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#Observatory #Mountains #universe #nasa #apod #science #space #astronomy #russia #caucasus #mtelbrus #milkyway #galaxy #stars #nebula
Stars and Dust in Corona Australis #nasa #apod #nebula #nebulae #ngc6726 #ngc6727 #ngc6729 #ic4812 #milkyway #galaxy #universe #astronomy #space #science
The Galactic Core in Infrared #nasa #apod #hubble #esa #spitzer #jpl #milkyway #galaxy #universe #astronomy #science #space
Infrared Orion from WISE #nasa #apod #wise #irsa #infrared #orion #nebula #m42 #trapezium #horsehead #universe #galaxy #milkyway #astronomy #space #science
The Milky Way over the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #ural #mountains #space #science #astronomy
Our Galaxy’s Magnetic Field from Planck #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #magnetism #planck #universe #astronomy #space #science
Yellow Balls in W33 #nasa #apod #w33 #spitzer #milkyway #galaxy #stars #science #space #astronomy
Carina Nebula Dust Pillar #nasa #apod #carina #nebulae #nebula #milkyway #galaxy #hubble #space #science #astronomy
Palomar 12 #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #palomar12 #galaxy #milkyway #universe #science #space #astronomy
The Milky Way Over the Arizona Toadstools #nasa #apod #arizona #toadstools #hoodoos #milkyway #andromeda #ngc7331 #galaxy #galaxies #universe #airglow #science #space #astronomy
The Owl and the Galaxy #nasa #apod #owl #galaxy #milkyway #stars #constellation #universe #science #space #astronomy
Milky Way over Erupting Volcano #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #stars #volcano #eruption #guatemala #breathtaking #science #space #astronomy
Meteor in the Milky Way #nasa #apod #lyrid #meteor #shower #comet #thatcher #milkyway #galaxy #lyra #constellation #antares #star #saturn #planet #universe #croatia #science #space #astronomy
Blue Tears and the Milky Way #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #noctiluca #scintillans #plankton #bioluminescence #seasparkles #bluetears #taiwan #china #science #space #astronomy
The Sky from Mauna Kea #nasa #apod #hawaii #maunakea #kilauea #maunaloa #volcano #caldera #lava #milkyway #galaxy #universe #airglow #atmosphere #space #science #astronomy
A Dark and Dusty Sky #nasa #apod #taurus #orion #milkyway #galaxy #nebulae #molecular #cloud #ldn1495 #lbn777 #constellations #constellation #stars #star #rytau #vdb27 #universe #science #space #astronomy
Polaris and Comet Lovejoy #nasa #apod #polaris #star #northstar #comet #lovejoy #c/2014q2 #solarsystem #galaxy #milkyway #universe #science #space #astronomy
The Milky Way over the Temple of Poseidon #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #templeofposeidon #capesounion #greece #aegean #sea #lagoon #nebula #universe #science #space #astronomy
The Light, the Dark, and the Dusty #nasa #apod #nebula #starfields #milkyway #galaxy #constellation #cephus #molecularcloud #sharpless155 #sh155 #cavenebula #lyndsdarknebula #ldn1210 #interstellar #herbig-haro #hh168 #nebulae #astronomical #skyscape
M45: The Pleiades Star Cluster #nasa #apod #m45 #pleiades #star #cluster #sevensisters #constellation #bull #taurus #dust #universe #galaxy #milkyway #stars #science #space #astronomy
Sharpless 308: Star Bubble #nasa #apod #cosmic #star #bubble #sharpless308 #constellation #bigdog #canismajor #nebula #wolfrayet #wolfrayetstar #presupernova #winds #dust #gas #interstellar #galaxy #milkyway #science #space #astronomy
The Milky Way from a Malibu Sea Cave #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #centralband #antares #stars #stars #sea #caves #seacaves #leocarrillo #statepark #malibu #california #USA #space #science #astronomy
Messier 43 #nasa #apod #m43 #messier43 #gas #dust #nebula #star #stars #galaxy #milkyway #universe #science #space #astronomy
