
synnesai replied to your post: what are you guys’ favori… u r an air he ad r U DE
synnesai replied to your post: hmrmf it feels like no ma… harumi we woke up at the same time soulmates
irkens replied to your post: currently convincing all my friends to… everyone do it it’s heartwarming as heck IT ISits like a good feel anime, there is no way you’ll feel bad after watching it, it literally blesses your soul ok
nyaphlaire replied to your post: it’s kinda tiring explaining that all … So… You’re going to be one of the cutest humanstuck!Karkats ever. Neh? ahaha like 3 people told me i’m going to be the cutest karkat ever but NO IM GOING TO
synnesai replied to your post: sometimes..ok no all the time, i get s… isn’t that how we became friends….oh wait we hate each other YOU INTIMIDATED ME BRO, now i can’t get you off me ew
synnesai replied to your post: can i also be known as the sylveon pri… no YES
zebstrika-eureka replied to your post: i have trouble deciding on whether i w… Por que no los dos? cosplays nepeta while i marry a nepeta perf
madokamahora replied to your post: i kinda want to do the nuzlocke challe… Can you upload it to Gen V? no because the gizamimi sprite was only made for HGSS, none of the other games have that sprite so you can’t trade it ;u;
seeriously replied to your post: hehe i said i’d draw it :33chere’s a w… they’ve all got really distinct personalities in this! they look like the kinda-villain side characters in a movie, makin plan to inconvenience the hero for no reason
rapidografsaber replied to your post: tbh theres a ton of poke themed nepeta… I think a Nepeta/May crossover would be the best, or a Hilda Crossover oh haha no not a crossover i mean actual nepeta with pokemon stuff i have in mind !
mskneesocks replied to your post: i found a baby photo of myself, im lau… THAT’S SO PRECIOUS OMFG ur such a sweet looking baby!! OH NO THANK YOU MEG you’re so nice dsghas
punpunichu replied to your post: im embarrassingly clumsy omg, i’ve onl… BABY NO DON’T HURT YOURSELF I’M TRYING NOT TOI NEED PUNI SMOOCHES ON MY BOO BOOS
mskneesocks replied to your post: fefairi asked:PUTS ALL YOUR NEPET… I TOTALLY MISREAD THAT AS NEOPETS OMG I ALWAYS DO TOO !! but no Nepeta would totally be on there and she’d have a kougra and aisha and get angelpuss petpets and shit
black-quadrant replied to your post: point being…… ? also no one com… not to mention the trolls are TROLLS. they are alien species their rules do not exactly apply to ours lmao and the UTMOST forgotten detail isits fiction this reminds
synnesai replied to your post: synnesai asked:wanna go 2 tumblr … idek when it is or what it is exactly but hype i have no idea either, lets just make it prom everyday
punpunichu replied to your post: sorry im in a weird mood today guys…my… Ahhh oh no bab that is terrible! Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to deal with such an awful person :/ Also allergies suck so much, they can really be a downer! I hope you will
black-quadrant replied to your post: redsuspendershoothoot asked:How c… i see way too many people on this site getting starry-eyed about artists and think they can do no wrong bc they draw pretty pictures. it’s dumbfounding. I really really
synnesai replied to your post: lmao well looks like FR is down right … i once spent 40min playing the shock wave game trynna earn coins and THEN THE SITE CRASHED AND I COULD NOT CASH IN I WAS SO PISSED FUCK FR OH NO !!!! thats so tragic actually
nepurin replied to your post: I googled Dave and this is the stuff t… people draw 13 year old dave not aged up with his dang ass adult dad/brother and act like incest like that would be totally consensual and not csa, and no one bats an eyelash
nepurin replied to your post: for the first time in my life i’ve act… blacklisting a notp feels so freeing until you realize no one ever tags them CRIES LOL basically but at least it should cut down on it by maybe half
black-quadrant replied to your post: if you actually really take a close lo… PLEASE. KARKAT IS AN EXPERT SHIPMASTER. HE PLAYS BATTLESHIP WITH LOVE AND NO ONE CAN SAY SHIT OTHERWISE. …but yeah he could stand to get a few pointers. he’d
nepurin replied to your post: was bored so i took some quick selfies… harumi no!!!!!!! i can’t believe what a cute karkat you make oh my gosh :O ♥♥♥ MY ATTEMPT AT LOOKING ANDROGYNOUS LMAO thank you sweetie ;o; <33
cubesona replied to your post: epicrye said:Favorite rare pair?u… ya but equius/meulin tho. But Horuss/Nepeta’s still pretty cute. oh no i’ve never thought about that before, that sounds so cute !! ;o;
peacethrough-tyranny replied to your post: no one cares dude I think people reblog it because they like the art/story/whatever, if they want to state their opinion it’s not like it’s a bad thing, they’re sharing something neat with the people
