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Ironic how such a powerful body becomes powerless and compliant under the sadistic mind and heel of the Superior Female.
“I have a very good security system around the compound. Fences, barbed wire, video surveillance. Even so, these fools try to escape now and again. Is it the horniness from their enforced chastity that drives them? Is it the 20 hour days of hard
The look of an evil mind at work. What to do with this tied up bundle of sh-t laying on the floor before Me?hmmm…..I think I’ll put these nice sharp metal toes to work first. Soften it up.Then let these very sturdy and sharp heels take over
What is it that is sooo incredibly erotic about seeing a stiletto booted Female atop a beast with a whip in hand?
“Just checking on you. Still alive I see. The cold and damp haven’t done their work yet. Sigh…just as well. I wanted to get one more good beating in on you before you left us anyway! I’m in a bit of a mood. You might not
And so, the trap is set. Won’t be long. Some half drunk boor will come over and try their pitiful lines on Me. I’ll pretend to be charmed. Laugh at their crude attempts at humor. A little something in their drink and I’ll pour them
(via Slave Men Used as Punching Bags) WHAT A FABULOUS IDEA!!! I would need at least a dozen ‘bags’. I fear seven days would likely not be enough 'recovery time’ to provide Me a fresh, unbruised and broken canvas. The raw power and
“I’m using this on you until it breaks. Not one stroke less. It may take the better part of the day. Lay down the plastic and assume the position!”
My absolute all time favorite work of erotic art. The ultimate scene of Female Sadism. Watching Her bring Herself to orgasm while Her companion shoots arrow after arrow into the staked down slave just says it all. Is there anything more erotic than
slave-759432: No rights for males “Faster bitch, faster. How do you expect me to win if you don’t go faster? There is only three months left till the Female Supremacy Olympic Games, and I want to take first in the male slave chariot race. This
slave-759432: No rights for males “Please Princess, I’m begging you, have mercy on me. Please Princess, no more.” The slave father begs with tears filling his eyes. “Shut up bitch, I can’t believe you got sent home from work early, BECAUSE
(via Totally Enslaved Men) your ONLY choice is to keep Us amused theough your suffering. boring Us is your death sentence.
A proud day for you daughter. Today on your fourteenth birthday, you take an important step in the journey toward your full embrace of your Dominance and Supremacy over the lowly male creatures over whom you will enjoy your life of privilege. Today,
I don’t know what to do to you first. But be assured…before this night is through, I’ll have done them ALL!
A newly acquired one, fresh from the slave markets. Just look at it! Smooth, virginal. Not a mark on it. No fractures. It’s probably never even been violated. That almost angers Me were it not for the fact I LOVE being the One who introduces
I adore this part. When I stop whipping them and place My boot in their face. The stupid animals actually think this means it’s all over. Seriously?? I just pause like this to fuck with their feeble brain. The whip will indeed fall again
A word to the wise should be sufficient! Ever hear the old expression “Be careful what you wish for”? Sooooo…when you approach a dedicated Supremacist and consummate Sadist for a ‘session’… And…you’re
I love this video. So sadistic and stylish. No ending of course which forces Me to make up one of My own. Hint….it doesn’t end well for the stooge. Can you guess what I came up with?
That cold sweat…that parched feeling in your throat… When… The Lady you arranged through the escort service…to give you a total beatdown…with no safeword…arrives to pick you up at the airport. All six feet,
(via Women Who Volunteer to Punish Men) My lord! Every word of the above is music to My ears. I especially love the part of the males kneeling in place listening to the screams coming from the torture rooms and beginning to cry and sob! This would
Have you cut the grass? Front and back? Edged the walk? Taken out the trash? Scrubbed all the floors? Grocery shopped? Cleaned all the dishes? So….what do you want? A fucking medal? Here’s your reward! I want your sorry ass naked.
I don’t wear cotton. I don’t wear synthetics. I don’t wear wool…it scratches My soft golden skin. I only wear leather….or fur. I like to feel skin against My skin. I love the feel, the smell…how it mixes with
I have many pursuits in My lavish and decadent life that bring Me happiness. Spending lavishly, fine dining, travel to exotic places. Even something so droll as relaxing on the yacht, sipping champagne and reading a book. But I will confess…nothin
“you never dreamt when you sheepishly introduced the idea of having a kinky sex night to Me months ago, that I would take to it like a duck to water! you see My hapless little husband…I was never that shy, insecure and deferential female
Hmmmmmmm…. How are you holding up My piglet? you seem a little stressed! Hahahahahaha I, on the other hand can feel the stress just melting away every time I bring the whip down on you. I have a lot of it to work off. So you had best ‘co
you come to finally. Groggy…confused. you try to move but can’t. Your chained tight to bolts in the floor. your left eye is swollen near shut and your other sees only through a haze. your lip is split open. your nose feels broken&hellip
Aren’t they just gorgeous? Fresh from the custom bootmaker. Lusciously long…all the way to My crotch. The perfect sculpted classic stiletto heels I specified. Even the finest skins that I personally selected. When I smell them, feel their
What’s better than leaving your possession bound like this all evening while You go out for a night of drinks and clubbing with the Girls? Why…flipping him over on his back when You get home and standing on his shoulders! Talk about screams
Does it make you nervous that I sit here, staring at you while I finish My tea? you know, My Mother once counseled Me… “Don’t fret over things over which you have no control.” Sage advice, that I would like to pass along to you.
