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Made this after being heavily inspired by a picture a friend of mine made! It’s supposed to be me in a Reaper costume, but I think all I ended up drawing was a fat reaper farting out ghost gas. Ah well, Still love this game! :D
Can't decide if it's gas or love...
Madhog Reads His Own Fanfiction: “Thriller at the Gas Station” Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit star in a social commentary about the current economical crisis conveyed through the allegoric setting of early 1930’s Depression&hel
Pup Crumbs, Gpup Alpha & MonsterBait.Featuring gear by @mrsleather:Pup Crumbs: Custom Camouflage Leather Pup Hood & Camouflage Leather Carpenter Shorts Gpup Alpha: Israeli Gas Mask & Sailor Front ApronMonsterBait: Leather Mask supplied by
dynamicattack: So @keijimatsu drew Curly as Roadhog but initially forgot the fucking gas mask. This could not stand. So I kicked open the door to his stream and fixed his awful, awful mistake for him. Images also available on Weasyl: [1], [2]EXTREME
spandex lycra gas mask bondage video
swindleleather: A partial suspension with a fun latex singlet and gas mask. Wonder what could happen…
tapedandtortured:Move along, nothing here to see. We’re just keeping him safe from a gas attack.
verigupi: justice4mikebrown: actjustly: THIS IS HUGE More info should be available tomorrow (12/12). A federal judge ruled Thursday that police can no longer use tear gas on protesters without declaring an illegal assembly, giving them fair warning
cosmomoore: tenaflyviper: saintsdollsandangels: tiqqun: Hong Kong on some next level shit, no-selling tear gas canisters. Teamwork makes the dream work babes!! Nothing says friendship like destroying a communist police state together If anyone
NEOLIBERISMO A CAZZO DI CANE: Regolamenti “fai da te” #italia#italy#eni#esso#total#libya#iran#gasoline#gas#oil
Architecture in Italy, Rovigo - #padovafotografia #polesine #rovigo #adige#padania#veneto #rovigo #italy #polworld #gas (Scattata con instagram)
German soldiers and their mule wearing gas mask - 1916
testtubespace: I love the look of a gas giant rising over one of its moons. Almost makes me wish we all lived on a moon, but I doubt the wild seasonal changes and other problems would be detrimental to our lifestyles.
HA! EAT IT HITLER! This is gonna make me hate paying my gas bill a little less this friday…. ^_^
joleeinabox: I like this photo, pretty eerie plus, gas masks x 100 yes!!!
MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WITH YOU *shabbos bonus* D. Schwartz and Bee Wirks: D-Wirks Foot On The Gas EP
The Witch Head Nebula #nasa #apod #witchhead #nebula #ic2118 #rigel #Orion #star #stars #gas #dust #halloween #universe #intergalactic #interstellar #space#science #astronomy
The Great Orion Nebula M42 #nasa #apod #Orion #nebula #m42 #gas #clouds #dust #ngc1977 #nebulae #molecularcloudcomplex #interstellar #material #stellarnursery #stars #galaxy #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Tadpoles of IC 410 #nasa #apod #nebula #ic410 #cosmic #dust #gas #tadpoles #ngc1893 #universe #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
The Horsehead Nebula #nasa #apod #horsehead #nebula #dust #gas #cloud #flame #stars #stellarnursery #cosmic #galactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Herbig-Haro 24 #nasa #apod #esa #Hubble #stsci #aura #stars #nebula #gas #dust #cosmicjets #stellarnursery #hh24 #universe #intergalactic #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula #nasa #apod #stars #star #molecular #gas #dust #ic2944 #runningchicken #nebula #molecularclouds #thackerays #globules #galaxy #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 3310: A Starburst Spiral Galaxy #nasa #apod #ngc3310 #spiralgalaxy #stars #densitywaves #gas #dust #starformation #constellation #ursamajor #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
