me tag
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me and baekhyun tried to match but i’m too awkward loli was tagged by @yixingsgrl for the selfie thing and bc i felt weird i decided to add bbh and make things better!!! woo hoo!!!anyways i tag @jonginsgrl @rapkingbbh @byunbaekhyunsheaux @reservoiridols
xxx tumblr
sexyteencouple: nakedcouples: F 23 | M 25 Com'on and talk with me ! Ask me about my dropbox full of movies and pic from sexy adventures 2017.
the-winnowing-wind: avegetariancannibal: the-winnowing-wind: the-winnowing-wind: the-winnowing-wind: existingcharactersdiehorribly: Hannibal’s shirt is taking a brief stop with me before it heads on to @the-winnowing-wind and she wanted me to
Love me some Dead Like Me tag.
A good buddy of mine hung out with me this weekend, and was kind enough to let me tag along with him to Anime Milwaukee 2017. I had a lot of fun, but my legs hurt and I was sweating profusely pretty much the whole time.
Tagged by @minerva-van-lotto A: age- 21B: biggest fear- peopleC: current time- 21:18 (smth like 9:18 PM)D: drink you had last- Freeway ENERG mojitoE: easiest person to talk to- my bestie ofcF: favorite song- hmm gotta be the one that had the biggest
I was tagged by @invidia1988Rules: Tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better Tagging: ahhhhhn, EVERYONE, consider yourself tagged!Name: Ligia, but don’t call me that, I hate my name :”DNickname: Ksuriuri, KsuriStar sign/zodiac: LibraGender:
I was tagged by @zelka94 RULES: tag any ten followers you want to get to know betterBIRTHDAY: October 20thGENDER/PRONOUNS: She/They (tbh whatever)RELATIONSHIP STATUS: bonely hehZODIAC: LibraSIBLINGS: Two lil’ demonsPETS: currently 11 catsWAKE UP TIMES:
the winning rebloggers are as follows: PRIZE A (the one with all the candy): sscagnetti PRIZE B (sfw sketch postcard of a homestuck character or your OC): the-damnedest-creature lordskelezeron @wrenchwiitch (it’s not letting me tag you and i don&rsq
Last Sentence Tag@momtaku tagged me because she does that sometimes. I would say thanks, but.Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in that sentence:When what she wanted was closer to, “Fuck you for thinking
Rules: list your top 5 favorite anime characters and tag 10 people.@momtaku tagged me so now I’m in trouble because most of my favorite anime characters are manga characters in disguise. So this list is going to cover ones where the anime version is
Tagged by alohomorashlie !! Post your phone lock screen/wallpaper 😊 I tag : taeminigolf byunghunsbooty florescntlove kagomejade jdw-juseyo withlove-alymae (I know ashlie tagged u too but stilllll lol) posprout honeyandsuga and amethystgreye jaehobbit
kobresias:lantur: @annespelledwithane tagged me in a picrew making game!! So here I am in picrew format :) It’s so much like me that it’s slightly uncanny… I’ll tag @kobresias, @004mog, @taylor-renee, @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee,
I ACTUALLY HIT 1K FOLLOWERS!!! Enjoy my face to celebrate. My /me tag (best if viewed on PC since Tumblr app is so weird) has been in need of a freshen up anyways. Don’t be afraid to chat me up babes
I decided to have a scroll through my me tag for some motivation and inspiration to get back to shooting again, as I think that that would be a very good thing for me. The result will be some older self spam. Hopefully, you all don’t mind.
Getting to know me Tag thing!
Tagged by nakedspacelesbians!
lilliterra:(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Rules:1. Always post the rules2. Answer the questions the person gave you and write 11 new questions for the people you tag 3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post1.) Are you friends with any of your teachers?
wee woo tagging policy comin’ at ya ok so football season is coming up!!!!! A little known fact about me to my new followers is that I REALLY LIKE FOOTBALL. Because of this, I have two tags I may warn you about for TS purposes. This includes
helplesslynerdy: burningupasun: The Next Morning; Pete’s World AU♫ Let me lie in the curve of your body tonight, and I will hear you tumble into sleep. I will watch you heal. I will watch you heal with me. (x) #He still tends to wake up well
tkross: badwolfrun: Rose Tyler per Episode | Born Again You’re not fooling me. I’ve seen all sorts of things. Nano genes, Gelth, Slitheen…oh my god, are you a Slitheen? #honestly rose’s reluctance to accept ten was so beautiful#because
blueboxtraveller: # that’s rose’s ‘i’m gonna fuck him’ face # that’s ten’s ‘she’s gonna fuck me’ face # if you don’t think so .. you need to get your act together (via tinyconfusion)
get to know me tag
ryoji-dearest: i read all your tags even if i don’t comment on them i read them and it makes me happy when people put EXTRA THINGS in their tags so if you’re ever wondering if someone read your tag i didand it made me happy
Tagged by @dildoteamtaskforce Gender: MaleZodiac: Pisces/Aries CuspHeight: 6 foot even. Maybe 6 foot 1 inch?Time: 10:54 PMBirthday: March 20thLast Movie I saw: Thor Ragnarok. I don’t watch many movies. It was playing, and my dad wanted to watch
tagged by liquidemerald5. Rule #1, post the rules.Rule #2, answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones.Rule #3, tag 11 people then link them in the post.Rule #4, tell them you tagged them.Rule #5, tell the person that
Tag You're It
okkvlt: Being vain and feeding my /me tag
