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gaymanga: Premium Seat, 2011Illustration by SUV
gaymanga: gofujimoto: First post on the Tumblr!!old work. Go Fujimoto (藤本郷) joined Tumblr! Follow him!
gaymanga: From the Twitter of Kazuhide Ichikawa (市川和秀): Rough sketch for a gay night-club event. BULGE!!! LOL
gaymanga: Light Blue (縹色), 2013 Illustration by Koma no Kura (狛乃蔵)
gaymanga: Huge Junior, Tiny Senior (でっかい後輩ちっちゃい先輩), 2013Doujinshi by Takeshi Matsu (松武) & Tsukasa Matsuzaki (松崎司) Available on Digiket
gaymanga: Cover and excerpts from Okinawa Slave Island 05 (沖縄スレイブアイランド 【05】), 2013 by Go Fujimoto (藤本郷) The brand new fifth installment of Go Fujimoto’s ongoing manga series Okinawa Slave Island is out today from
gaymanga: Illustration from the image set Jungle Variety (ジャングル色々), 2013By KAMOS@リジェネ
gaymanga: Excerpts from Slave Training Summer Camp (奴隷調教合宿), 2013 Manga by Gengoroh Tagame (田亀源五郎) The first installment of Slave Training Summer Camp is available in the September 2013 issue of Badi magazine. The cover story
gaymanga: The Secret Affair of Two People (二人の秘め事), 2013 by CHICU. via CHICU’s Pixiv
gaymanga: Chu (ちゅ), 2013 Illustration by Poko Murata (村田ポコ)
gaymanga: Sagawa and Yamato (佐川とヤマト), 2014 Illustration by Sasuke (佐助) These adorable fellows are wearing uniforms from Yamato and Sagawa respectively, two well-known shipping companies in Japan. See also: Uron’s (胡乱) take on
gaymanga: The truth is out there! via BLUDCLUB
gaymanga: muratapo: QOGL vol.4、開催します! Illustration by Poko Murata (村田ポコ) Quality of Gay Life is an awareness-raising event put on by the group Tokyo Gay Friends for AIDS. The upcoming 4th edition of QOGL takes place on February
gaymanga: banjyaku: DRAWの髭兄さん Sketch by Banjyaku (ばんじゃく)
gaymanga: Illustration by Terujirou (晃次郎)for a novel written by Mizuju Shirai (白井水十) in the March 2013 issue of G-men via Terujirou’s Twitter, @terujirou1014
gaymanga: Noda Gaku (NODAガク)’s new doujinshi is an homage to @radiomaru (Bryan Lee O’Malley)’s Scott Pilgrim series!! So amazing! It debuts this Saturday, August 16th at Comiket 86.
gaymanga: Summer illustration by Inu Yoshi (犬羲) Inu Yoshi is preparing for an art exhibition in Osaka opening this July.
gaymanga: tagagen: Unused sketches for Endless Game. by Gengoroh Tagame (田亀源五郎)
gaymanga: by Sakuramaru (さくらまる)
gaymanga:Valentine (ヴァレンタイン), 2013 Illustration by Mura (むら)
gaymanga:otake-g-men:漫画無事に完成!(^_^ゞPanels from a recently completed manga by Otake (おタケ)
gaymanga: tama-g-men: 今月のG-menの表紙です。 今月はテーマが「哀傷」ということで、試合に負けた傷だらけのラガーマンにしてみました。 良かったら皆さんお手に取ってみてくださいー。
gaymanga: Illustration for Yaro Fest by Noda Gaku (NODAガク)The latest Yaro Fest (野郎フェス) takes place at Ota City Industrial Plaza in Tokyo on May 2nd, 2015.
gaymanga: Black and white drawings by TAMA
gaymanga: It’s here! My Brothers Husband (Otouto no Otto) Volume 1 by Gengoroh Tagame. Get it this Saturday at the MASSIVE San Diego Summer Sizzler! 5-9PM at Pecs Bar. #SDCC exclusive! Online at next week.
gaymanga: Animal Synchronicity 2 (アニマルシンクロニシティ02), 2013Doujinshi by Kazuhide Ichikawa (市川和秀) Akira the super-buff bipedal tiger is back in the second installment of Kaz’s kemono-themed Animal Synchronicity series!
gaymanga: Suddenly… (突然の・・・), 2013 Illustration by Uron (胡乱)
gaymanga: Illustration by Terujirou (晃次郎)
gaymanga: Sanba no Karasu: Extra Large Portion (三羽のカラス 特盛り), 2012Collection of manga by Jiraiya (児雷也) The original Sanba no Karasu, released in 2009, collected 8 instant-classic short comics by Jiraiya. The “Extra Large Portion”
gaymanga: Illustration for the Osaka Fundoshi Festival (大阪褌祭り), 2014 by Jiraiya (児雷也) The Osaka Fundoshi Festival takes place May 3, 2014. Wearing fundoshi is mandatory! For footwear, jika-tabi are encouraged.