Edge-On Galaxy NGC 5866 #nasa #apod #esa #hubblelegacyarchive #hubblespacetelescope #ngc5866 #galaxy #lenticulargalaxy #edgeon #dust #gas #galacticplane #constellation #draco #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Dark Nebulas across Taurus #nasa #apod #possii #nebula #nebulas #dust #gas #filaments #pleiadesstarcluster #californianebula #constellation #taurus #stars #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
The W in Cassiopeia #nasa #apod #constellation #cassiopeia #clouds #dust #gas #nebulae #star #stars #starclusters #segin #ruchbah #gammacas #schedar #caph #m103 #ngc457 #pacmannebula #interstellar #intergalactic #alphacentauri #space #science #astronomy
NGC 6188 and NGC 6164 #nasa #apod #ngc6188 #ngc6164 #nebulas #nebulae #nebula #gas #molecular #clouds #dust #star #stars #stellarwinds #constellation #ara #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
IC 5067 in the Pelican Nebula #nasa #apod #naoj #ic5067 #ic5070 #pelicannebula #emissionnebula #dust #gas #atoms #clouds #wind #radiation #stars #universe #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
The Cygnus Wall of Star Formation #nasa #apod #cygnus #emissionnebula #northamericannebula #ngc7000 #stars #interstellar #gas #radiation #ionization #space #science #astronomy
The Tulip in the Swan #nasa #apod #tulip #nebula #constellation #cygnus #theswan #interstellar #gas #dust #stars #universe #galaxy #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
HI4PI: The Hydrogen Sky #nasa #apod #hi4pi #hydrogen #gas #milkyway #universe #magellanicclouds #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
Propeller Shadows on Saturn’s Rings #nasa #apod #jpl #caltech #saturn #rings #gas #dust #particles #moonlets #propeller #cassini #spacecraft #probe #solarsystem #planet #space #science #astronomy
A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat #nasa #apod #nebulae #nebula #giantsquid #Ou4 #Sh-129 #flyingbat #constellation #cepheus #ionization #gas #oxygen #hydrogen #stars #universe #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Portrait of NGC 281 #nasa #apod #ngc281 #pacmannebula #ic1590 #nebula #cloud #dust #gas #stars #cosmic #constellation #cassiopeia #hydrogen #sulfur #oxygen #interstellar #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Starburst Cluster in NGC 3603 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #aura #hubble #hubbleheritage #hubblespacetelescope #ngc3603 #milkyway #carina #spiralarm #starcluster #stars #starformation #interstellar #gas #dust #clouds #universe #space #science #astronomy
NGC 7822 in Cepheus #nasa #apod #ngc7822 #cosmicpillars #gas #dust #molecularcloud #constellation #cepheus #oxygen #hydrogen #sulfur #stars #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Heart and Soul Nebulas #nasa #apod #milkyway #constellation #cassiopeia #nebula #nebulae #emissionnebula #heartandsoul #heartnebula #ic1805 #gas #dust #energizedhydrogen #hydrogen #stars #starcluster #universe #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
IC 5070: A Dusty Pelican in the Swan #nasa #apod #chanctonburyobservatory #pelicannebula #ic5070 #constellation #cygnus #theswan #interstellar #cloud #dust #gas #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
NGC 7635: Bubble in a Cosmic Sea #nasa #apod #ngc7635 #bubblenebula #stars #gas #dust #constellation #cepheus #cassiopeia #starcluster #m52 #interstellar #galaxy #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
W5: The Soul of Star Formation #nasa #apod #w5 #ic1848 #soulnebula #gas #dust #stars #starformation #constellation #queenofaethopia #cassiopeia #interstellar #universe #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
Flaming Star Nebula #nasa #apod #ic405 #flamingstarnebula #stars #star #aeaurigae #interstellar #gas #dust #nebula #constellation #auriga #hydrogen #universe #milkyway #galaxy #space #science #astronomy
