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Poor girl: it must be tough to be afflicted with such an awfully specific fetish. I hope everything turns out well for her.
Jordan Carver seems like a nice girl: it looks like she sincerely wishes the hero the best of luck in finding that mysterious masked woman. But somehow, I doubt that he’ll succeed.
I guess it’s obvious that her boyfriend has no say in the matter, but will she accept the challenge? And will she win?
I hope it’s obvious to him, too, and he doesn’t say anything wrong.
I like this one, I guess it’s the nonchalant drop of an important piece information as a mere aside in the last two lines.
In retrospect, I don’t remember any more why this caption is called “Warning Signs”. Shouldn’t it be called “Promising Signs” instead?
I bet it’s much, much shorter. Isn’t this how these kind of captions always work?
In my attempt to make my caption texts as short as possible, I tried to restrict myself to five words. I found that it’s still possible to say the same thing in different variants.
I wonder what have happened to his key; who could have taken it?
I think you shouldn’t ask ravens for relationship advice. It didn’t work out too well for Edgar Allen Poe.
On the other hand, they are slightly radioactive, so it’s dangerous to eat several tons a day.
I believe her. After all, it seems like she’s also unable to find her pants or her shirt.
The proper response is: “Licking your asshole is it’s own reward, so I don’t need any further incentive and feel honored to be allowed such a privilege.“
In a fictional universe where indestructible chastity cages exist, one would expect that rules exist that deals with issues like someone getting locked up against his will or being kept locked against his will, but strangely enough, it seems that no such
I bet that she’s fully functional, if you get what I mean, wink, wink. Not that it makes a difference any more, if you stop being fully functional.
Can someone make out the name of the college on the screen which has such a course? I think it’s “Lorem Ipsum”, but I can’t find their webpage.
In real life, I don’t think that deception is an effective strategy to lead a successful relationship, but since these captions take place in an alternative reality with indestructible chastity cages, then it’s psychological and sociological laws
Denise Milano and a match of tennis. As Einstein didn’t say (but it gets attributed to him anyway): The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Maybe her victim is loosing on purpose?
I’m wondering which country has red-yellow striped fences. But maybe it’s a privately owned fence, and the owner can color the fence to her idiosyncratic liking.
Don’t you hate it when that happens? Whom are we kidding, you were just waiting for such an opportunity, the elaborate ruse was completely unnecessary.
Mistress, with all due respect, wouldn’t it be more practical and less distracting for everybody else if only a small, discreet light would flash up whose meaning would only been known to a select few? You don’t care, and didn’t ask for my opinion?
Is it still furry porn if the protagonist has scales instead of fur?
And once you have learned it, unlocking you becomes pointless.
This entry has next to nothing to do with the usual subject of this blog (enforced male chastity as a sexual fetish), unless you consider it as an addendum to a previous caption featuring maps.I recently did another implementation of the Bonne map project
Apparently, wearing cosplay and a mask is a thing in Japan. I mean, outside of perverted BDSM circles. But a doll factory to produce chaste slaves still doesn’t really exist. Or does it? Dun dun dun…
I have a preference for captions in which the woman casually mentions how she’s going to ruin a man’s life, like it’s nothing special or important, and gets just mentioned in passing. My very first caption is another example of this style.
I’ve never seem “Legend Of The Seeker”, and I haven’t read the book either. All I know is that it has leather-clad women. My imagination is filling out the blanks.
If you’re wearing a chastity cage and your balls turn blue (or any other unusual color), you are probably doing something wrong and should stop doing it. Except if you’re into castration play. Otherwise, the term “blue balls” is meant metaphorically.
Once you’ve got a man locked in a chastity cage, using hypnosis seems unnecessary. But if it adds to the fun…
Avril Lavigne has some unusual hobbies, it seems.
Do you still have to sit down to pee when you wear it?
I guess I’m not really into incest, otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken almost four hundred captions until this specific subject appears. But my ambition forces me to put as many fetishes into these captions as possible, to achieve some kind of encyclopedic
What I like about this image is how it doesn’t explicitly show the things to come, but only hints at them.
This caption is partly inspired by the ecchi manga/anime “He is my Master”. Which has it’s own hentai parody/pastiche “This is my Chastity Belt” (”Kore Ga Watashi No Teisoutai“ and “Kore Ga Watashi No Teisoutai Plus!”, if you want to
I doubt that the chastity device in the last image would be much more inescapable if it were secured with a heavy brass lock.
Don’t get a pet if you don’t have enough time to provide it with proper care.
This scenario sounds a bit impractical: even with a chastity cage, there is still the looming possibility of dying of sexual exhaustion, not to speak of all the other ways it might lead to death.
To be overly technical about it, he could escape the approaching anniversary by killing himself. But that doesn’t sound like an attractive option.
But you could do it anyway as an act of kindness, right? No? Please?
“Gargantua and Pantagruel” contains a list of comparisons to indicate that something is very, very tiny; among those is “tiny like the left testicle of a fly”. I thought it was cute how the comparison didn’t just say “a fly’s testicle”,
In this alternative reality, men are at least allowed to drive, so it could be worse.
One of my few captions that isn’t about a woman locking men into chastity cages. Instead, it’s a bout a nice, innocent girl returning home from a completely uneventful, almost boring trip.
At least she’s thinking about it.
I’m not particularly fond of tattoos (I have no moral objections, it’s just an aesthetic preference), so I usually prefer images without them, but that wouldn’t work with this caption.
I think this is my first, but not last caption featuring Snow White. For some reason, she seems to be more suited for kinky reinterpretations than other fairy tale princesses. It helps that the clothing of her Disney version is so easily recognizable,
If someone would trap Koyomi Araragi in a chastity cage, he could simply cut his penis off and regrow it with his residual vampire powers. Which kind of ruins this caption, so let’s pretend he hasn’t any residual vampire powers.But Hitagi Senjōgahara
I see three possible outcomes for the rendering of the heading of this entry: either everything works fine, or you see some boxes for unknown Unicode characters, or you see an abysmal mixture of barely fitting fonts.It’s 2015, and the most widespread
Is it a spoiler if I reveal that Andrea, the character played by Sherry Jackson in the Star Trek episode “What Are Little Girls Made Of?”, is actually a robot?
I like her insistence that she has a pure heart, and that it seems to work.
Since I wrote this caption back in 2013, I found out that there is indeed a guy who sells 3-D printed chastity cages; I actually bought one. But unlike my caption, it’s unfortunately just “one size fits all”, not tailor-made. But I think we’re
Is it cheating if you let a woman who’s not your wife handle the control unit of your brain chip?
Crossing certain blue doors give you the ability to reach every point in time and space. Others, it seems, put even parts of your own body out of reach.
I think it’s a funny picture, but his “penis” is quite obviously a prop.
The plot doesn’t really remind me of the Renaissance, it sounds more like the stuff out of a typical Romantic novel.
Is it just me, or are girls with welding tools always incredibly sexy?
…but for me, it was Tuesday.
Don’t worry, maybe it’s one of those locks that don’t need a key, since they are not meant to be unlocked.
I never understood the appeal of giant 50-foot women, I mean, what’s the point if you can’t even have sex with them, at least not the ordinary, vanilla kind?My own kink? I’m into forced chastity, it turns me on being “forced” by a woman to wear
Did girls back in the Sixties have large, visible tattoos? I somehow doubt it.
Husbands, dogs: it’s easy to get confused.