gaymanga: Kazuhide Ichikawa (市川和秀) is signing cards for people who pre-ordered his new book, Miracle of Love (愛のキセキ). The 288-page collection comes out this week from Furukawa Shobou (古川書房). Miracle of Love contains 12 stories
gaymanga: After the Fundoshi Festival (ふんどし祭りの後), 2014 by Moritake (モリタケ)
gaymanga: banjyaku: ほ、本当にこれで、この間の事を水に流してくれるんだろうね? ふんどしの日ってことで描いてみた。 ナイスふんどし! #ふんどしの日 “Nice fundoshi! #FundoshiDay” Fundoshi
gaymanga: Top: Pool, 2012Bottom: Boss’s Holiday, 2011 Illustrations by Korean artist Winemvee See also: Winemvee’s Pixiv
gaymanga: Illustration by Noda Gaku (NODAガク)
gaymanga: Flyer for free HIV/STI screening in Shinjuku by community center AktaIllustration by Jiraiya (児雷也)
gaymanga: Rowdy Wrestler (暴れん坊力士), 2014 GIF by Moritake (モリタケ) Moritake’s animated tribute to the titular character from anime series Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro!! (暴れん坊力士!!松太郎).
gaymanga: Panel from Slave Training Summer Camp (奴隷調教合宿) Chapter 10 by Gengoroh Tagame (田亀源五郎) Published in the September 2014 issue of Badi magazine. (Release date: July 21, 2014)
gaymanga: Illustration for a new doujinshi cover by Kazuhide Ichikawa (市川和秀) Kaz has been working hard on this Santa Claus-themed cover. He writes on his blog: “All day long, I drew it, erased it, drew it again, erased it again. I was doing
gaymanga: Junior Dominating Senior Challenge! (下克上に挑戦!), 2013Doujinshi by Terujirou (晃次郎) Available for download on Digiket and Surpara Market.
gaymanga: Work Picture 12 (仕事絵12), 2013Illustration by Terujirou (晃次郎)
gaymanga: Pit Stains (汗じみ), 2014by Inu Yoshi (犬羲) via Inu Yoshi’s Twitter, @wanwanbobo
gaymanga: Art by Orange Sketchbook (桔畫冊) from his Facebook
gaymanga: jiropon1964: 2006年 落書き。 Fishmonger rakugaki (graffiti) by Jiro Takahata (高畠次郎), 2006
gaymanga: Work Picture 17 (仕事絵17) Illustration for a novel by Terujirou (晃次郎)
gaymanga: At the Lodgings of an Old Temple (古寺の宿坊にて。), 2014 Illustration by Sadali
gaymanga: Top: Noda Gaku’s character Inogashira (猪頭) on a custom pillowcase Bottom: Hulk smash! From Noda Gaku (NODAガク)’s Twitter
gaymanga: ebith1969: こういうポーズで床に置いた紙にペンで字を書く姿が好きなんだけど、今となっては見る機会が無い Seizoh Ebisubashi (戎橋政造) conveying such sexiness in a simple sketch!
gaymanga: First photos of Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It from Fantagraphics!! Thanks to Sonia Lei from Fanta for the pics! I cannot wait to hold a copy in my hands! ^_^
gaymanga: Saint (聖人), 2014 by Cauro Hige (髭カウロ)
gaymanga: ebith1969:激画は何というか、小さいけど手間がかかるコマが連発してるとこサ。Gekiga in progress by Seizoh Ebisubashi (戎橋政造)
gaymanga: Species and Chimera (スピーシーとキマイラ), 2013Game by Underground Campaign (UGCP)Artwork by Senga Migiri (旋牙闇霧)Species and Chimera is an R18 dojin game that explores the sex lives of zookeepers in a (crypto)zoo populated
gaymanga: Fan art of Mike from Tagame’s manga My Brother’s Husband (弟の夫) by Kei Chang!
gaymanga: ebith1969: 【おかず処えびすや・新作のご案内】「寸劇エロチカ・中原雅也・173x102x37」只今デジケット様にてダウンロード販売が始まりました♪ハッテン場でのヒトコマを切り出してみました。さっくり8ページでよろしくお願いします!
gaymanga: Seizoh Ebisubashi’s kawaii new Twitter and Facebook profile picture, wearing his own tank top from MASSIVE! ^_^