NGC 4696: Filaments around a Black Hole #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #afabian #ngc4696 #spiralgalaxy #supermassiveblackhole #blackhole #gas #dust #filaments #hubblespacetelescope #universe #interstellar #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
IC 4628: The Prawn Nebula #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #ic4628 #prawnnebula #emissionnebula #gas #dust #hydrogen #constellation #scorpius #universe #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
The Lagoon Nebula in High Definition #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #lagoonnebula #m8 #stars #gas #hydrogen #dust #constellation #sagittarius #nebula #milkyway #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Seagull to Sirius #nasa #apod #nebula #nebulae #gas #dust #molecularcloud #clouds #seagullnebula #ngc2327 #ic2177 #sirius #star #canismajor #m41 #ngc2287 #thorshelmet #milkyway #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Fox Fur, Unicorn, and Christmas Tree #nasa #apod #constellation #monoceros #unicorn #ngc2264 #gas #dust #emissionnebulae #starlight #reflectionnebula #foxfurnebula #conenebula #christmastreestarcluster #star #smonocerotis #hydrogen #interstellar #universe
NGC 6357: Stellar Wonderland #ngc6357 #starformation #star #stars #gas #dust #starcluster #stellarwinds #radiation #magneticfield #gravity #constellation #scorpion #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
Shell Game in the LMC #nasa #apod #lmc #largemegallaniccloud #gas #dust #sulfur #hydrogen #oxygen #ionization #star #stars #radiation #winds #clouds #tarantulanebula #satellitegalaxy #constellation #dorado #universe #space #science #astronomy
Infrared Trifid #nasa #apod #ssc #caltech #jpl #trifidnebula #messier20 #m20 #constellation #sagittarius #nebula #gas #dust #star #stars #stellarnursery #spritzerspacetelescope #interstellar #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
Clouds of Andromeda #nasa #apod #andromeda #galaxy #andromedagalaxy #m31 #dust #clouds #ionized #gas #hydrogen #interstellar #intergalactic #universe #space #science #astronomy
Sharpless 249 and the Jellyfish Nebula #nasa #apod #jellyfish #nebula #jellyfishnebula #supernovaremnant #ic443 #neutronstar #gas #dust #etageminorum #star #stars #emissionnebula #sharpless249 #interstellar #milkyway #space #science #astronomy
IC 4406: A Seemingly Square Nebula #nasa #apod #hubble #hubbleheritageteam #ic4406 #planetarynebula #gas #dust #moleculargas #whitedwarf #star #interstellar #milkyway #universe #space #science #astronomy
In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 5033 #nasa #apod #esa #mast #hubble #spacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #ngc5033 #seyfertgalaxy #spiralgalaxy #galaxy #stars #dust #interstellar #gas #supermassiveblackhole #blackhole #intergalactic #universe #space
Stardust in the Perseus Molecular Cloud #nasa #apod #perseusmolecularcloud #ngc1333 #vdb13 #vdb12 #reflectionnebula #stars #starformation #gas #dust #herbigharo #nebulae #star #milkyway #galaxy #interstellar #universe #space #science #astronomy
The Matter of the Bullet Cluster #nasa #apod #cxc #stsci #hubble #chandra #magellan #galaxycluster #bulletcluster #1e0657558 #gravitationallensdistortion #darkmatter #xrays #gas #galaxies #universe #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula in Cepheus #nasa #apod #elephantstrunk #nebula #elephantstrunknebula #ic1396 #vdb142 #constellation #cepheus #interstellar #gas #dust #clouds #hydrogen #star #stars #starformation #protostars #milkyway #galaxy #universe
M78 and Orion Dust Reflections #nasa #apod #orion #orionnebula #horseheadnebula #orionmolecularcloudcomplex #molecularcloud #reflectionnebula #m78 #ngc2071 #nebula #nebulae #nebulas #stars #star #gas #dust #constellation #interstellar #milkyway #universe