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Maybe this is just me, but I can’t remember when zombies made the transition from walking brain hungry corpses to just dirty hobos occasionally covered in blood. FEH, FEH TO THESE NEW ZOMBIES, FEH I SAY.
Friend showed this to me. Figured it was worth showing. =3
Well erm… Uh… I was going to joke about it doing Uproar, but uh… Yeah, I got nothing. D:
Friend has been bugging me to make a picture of our Halloween costume characterization thingies, which HE has named Nosey and Gimpy. My costume was SUPPOSED to be one of the deep ones of Lovecraft lore, but whatever. Might make a comic strip of these
This was commissioned by this guy right here, who wanted me to draw his character, which is some sort of skeletal three-headed cobra thing. Thought it’d be cool and, “spooky” enough to share on here. Oh, and an old character of mine
To be BRUTALLY honest, I don’t know how I came up with this. But I’m sure as hell glad I did! God, while making this I swear my brain was just asking me, “What can we do to make this more twisted?” OH BRAIN, YOU SILLY GOOF BALL
This is another commission I made of Goldzilla, and that’s basically it to be bluntly honest. ^^U
A video of me and two buddies of mine playing a Minecraft adventure map called, “Zombie Apocalypse”. It war recorded by this guy, and it features this different guy and myself.
Bogleech Blog: “Nobody at Fox News truly cares about “attacks on traditional...
Can’t remember if I posted this here or not… Ah well. Made this WAAAAYYYY back in July, and I honestly have no idea what inspired me to make it, or I just forgot about said inspiration. Oh, and Kowabunga, or whatever obligatory reference
It’s TECHNICALLY the 14th where I am, so HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, or as I like to call it, SINGLES AWARENESS DAY! Anywho, I call this comic, “Love Never Dies” because I wanna be mushy on Valentine’s day, ALSO THIS TOOK FOREVER TO
Just found this little animation gem whilst perusing the Youtubes! Would most certainly watch this if it were turned into an animated series!
FINALLY got the next six pages done! Man, I keep trying to regularly update this, but at this point I think I’m just gonna try my best to update it regularly, without promising when it’ll be updated. D:
Twilight SHOULD of been about mosquito monsters masquerading as pale teenagers with stupid faces I MEAN vampires. The only downside to this is that I don’t know who originally made this, so I can’t give proper credit where it’s due.
This was commissioned by this guy again, and it turned out well in my opinion so once again I decided to put it here for viewing pleasure and for the hell of it! This guy’s name is Temecles, and from what I can tell, he’s some sort of cyborg
This was a commission paid for by this guy, and he wanted me to draw Kanji Tatsumi standing back to back with his persona. Now I don’t know much about this guy, since I’ve only played a tiny bit of Persona 4 Arena, but all I DO know is that
A belated birthday present for my good friend Steff! But for it to kinda make more sense, you should REEEAAAALLY look at the picture I made her last year, just for the sake of context! WELP, better get some sleep now! … Oh who am I kidding, I&rsquo
Seen a lot of Pokemon stuff on Tumblr lately, so I figured I make something to go along with the trend. However, I also had Ed Roth on the brain, and I imagined Rat Fink and Pikachu doing that Dragon Ball Z fusion dance thing, and PRESTO: PIKA FINK! It&rs
Oh hey! I made a little Batman cartoon! Isn’t that kinda sorta distracting or something? WATCH IT TO VALIDATE MY EXISTENCE PLEASE.
Made this for a good friend’s girlfriend, and she’s awesomely nice, and I hope she likes it, and that’s pretty much it! WHAT, TYPING DESCRIPTIONS IS HARD, AUG!
Eh, just something dumb I thought of making, and I needed an excuse to work on my Photoshop skills.
This is another commission from this guy, and he wanted me to draw his character, Enubus (maybe he’s Anubis’ cousin or something) mixing and brewing potions in an ancient cavern. Tried my best to keep it looking like an ancient Egyptian crypt,
Huh… Somehow this picture is my residence in a nutshell… Also, sick again. D:
Wanted to do something for April Fool’s day, so I decided to, “recreate” a comic cover for my old series known as, “The Chronicles of Nosfera” which you can read in it’s entirety right here. Now several people actually
This was commissioned by this guy right here, and he wanted me to draw the Angry Video Game Nerd fighting the Nostalgia Critic. I thought this feud thing died out like, YEARS ago, but then again, I don’t keep track of this stuff usually.
I got stuff on Threadless that you can vote on!
Another commission paid for by this guy right here, and it’s supposed to be one of his characters creating another one of his characters in some sort of technological blacksmith forge.
Made this for a good friend who has been feeling a bit depressed lately! I hope it cheers her up a little! Also, check out her artwork, she’s really good!
Are people still giving these guys money to support the expansion of Skullgirls? If so, the AWESOME COMIC IS TOTALLY RELEVANT HA. If not, then DAMN IT ALL MISSED THE BAND WAGON AGAIN, URG. Either way, Skullgirls is awesome, but I still think Darkstalkers
Made this on a whim… Still think I messed her hair up. D:
An art trade I partook in with a very good friend of mine! He wanted to do something where we were, “RockGAWDs” or something similar and or along those lines. ANYWHO, HERE IS THE ONE HE MADE FOR MEEEE!
Here is a brief documentary about the average day in my life. Created by some awesome friends. =3
Every single time I go to the grocery store, there is ALWAYS something sweet and sugary placed on top of the frozen chopped spinach bin… It’s starting to make me think there’s some sort of deranged candy-based vandal trying to send
Here’s a Minecraft machinema that was created by a very good buddy of mine, which features this lovely lady right here, and I am in in it as well! So huzzah for that! =D
Welp, since this didn’t win the design contest for Dead Island: Riptide on threadless, (it only got like, 2.26 out of 5 for some reason, maybe I just suck or something) I figured I might as well share it here for the world to see.
Meh, mostly made this for fun, and I kinda wanted an interesting looking wallpaper on my desktop. Still with I could’ve done a better job with Freddy’s background, but oh well!
Eh, not exactly the most original idea out there, but eh, I still kinda like it. Happy Mother’s day everybody who just so happens to be a mom! Oh, and also sorry for not making that much art recently, but art blocks can be a total pain in the rumpus
Had this idea in my head for a few weeks, and I finally decided to make it. Tried my best to make it look like a mix of the devil tarot card and the classic image of baphomet. ALSO, obviously tried to make it sexy for some reason. o3o
Welp, saw people doing this on the tumblrs, so I figured I might as well join in on the bandwagon as well, if not just for something to draw.
Aug, this took FAR too long to make, but I think it was worth it. ANYWAYS, NES JASON, WHOOO! What’s not so whooo though was the actual game made by (to quote AVGN here) Laughing Joking Numb-nuts.
AUG, this is a TINY bit late, but I still made it in tribute to some of Horror’s best actors! Happy birthday you guys, even though two of you have been dead for awhile now! =D