Milky Way and Aurora over Antarctica #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #centralband #antarctica #aurora #auroras #wide #angle #lens #star #stars #Sirius #canopus #galaxies #magellanic #clouds #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Deep Lagoon #nasa #apod #interstellar #gas #dust #clouds #lagoon #nebula #m8 #star #stars #constellation #sagittarius #milkyway #galaxy #ionized #hydrogen #radiation #stellar #winds #universe #space #science #astronomy
Puppis A Supernova Remnant #nasa #apod #supernova #remnant #star #explosion #puppisa #xray #electromagnetic #spectrum #milkyway #galaxy #universe #science #space #astronomy
The Flare and the Galaxy #nasa #apod #iridium #flare #sunlight #reflection #communications #satellite #centralband #milkyway #galaxy #estonia #universe #space #science #astronomy
Eclipsed in Southern Skies #nasa #apod #eclipse #lunar #moon #milkyway #galaxy #redmoon #galaxies #andromeda #magellanicclouds #airglow #atmosphere #solarsystem #carngegielascampanasobservatory #space #science #astronomy
A Gegenschein Lunar Eclipse #nasa #apod #moon #lunareclipse #gegenschein #coneofdarkness #milkyway #centralband #greenairglow #Sirius #star #stars #nebula #nebulae #nebulas #lmc #smc #deadvlei #Namibia #space #science #astronomy
Night Hides the World #nasa #apod #skyscape #venus #planet #galaxy #milkyway #centralband #stars #cosmicdustclouds #nebulae #solarsystem #Kenya #laketurkana #space #science #astronomy
The Southern Cross in a Southern Sky #nasa #apod #southerncross #thecrux #star #gammacrucis #stars #dust #gas #milkyway #galaxy #coalsacknebula #carinanebula #nebulae #nebula #riodejaneiro #brazil #universe #space #science #astronomy
Picture not owned by me #crazy#world#milkyway#amazing #abstract #vivid #amazing #life
Venus under the Spitzkoppe Arch #nasa #apod #venus #planet #rockbridge #pleiades #starcluster #Orion #nebula #Sirius #star #largemagellaniccloud #smallmagellaniccloud #milkyway #galaxy #centralband #universe #spitzkoppe #namibia #space #science #astronomy
The Great Orion Nebula M42 #nasa #apod #Orion #nebula #m42 #gas #clouds #dust #ngc1977 #nebulae #molecularcloudcomplex #interstellar #material #stellarnursery #stars #galaxy #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
Milky Way over the Pinnacles in Australia #nasa #apod #milkywaygalaxy #milkyway #galaxy #centralband #crescent #moon #zodiacallight #solarsystem #stars #nebula #pinnacles #namburgnationalpark #australia #panorama #space #science #astronomy
Rainbow Airglow over the Azores #nasa #apod #airglow #gravitywaves #atmosphere #oscillations #constellations #milkyway #andromeda #m31 #universe #mountpico #azores #portugal #faial #space #science #astronomy
The Great Nebula in Carina #nasa #apod #ngc3372 #greatnebula #carina #ngc3324 #keyholenebula #constellation #stars #star #etacarinae #universe #milkyway #galaxy #nebula #space #science #astronomy
Orion’s Belt and Sword over Teide’s Peak #nasa #apod #orion #orionsbelt #orionssword #nebula #horseheadnebula #emissiobnebula #flamenebula #volcano #teide #canaryislands #africa #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
NGC 6188 and NGC 6164 #nasa #apod #ngc6188 #ngc6164 #nebulas #nebulae #nebula #gas #molecular #clouds #dust #star #stars #stellarwinds #constellation #ara #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Galaxies from the Altiplano #nasa #apod #milkyway #centralband #galaxy #galaxies #largemagellaniccloud #smallmagellaniccloud #stars #nebulae #cosmicdust #airglow #chileanatacama #stratovolcano #space #science #astronomy
The Tulip in the Swan #nasa #apod #tulip #nebula #constellation #cygnus #theswan #interstellar #gas #dust #stars #universe #galaxy #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
