my thoughts
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My Thoughts
My thoughts...
thedoctordanceswithrose: thiswandcouldbealittlemoresonic: RTD Era Meme: (5/8) Scenes - “So this is me, getting out ” Because the thing is, it’s like my friend Vicky. She lived with this bloke, student housing, there were five of them all packed
My bed feels so lonely
About Requests/sketches
Y/you complimenting my tumblr and me saying “Thank you” does not mean i am inviting you to address me as you would a person with whom you are in a D/s relationship.It happens so often and i suppose i should expect it, but i’m always disappointed. Every
And it doesn’t matter if i’m owned or not. It doesn’t matter if i’m in a D/s relationship or not. my being submissive doesn’t give A/anyone any rights over me, period.~sandi
i am in a committed D/s relationship. O/our relationship give’s him certain rights that i have consented to. None of that applies to any other being submissive gives no one, no one, any rights over me.~sandi
i turned off submissions on this blog because i have no idea of the provenance of the images being sent and i don’t want my tumblr. shut down for copyright violations. So that’s the reason you wont find a submit button. It’s intentional.When Y/you
Fun episode, I enjoyed it, Rainbow Dash is still my favorite. Being a Rainbow Dash fan I am biased to say that I liked this episode. I really liked Rainbow’s fan girl personality making a comeback, it was really neat to see Daring Do is a real
The “Yes, we are self-aware” episode. Or perhaps, “Fan-service” the episode. Either way, this episode is pretty much the best episode of season 4, in my opinion, with a fun story and great references. If you want to watch
Good episode, definitely worth a watch. Though I do not look forward to all the Rarity fans gushing over her because of this episode. Finally a Rarity episode. By far not my favorite pony, but she is an interesting character and stories can be crafted
So, it took a while, but I managed to snag a key for the final beta before the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), in two weeks. I had been anticipating this game for almost since it was announced, due to my enjoyment of the recent game, Skyrim,
Thought i’d share the other Gazelle sketches i attempted back when Zootopia was new that didn’t quite work outshe is just too perfect and free to be captured in my paper ;_;.If anyone wants to use one of these sketches as the basis for a finished
My feed is filled with great kink tonight.
My mind never stops. Never, never, never. Even on vacation my minds going constantly. Always on. Always thinking. Always wondering. Always worrying.
Ok, a few things about Marvel’s Champions #1, i really can’t describe it, i mean. I had a lot of expectations about this series, but it falls short, while is true that a issue #1 is not that important (sells wise) it is important to catch readers.
My thoughts
obsidiian: tbh there is nothing less sexy than a d**k pic taken sitting on the toilet.Like, did u just finish taking a shit and and u were like what better a time??? Like my boner looks great after pooping???
coco rocha’s direct message to me after i simply tweeted a few of my thoughts concerning her
My insecurities are ruining me lol
pale-like-ice: My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again
my fucking parents jesus I’m laughing so hard they just acted out the entire jake from state farm commercial while dad was in the bathroom
my mom tripped down the stairs and my first reaction was to yell “ARE YOU DEAD YET”
My dog just threw an absolute fit because everyone forgot to give her a blanket
my little sister is screaming the lyrics to the fox and trying to get dad to sing it with her but she keeps mixing up the lyrics with that one song about the duck and the lemonade stand
My dog went out and ran for so long with my bigger dog that when she came back in she laid down here and refuses to move
my dog apparently found her toy basket because a squeak just rang out around the house and made me go looking for a bird for ten whole minutes
ohh my gosh, that ad!!! Soooo pumped for Memorial Day!
Thoughts on the Korrasami Ending
I’m the girl who hangs out with the guys. I join in on the crude jokes and talk about sex. When someone acts like they might upset my feminine sensibilities, I take up the challenge and throw back something twice as hairy as whatever they said.
graveyardstuffers: Me when i have to reblog from the source because u couldnt control your dumb ass comments *gasp* oh no, you don’t’ like my opinion being expressed on MY BLOG?! There’s this really nifty button at the top for you
my dad is a horrible man who sacrifices nothing yet expects everything
ciggers: the truth is, i still have feelings for you. No matter how hard i try, a part of me just won’t let go.. - my thoughts during AM.
a-soldier-of-love: f-h-l-an-a-flutterby: groovergirl: sailorsdreamgirl: pappas69: So raise your glass if you are wrong In all the right ways, all my underdogs We will never be, never be anything but loud And nitty, gritty, dirty, little freaks Won’t
smatter: bey0nd-my-thoughts: paradiseprogram: bye mom This needs to be in the post with all the gateways to hell. um what
My sketchbooks are done. I have my power point and evaluation to do tomorrow. Then Friday after I have presented at 10:45am I would have finished university. Holy moly.
no, it’s more like people do little things or say they love me but it just doesn’t connect to my brain? like I think oh that’s nice but you’re just saying that which is obviously frustrating for both me and the other person.
haaahaha so my friend wrote her fb status as “people who make their cover photos of themselves are super obsessed with themselves etc etc” and I’m like LOOOOOOOOOL that’s me. but in my defense, it’s a badass picture of me
countcracula: my brain, interrupting my daydream: this is poorly researched and the narrative is not compelling
Alright please excuse my literal 10 second doodles but I needed to get this across. First of all I only speak for myself because every artist is different and I’m not going to guess how other artists feel about this but here are my feelings. When
i have tagviewer for xkit, so i can read the tags people write on reblogs to my things, and it’s pretty mindboggling how there are a couple people still hung up about me wearing horns in my humanstuck!meenah cosplay because i’m just, wowie
My new Anatometal ball came in the mail today, along with the seamless ring I ordered (which I thought would be easier to put in and take out than the ones with the captive beads, but it isn’t. Still nice, though, and smaller than my old one so
Mindful Indolence. A stream of my consciousness.
i planned staying up to study.. and i’m probably going to be going for a late walk and getting alcohol and staying up with my thoughts instead.
I’m quite honestly all over the place with my sexuality omfg like, I know for sure I’m asexual but likeokay so genders don’t matter to me, I still get romantic attraction and all that but when it starts to feel reciprocated I start feeling uncomfortable
I’ve been drawing my family these re-draws of pictures of themselves in my style and they really enjoy it but it’s honestly very tedious for me to draw them because it’s not exciting yaknow (I see them everyday) and I get such anxiety over drawing
Thought I post recent photos of me 💙🖤 • Leigh • • They/Them •
ginmayo:-Penny for my thoughts? Well, I’m no charity.
CONFESSION tiME i become uncomfortable when i see miku’s outfit and hair color are different shades like, if her outfit is a nice teal but her hair is borderline green why would u dO THIS. THIS IS NOT PLEASING TO THE ARTISTIC EYE or my eyes idk
for now on i think im just gonna watch it thru and occasionally blog my thoughts when something crazy as shit happens
alright so here my thoughts on the whole song discourse while the topics still hot:the songs are nice but it still doesn’t confirm that bb or bs is “canon”. if u ship those ships then enjoy the songs for what they are in ur own circles and don’t
why are people from high school messaging me anonymously attempting to scare me though PLEASE just leave me alone if you can’t respect that this is my medium through which I can express my thoughts/feelings, sexuality, and exploration of photography