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A Supernova through Galaxy Dust #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam #stsci #aura #supernova #galaxy #centaurusa #cena #dust #hubblespacetelescope #sn2016adj #typeiib #stellarcorecollapsesupernova #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science
Edge-On Galaxy NGC 5866 #nasa #apod #esa #hubblelegacyarchive #hubblespacetelescope #ngc5866 #galaxy #lenticulargalaxy #edgeon #dust #gas #galacticplane #constellation #draco #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hubblespacetelescope #ghostheadnebula #ngc2080 #largemagellaniccloud #satellitegalaxy #stars #halloween #crossquarterday #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Arp 299: Black Holes in Colliding Galaxies #nasa #apod #jpl #caltech #gsfc #hubble #nustar #chandra #hubblespacetelescope #arp299 #blackhole #galaxies #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Starburst Cluster in NGC 3603 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #aura #hubble #hubbleheritage #hubblespacetelescope #ngc3603 #milkyway #carina #spiralarm #starcluster #stars #starformation #interstellar #gas #dust #clouds #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 4696: Filaments around a Black Hole #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #afabian #ngc4696 #spiralgalaxy #supermassiveblackhole #blackhole #gas #dust #filaments #hubblespacetelescope #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
The Extraordinary Spiral in LL Pegasi #nasa #apod #esa #jpl #hubble #llpegasi #afgl3068 #spiral #binarystarsystem #hubblespacetelescope #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #stars #space #science #astronomy
The Cartwheel Galaxy from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #cartwheelgalaxy #galaxy #galaxies #constellation #sculptor #stars #star #starformation #hubblespacetelescope #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 5033 #nasa #apod #esa #mast #hubble #spacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #ngc5033 #seyfertgalaxy #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #stars #dust #interstellar #gas #supermassiveblackhole #blackhole #intergalactic #universe #space
N159 in the Large Magellanic Cloud #nasa #apod #esa #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #largemagellaniccloud #galaxy #satellite #tarantulanebula #gas #dust #stars #n159 #papillonnebula #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Cat’s Eye Nebula from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hla #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #catseye #nebula #catseyenebula #ngc6543 #planetarynebula #dyingstar #star #planets #interstellar #milkyway #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
The Porpoise Galaxy from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hla #hubble #spiralgalaxy #porpoisegalaxy #ngc2936 #ellipticalgalaxy #ngc2937 #arp142 #gravity #dust #stars #hubblespacetelescope #constellation #hydra #watersnake #galaxies #interstellar #intergalactic
UGC 12591: The Fastest Rotating Galaxy Known #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #ugc12591 #galaxy #gas #dust #stars #rotation #gravity #mass #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Dust, Gas, and Stars in the Orion Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hla #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #orion #nebula #orionnebula #m42 #gas #dust #stars #star #constellation #starcluster #trapezium #stellarnursery #hydrogen #proplyds #interstellar #intergalactic
Fast Stars and Rogue Planets in the Orion Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #constellation #orion #orionsbelt #greatnebulaoforion #nebula #stars #starcluster #trapezium #orionnebula #star #planets #rogueplanets #gas #dust #interstellar
Galaxy Cluster Gas Creates Hole in Microwave Background #nasa #apod #alma #eso #naoj #nrao #kitayama #esa #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #galaxycluster #galaxy #cluster #cmb #cosmicmicrowavebackground #gas #dust #microwave #szeffect #sunyaevzeldovicheffect
The Red Spider Planetary Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hla #hubble #planetarynebula #redspidernebula #nebula #ngc6537 #whitedwarf #star #deadstar #winds #gas #dust #atoms #light #hubblespacetelescope #constellation #archer #sagittarius #interstellar #milkyway
NGC 4302 and NGC 4298 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #spiralgalaxy #ngc4302 #constellation #comaberenices #virgogalaxycluster #ngc4298 #spiral #galaxy #dust #stars #star #hubblespacetelescope #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Galaxy Cluster Abell 370 and Beyond #nasa #apod #esa #hff #stsci #galaxycluster #abell370 #galaxies #deepspace #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #stars #gravitaionallensing #darkmatter #spacetime #constellation #cetus #seamonster #interstellar #intergalactic
In the Center of the Lagoon Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #stecf #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #telescope #lagoonnebula #m8 #messier8 #nebula #stellarwinds #gas #dust #stars #constellation #sagittarius #interstellar #intergalactic #galaxy #milkyway #universe
Approaching the Bubble Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #noao #aura #nsf #hubbleheritageteam #bubblenebula #gas #dust #wind #radiation #star #nebula #hubblespacetelescope #wiyntelescope #telescope #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #milkyway #galaxy