tagged by silverprincess33 Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Always answer the questions the person who tagged you and write your own questions. Rule 3: Tag 11 people Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them. 1) Say something :D Hella 2) Favourite
Tagged by: silverprincess33Rules: Just insert your answers to the questions below. Tag at least 10 followers. Name: Sinem Nickname: Sino Birthday: Sep., 23 Gender: well, female but i dont particularly like to define it in a sharp way actually, so
I usually only do these on my main blog butI was tagged by @wh0res-w1th-cha1nsaws to post what 4 albums i’ve been listening to right now so here ya go! :DDrift - ErraHappiness in Self-Destruction - The Plot in YouDiamond Eyes - Deftones Dig Deep -
tag meme
Tagged by @daddysprettypinkprincess to post a bunch of interesting pics in my phone so bam! I tag everyone! Lol
I was tagged by lovedyouthen to post the last photo of myself on my phone. It’s the drunk selfie of me from the other night lol. I tag emeraldpaintedskies and ahoboandhisbox and nodak2nc
So both julroses and ebonyzerscrooge tagged me in this six selfie business. Here’s a splattering of recents. I’m tagging jugo-de-mangotheblackestberryblogthotistanifailingsuperheromaghrabiyyamorgran
Damn son, I had a bunch of sexy selfies this year. I think my confidence has really been shining through. Thanks to my baby julroses for tagging me Tagging: willowraith, yamcans, omgyouresopretty, theblackestberryblog, ebonyzerscrooge, dynastylnoire
bluebell-fairy: hmm… it sure would suck if someone drew me. ….. tru ly. ….. awful…….i hope no one draws me ………. (reverse psychology) (please draw me)
Me: casually goes and triggers myself for no real reason while hanging out and having a great time Me: and now I have to smother this so nobody worries about me
dogsuicidebridge tagged me in the thing! Aye goth-heaux devilcatendlesslives 7letterwords milpool-thrillhouse thecomeback-kid babyfea Tag ur it
@after-mycoffee tagged me for the last song I listened to, my lock screen , and a selfie . Have a good day everyone. Not going to tag anyone so just do it if you want to 😝
Tagged my @msashleighlacey to post a selfie , whoever wants consider yourself tagged
Tagged by @sapphire7fire for last song, background , and selfie … tagging @takemesomewheresouth @bo-zel @camouflagequeen @stoplookingimrighthere @go-outside @dozer09
Tagged by @camouflagequeen for a selfie so here’s the latest one I’ve taken Tagging @takemesomewheresouth @donutsandgtrs @flannelsandcampfires and whoever else wants to
brattybynaturexx: I was tagged by 2 amazing people @myeyesweredarktillyouwokeme & @weirdturned-pro for a selfie. So boom have a Snapchat filter selfie. I’ll tag @misswolfette @deardess @mossyoakmaster andddd EVERYONE else!! Seriously let me see
the-lawyer-to-be: lieutenant-dan-ice-cream: cottoncandy-blue: @noneofchar tagged me for selfie! I got pink eye so i have to wear my glasses for a bit😐🤓 I’ll tag @pagesofpaiigess @the-armed-utahn @lieutenant-dan-ice-cream @a-ffection I just
ihavekalopsia: My tumblr crush @deardess tagged me for a selfie 🙈 featuring the only T-shirt I own that matters.Im tagging @oxydepth @mossyoakmaster @i-just-imagined-you @lilyofthevalley-doesntknow and @acciobums 🖤 Thanks for the tag love, here’s
Tagged by neonpinkpotatoes1. Why did you choose your url? I joined Tumblr during a part of my life when I was feeling weighed down yet hopeful for the future. My url was basically me saying, “I’ve been walking this road for a long time
Tagged by whispersofthesilentwind thank you friend! Using only song names from one artist/band, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 15 People. Try not to repeat a song title, it’s a lot harder than you think! Pick your artist/band: The Arctic
Tagged by @demihux, thank you friend!bold the ones that apply to you:I am in high schoolI am in college/universityI’ve graduated college/universityI like my jobI’ve worked a job I’ve hatedI’ve never had a jobI am shorter than 5’5I wear glasses
don’t belong to no city; don’t belong to no manpersonal aesthetic - tagged by @demihux I tag: @hella-bogus / @theboxisonlytemporary / @melodicmelody7 / @mathematicpony / @oracleanne / @anyone who wants to be tagged
cummbunny: socks darfin got me: baby girl socks, maid socks and angel socks 🎀
I cannot convey the frustration with serial liking enough. It’s not that I want you to reblog because I want more attention. It’s that you are going through my me tag specifically and yet you actively choose not to reblog. It’s like you’re hiding
tagged by the cutest @h0n3y-bee for a selfie, so here’s how this sleepyhead looked yesterday.i would loooove to see your faces @azurepixie @saff81 @hell-is-a-teenage-girll @lauryn-order @i-am-mx-monster @misc-3llan30us @sweepmeoffmyfeet If you
Tagged by the cutest @dominant-butch-dyke for a selfie so here’s last week’s barely awake meIdk witch of all you cuties to tag
smolperalta:i’m so into reading tags like 500 of y’all could be reblogging my stuff and tag it as ‘me’ and ‘mood’ and nothing else and i’d still read every single one of y’alls tags
tagged by @alicerozen ! ty i will try this NAME. Dash!BIRTHDAY. July 26GENDER. girlRELATIONSHIP STATUS. me and tabletZODIAC SIGN. leoSIBLINGS. one older sisterPETS. two dogs, a yorkie and a mixTIME. 2:13pmTYPE OF PHONE. Pantech, super old. alternatively