HI4PI: The Hydrogen Sky #nasa #apod #hi4pi #hydrogen #gas #milkyway #universe #magellanicclouds #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat #nasa #apod #nebulae #nebula #giantsquid #Ou4 #Sh-129 #flyingbat #constellation #cepheus #ionization #gas #oxygen #hydrogen #stars #universe #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Haunting the Cepheus Flare #nasa #apod #constellation #cepheus #cosmicdust #dust #clouds #molecularcloud #milkyway #cepheusflare #ghostnebula #vdb141 #sh2-136 #nebula #ghost #star #stars #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
Portrait of NGC 281 #nasa #apod #ngc281 #pacmannebula #ic1590 #nebula #cloud #dust #gas #stars #cosmic #constellation #cassiopeia #hydrogen #sulfur #oxygen #interstellar #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Starburst Cluster in NGC 3603 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #aura #hubble #hubbleheritage #hubblespacetelescope #ngc3603 #milkyway #carina #spiralarm #starcluster #stars #starformation #interstellar #gas #dust #clouds #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Heart and Soul Nebulas #nasa #apod #milkyway #constellation #cassiopeia #nebula #nebulae #emissionnebula #heartandsoul #heartnebula #ic1805 #gas #dust #energizedhydrogen #hydrogen #stars #starcluster #universe #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
IC 5070: A Dusty Pelican in the Swan #nasa #apod #chanctonburyobservatory #pelicannebula #ic5070 #constellation #cygnus #theswan #interstellar #cloud #dust #gas #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
NGC 7635: Bubble in a Cosmic Sea #nasa #apod #ngc7635 #bubblenebula #stars #gas #dust #constellation #cepheus #cassiopeia #starcluster #m52 #interstellar #galaxy #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
W5: The Soul of Star Formation #nasa #apod #w5 #ic1848 #soulnebula #gas #dust #stars #starformation #constellation #queenofaethopia #cassiopeia #interstellar #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Flaming Star Nebula #nasa #apod #ic405 #flamingstarnebula #stars #star #aeaurigae #interstellar #gas #dust #nebula #constellation #auriga #hydrogen #universe #milkyway #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
IC 4628: The Prawn Nebula #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #ic4628 #prawnnebula #emissionnebula #gas #dust #hydrogen #constellation #scorpius #universe #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
In the Center of the Lagoon Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #stecf #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #telescope #lagoonnebula #m8 #messier8 #nebula #stellarwinds #gas #dust #stars #constellation #sagittarius #interstellar #intergalactic #galaxy #milkyway #universe
Veil Nebula: Wisps of an Exploded Star #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam #stsci #aura #veilnebula #supernova #star #cygnusloop #constellation #swan #cygnus #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #interstellar #intergalactic #milkyway #galaxy #universe #space
Puppis A Supernova Remnant #nasa #apod #puppisa #supernova #remnant #star #explosion #gas #dust #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #milkyway #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Australian Pinnacles #nasa #apod #milkyway #galaxy #centralband #stars #gas #dust #atmosphere #zodiacallight #solarsystem #pinnacles #nambungnationalpark #australia #space #science #astronomy
Solstice Sun and Milky Way #nasa #apod #twan #decembersolstice #firstdayofwinter #sun #orbit #solarsystem #milkyway #centralband #galaxy #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Blue Comet in Hyades #nasa #apod #deepskycolors #hyades #hyadesstarcluster #starcluster #constellation #taurus #star #aldebaran #redgiant #stars #comet #c2016r2 #panstarrs #orbit #solarsystem #interstellar #milkyway #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
LL Ori and the Orion Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam #orionnebula #cosmicclouds #stellarwind #stellarnursery #star #variablestar #llorionis #gas #dust #stars #interstellar #milkyway #galaxy #universe #space #science #astronomy
#milkyway #chocolate