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infrareds clips
Surreal scenery (infrared photography)
sistersofmoon: Karin Székessy - Nudes in Forest, 1971
titillate-me: Infrared 3 by JennaKellen
Good night! Bettie XL Lens, Alfred Infrared Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic
that-wet-feeling: Infrared Video of a Diaper Wetting Very neat! I must have already reblogged this fantastic video showing how hot a diaper becomes as it is being wet, but I’ve never seen another one like it. Beautiful!
Infrared Orion from WISE #nasa #apod #wise #irsa #infrared #orion #nebula #m42 #trapezium #horsehead #universe #galaxy #milkyway #astronomy #space #science
Manchester | Studio CMC little balls of light
Manchester | Studio CMC My portfolio lacked an inventory of recent artistic nudes, I shot with Chris in delaware to prove that tattoos CAN work in the art nude world….
airville: 2014 Year Of the Jordan 6 by AirVille What do you guys think was the best Jordan 6s to drop this year? I’m going to have to go with the Infrared 23 6s best colorway I seen in a while. 1. White Infrareds 2. Infrared 23 3. Carmines 4. Cigars
zapasdbasket: Release Air Jordan VI “Black/Infrared” Color: Black/Infrared 23-BlackStyle Code: 384664-023Release: 28 / 11/ 2014PVP: 170,00€
Infrared x janoski
sweetsoles: Nike Air Max 90 VNTG ‘Infrared’ & Nike Air Max 90 GS ‘Infrared’ (by BrowNonSoles)
the-actual-universe: South America GalaxyIRAS 22491-1808 is more commonly known as the South America Galaxy. The galaxy is classified as a ULIRG (an ultralumionous infrared galaxy); the large amount of infrared emission was triggered by a collision betwe
“Cades Cove” Cades Cove landscapeSmoky Mountain National ParkIR converted D90
Sedona in Infrared on Flickr. I’m shooting a lot of infrared with a converted D7100
“Vanguard” Sunset Crater, northern Arizonasolitary tree on cinder conean infrared image-jerrysEYES
“Into Bright Angel” BW infrared image looking into Bright Angel CanyonGrand Canyon National Park-jerrysEYES
In Sedona on Flickr. False color infrared-jerrysEYES
Yaki Point Sunrise on Flickr. BW Infrared-jerrysEYES
“Wukoki Pueblo” in infrared.Wupatki, Northern Arizona-jerrysEYES
“Good In Any Light” Melissa Troutt, in infrared. An outtake as I was setting up the converted D7100 for some IR work
“Camouflage” aka “A Tree By Any Other Name” Melissa Troutt, communing with nature, in infrared-jerrysEYES
“Quarantine” The unpredictable Melissa Troutt, in BW infrared.-jerrysEYES
“Synapse” Melissa Troutt, in infrared.-jerrysEYES
“Au naturel” Melissa Troutt, in nature, in infrared-jerrysEYES
“Hide And Seek” Melissa Troutt, infrared-jerrysEYES
“Tree Hugger” Melissa Troutt, in infrared-jerrysEYES
Study in Infrared Melissa Troutt-jerrysEYES
Wukoki Pueblo Wupatki National MonumentNEish of Flagstaff AZin infrared -jerrysEYES
Badlands Infrared Badlands National ParkSouth Dakota USAin BW infrared
Historic Eastham Village, old graveyard (this is infrared photography).
infrared scope of pointlessness
katerieke: Infrared Tree No. 2590 nm filter on infrared converted camera© kate rieke
just–space: Infrared Portrait of the Large Magellanic Cloud : Cosmic dust clouds ripple across this infrared portrait of our Milky Way’s satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud. In fact, the remarkable composite image from the Herschel Space
Noisenest + Theresa Manchester in infrared
opticallyaroused: Gorgeous Infrared Landscapes With Trees of Gold and Silver You can find more of Keochkerian’s work (including plenty of non-infrared photos) on his Flickr and 500px pages. (via Colossal)
deeplovephotography: Vancouver Island Infrared (43/?)portfolio | flickr | facebook | society6 Infrared ruined it for me… =( Thought it was real. Still pretty though.
Infrared Portrait of the Large Magellanic Cloud #nasa #apod #esa #jpl #caltech #stsci #largemagellaniccloud #satellitegalaxy #cosmic #dust #herschelspaceobservatory #spitzerspacetelescope #dwarfgalaxy #universe #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
Infrared Trifid #nasa #apod #ssc #caltech #jpl #trifidnebula #messier20 #m20 #constellation #sagittarius #nebula #gas #dust #star #stars #stellarnursery #spritzerspacetelescope #interstellar #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
Equinox on a Spinning Earth #nasa #apod #meteosat #satellite #equinox #infrared #terminator #seasons #geosynchronousorbit #geosynchronous #orbit #solarsystem #galaxy #universe #space #science #astronomy
Saturn in Infrared from Cassini #nasa #apod #ssi #jpl #caltech #cassini #spaceprobe #spacecraft #infrared #saturn #planet #solarsystem #clouds #storms #rings #space #science #astronomy
Star Formation in the Tadpole Nebula #nasa #apod #wise #irsa #tadpolenebula #nebula #ic410 #starformation #stars #constellation #auriga #cloud #gas #dust #stellarwinds #ngc1893 #interstellar #intergalactic #infrared #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Multiwavelength Crab #nasa #apod #esa #iafe #vla #chandra #spitzer #jpl #caltech #hubble #stsci #crabnebula #m1 #messier1 #nebula #supernovaremnant #electromagnetic #spectrum #xray #ultraviolet #visible #infrared #radio #crabpulsar #pulsar #neutron
NGC 2623: Merging Galaxies from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #optical #spitzer #infrared #xmmnewton #xray #galex #ultraviolet #hubblespacetelescope #ngc2623 #arp243 #galaxies #galacticcollision #galacticmerger #intergalactic #interstellar #universe
Venus at Night in Infrared from Akatsuki #nasa #apod #jaxa #isas #darts #venus #planet #akatsuki #spaceprobe #spacecraft #venusclimateorbiter #infrared #atmosphere #clouds #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Jupiter in Infrared from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #jupiter #planet #clouds #storms #atmosphere #hubblespacetelescope #infrared #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Cyclones at Jupiter’s North Pole #nasa #apod #jpl #caltech #swri #asi #inaf #jiram #jupiter #planet #northpole #juno #spacecraft #spaceprobe #infrared #atmosphere #cyclones #storms #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Pillars of the Eagle Nebula in Infrared Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, HLA; Processing: Lluís Romero Explanation: Newborn stars are forming in the Eagle Nebula. Gravitationally contracting in pillars of dense gas and dust, the intense radiation
infrared—28: hey zarc
Infrared Photography by David Keochkerian
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