IC 418: The Spirograph Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam #stsci #aura #jpl #ic418 #spirographnebula #planetarynebula #star #gas #dust #nebula #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #interstellar #intergalactic #milkyway #galaxy #universe #space #science
Mountains of Dust in the Carina Nebula #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #carinanebula #carina #nebula #stars #gas #dust #stellarnursery #hubblespacetelescope #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Celestial Fireworks: Into Star Cluster Westerlund 2 #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #stsci #aura #eso #hubblespacetelescope #hubbleheritageteam #westerlund2 #starcluster #stars #fireworks #fourthofjuly #gum29nebula #constellation #carina #interstellar #gas #dust
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1512: The Nuclear Ring #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #legus #spiralgalaxy #ngc1512 #barredspiralgalaxy #stars #star #gas #dust #rings #hubblespacetelescope #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Phobos: Moon over Mars #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #asu #ssi #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #phobos #moon #mars #planet #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Spiral Galaxy NGC 1512: The Inner Ring #nasa #apod #esa #hubblespacetelescope #ngc1512 #spiralgalaxy #nuclearring #stars #gas #dust #innerring #outerring #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans #nasa #apod #hubblelegacyarchive #europeansouthernobservatory #ngc2442 #galaxy #distorted #constellation #flyingfish #piscis #volans #gas #dust #stars #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space
The Eagle and The Swan #nasa #apod #eaglenebula #m16 #swannebula #m17 #nebula #nebulae #stars #gas #dust #milkyway #galaxy #interstellar #universe #hubblespacetelescope #space #science #astronomy
Bright Spiral Galaxy M81 #nasa #apod #naoj #subarutelescope #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #telescope #m81 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #greatbear #ursamajor #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Veil Nebula: Wisps of an Exploded Star #nasa #apod #esa #hubbleheritageteam #stsci #aura #veilnebula #supernova #star #cygnusloop #constellation #swan #cygnus #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #interstellar #intergalactic #milkyway #galaxy #universe #space
Ice Ring around Nearby Star Fomalhaut #nasa #apod #alma #eso #naoj #nrao #esa #hubble #nrao #aui #nsf #star #ice #fomalhaut #hubblespacetelescope #interstellar #milkyway #galaxy #universe #space #science #astronomy
Start Cluster NGC 362 from Hubble #nasa #apod #wfc3 #esa #ubc #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #ngc362 #globularcluster #stars #star #milkyway #galaxy #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 6363: The Little Ghost Nebula #nasa #apod #hubbleheritageteam #ngc6369 #littleghostnebula #gas #dust #whitedwarf #star #planetarynebula #constellation #ophiuchus #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #milkyway #galaxy
Hubble’s Messier 5 #nasa #apod #hst #esa #m5 #globularstarcluster #stars #star #interstellar #intergalactic #milkyway #galaxy #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #space #science #astronomy
HH 666: Carina Dust Pillar with Jet #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hla #carinanebula #herbigharo666 #hh666 #starformation #gas #dust #stars #nebula #interstellar #milkyway #galaxy #hubblespacetelescope #space #science #astronomy
Bright Planetary Nebula NGC 7027 from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #ngc7027 #planetarynebula #pillownebula #gas #dust #star #constellation #cygnus #swan #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
NGC 2623: Merging Galaxies from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #optical #spitzer #infrared #xmmnewton #xray #galex #ultraviolet #hubblespacetelescope #ngc2623 #arp243 #galaxies #galacticcollision #galacticmerger #intergalactic #interstellar #universe
Jupiter in Infrared from Hubble #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #jupiter #planet #clouds #storms #atmosphere #hubblespacetelescope #infrared #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Fortuitous Flash Candidate for the Farthest Star Yet Seen #nasa #apod #esa #hubblespacetelescope #hubble #star #flash #gravitationallensing #galaxycluster #bluesupergiant #icarus #intergalactic #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Facing NGC 3344 #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #ngc3344 #spiralgalaxy #constellation #leominor #stars #gas #dust #galaxy #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Mars Engulfed Image Credit: J. Bell (ASU), M. Wolff (Space Science Inst.), Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA), NASA Explanation: What’s happened to Mars? In 2001, Mars underwent a tremendous planet-wide dust storm – one of the largest ever
Symbiotic R Aquarii Image Credit: Hubble, NASA, ESA; Processing & License: Judy Schmidt Explanation: You can see it change in brightness with just binoculars over the course of a year. Variable star R Aquarii is actually an interacting binary star