caledscratch replied to your post: cnvvj said:To be fair though, a d… yeah xkit just makes it easier for us friend, theres no excuse for anyone to be a meanie just cuz they think they’ll never be found out! yes good friend cale *smooch*
cronusnyeh replied to your post: w/e w/e anyway i started to play Ni no… MY BROTHER VETOED THAT GAME CAUSE THE BEGINNING MADE HIM CRY DEF MADE ME CRY i was expecting it but when it happened i was still BUT WHY
shrequius-zahhak replied to your post: important things i need to draw before… i think more nepeta should be at the top. but it’s your list :p hehe well there’s no ordered list, however there will ALWAYS be Nepeta on this blog so its
charredasperity replied to your post: real talk though, i never cared for Di… actual furry harumi it aint no secret baby
internet-grab-my-tumblr replied to your post: no im serious like, idk have me say so… Can you say “the cats in my pants are on fire?” …Sorry, inside joke my high school Spanish teacher started. i tried to sound like i was in despair LOL
punpunichu replied to your post: i dont care if no one cares tbh, i’ll … Neppers is very lucky to have someone like you taking care of her, babs! I’m always so happy to see under-appreciated characters get the love and dedication they deserve
pupuroon replied to your post: if someone drew Nepeta as whatever oth… why should it matter, she can be any and everything and she’s cute no matter what D: EXACTLY THO, all the humanstuck headcanons are wonderful, don’t put down one for
synnesai replied to your post: craving donuts even tho i had donuts 2… i wan brownies :(( oh no now i want pb brownies…..
tabikato replied to your post: cnvvj said:I was always part of t… I voiced a comic before where Nepeta was literally acting like a drunk Leo and people are like, “NO NEPETA WOULD NEVER BE MEAN OR SASSY, SHE’S TOO INNOCENT SHE WOULD NEVER
moosacch replied to your post: tumblr these new icons make NO sense a… what do they look like??? i dont think ive gotten them yet :C WAIT NOW THE ICONS CHANGED BACK TO THE OLD ONES
abynyior replied to your post: better yet genderfluid Mangle ! IT’S AN ANIMATRONIC people are really #NO FUN ALLOWED about fnaf headcanons huh
godtiercatbug replied to your post: anonymous asked:link to the me!me… yeah it got taken down im not linking it directly cause i don’t want to but no its still there or its probably just that someone reuploaded it but i have it on screen
laniecouleur replied to your post: omg we actually got to input text to u… Do you know what the password is? “There’s no place like _____”
katicilleanofthescourge replied to your post: to my hispanic followers, do any of yo… My mum’s friend is hispanic and she did the grape thing at midnight when I used to go over to their house. Only no one told me what it was, and I was hungry,
spoopyshattery replied to your post: Also, no one is going to tell me this … korra and asami were destined from the very beginning, only nobody knew it at first, not even the writers lol My favorite thing is that Bryke admitted they didn’t
analystpeaches replied to your post: i wish you could disable the fanmail f… I think you can? unfortunately no :c see, i don’t mind if ppl send them as an actual fanmail, they’re nice when they’re that, its just that the feature
loonytwin replied to your post: there’s a bird chirping outside its 2a… no they’re not, it is me, im chirping, chirp chirp harumi wakE UP; IT WAS LOONY!!!! *shakes fist at*
lightraize replied to your post: anonymous asked:No, you actually … It’s actually kinda funny how in their group you’re apparently hated but in mine, people agreed wholeheartedly with you tell your whole group i love them and if i knew y'all
crownkind replied to your post: anonymous asked:No, you actually … who even thinks it’s acceptable to send anons like this im fucking appalled its funny cause the point of anon hate is to try to bring down someone while hiding their identity
raptarion replied to your post: raptarion asked:Analysis paralysi…I do this a lot when deciding how to spend my time. Like, I have a bunch of games I want to play and shows/movies I want to watch, and I have NO IDEA which one to do first. So much
grimmnoirecorpse replied to your post: the great thing about being an artist …No one should ever tell an artist what or how to draw.some people think artists don’t know what they’re doing or what they want to do or how they want to
whimsical-writer replied to your post: No way I was gonna be left out of the …C-can I doodle the siamese one it’s so pretty aaaahyeah of course :D im glad people like that one, its my favorite too
shestheonebeneathmywings replied to your post: fun fact, even tho i live in florida, …i know why that rain happens… no im not addicted to my meteorology course…oh nice <3 i know there’s a reasoning for that but because i don’t know meteorology