This…is going to hurt you sooooo much more than it hurts Me, My pet. But then, that’s why you exist…after all. To calm and quench the sadistic storm that builds and builds inside Me. I’m afraid this one isn’t going to
Routines could become boring. But this one just never seems to for Me. I’m awakened with soft kisses to My feet from My sissy chambermaid. A bath is drawn. A massage follows. Breakfast on the veranda. A little shopping with friends is in
“Round up the usual suspects! I think I’ll celebrate My birthday with a nice public flogging and hanging. It’s good to be the Queen!”
Dammit! There’s a bug on the surface of the pool! Bring the pool boy to Me NOW! Tie him down here on the pool deck. I’m going to show him what happens to bugs!
In the New Order, all males are naked and vulnerable. It’s not unusual to see a Lady dragging him along a busy street at the end of Her leash. he kneels quietly by Her side, awaiting any order…ready to offer himself for service to or abuse
archivallolo83: femdomstudentstuff: wowza, will try this asap Excellente position esclave ! What a PERFECT way to take it out for a walk! Every step = pure agony. Let’s get in a mile, shall W/we?
It’s said that a vampire rises from Her sleep with an insatiable desire to ‘feed’. I too have insatiable desires. The desire to nurture My entitlement, My privilege and feed the intoxicating power rush I’ve felt ever since My
Come on darling! Time to stop. There’s nothing left of him anyway. You keep on, you’re just going to ruin a perfectly lovely pair of boots. Time to ride home now. We can cuddle on the furs. I’ll lick away at you and you can tell
Click? Or BANG? Click! Congratulations! you’ve earned three more minutes to TRY to fumble your way through bringing Me to orgasm. That’s four clicks down though. you’re REALLY running out of time!
Pick your poison. If you don’t choose…I’ll just choose for you.
polyfetishist: Darkest Femdom erotica including Emma S. SENSUAL SADIST When the Wife comes to the Re-training facility to pick up hubby…“No no no! This absolutely won’t do. he looks like he’s enjoying himself!”“I
Some days… When I see you straining at the noose, your tiptoes sliding and slipping on the melting block of ice, your panic filled attempts to breathe…I feel such pride, such joy, such exhilaration! Other days…I feel…Nothing.
When you come to after passing out… you look up…and there She is. Insatiable…and ready to start in on you again!
See! I told you I was bringing you a present for your anniversary. Two years as My little slave bitch. So tonight…I’m going to let you join Me in ‘ripping’ your little present 'open’! Mmmmmmmmmmm….
Once you realize they’re not even human…just some lab rat and nothing more…it really takes the shackles off Our sadistic imagination. They’ll beg for death. And We won’t even give them That!
This new Baby Cam app is perfect for checking in on Our slave darling. Haha…look! I left him hanging by his balls with a giant pillar candle dripping onto them! The little shit must be in so much pain. I love it! Here, I’ll turn up
you lost count…AGAIN pig! W/we double…and start over. Two hundred now. And you’re already bleeding! AND… My arm isn’t even tired.
Three Hundred. THAT is what I want from you tonight. That’s three times your best. Three hundred of My best with the lunge whip. I want screaming so bloodcurdling and loud My ears ache. I want you to twist and convulse until I think the chains
The mind of the cruelly inventive Female Sadist. Every tie thought out. Every bind designed to produce incomprehensible agony. Every breath tortured and labored. Lights out! Two hours to twist in the wind…to think…about the searing
Do I look angry? Annoyed? I was called from the school and informed My ‘son’ was a finalist for the 'Outstanding Student Award’ to be presented this morning. Was I proud? Excited? Hardly! The little 'accident of birth’ is
I’m going to do My damnedest to make the tops match the soles. I DO love a challenge! So are you finished tying the little fuck down or what????
Watching My goons ‘soften up’ tonight’s 'entree’. Feeling My pulse quicken. The excitement building. Knowing MY turn at bat is coming. A snap of My finger…and they step back. The real show is about to begin.
I could watch them work the bitch over for hours on end. Like pulling wings off butterflies. But I don’t even have to get My hands dirty. It’s enough just knowing it’s all happening under My ‘baton’.
Jesus…is this whale ever gonna drop? he just Keeps talking! How much knock out juice did you slip in his drink anyway? I put enough in there to drop a horse. These fat fucks always take longer. Just chill. It’ll happen… I hope.
Mirror mirror…on the wall… WHO is the most beautiful, powerful, cruel and sadistic one of all?? Mmmmmmmmmmm….haha, I thought so. Well a title is just a title. UNLESS…it’s put to good use. Sooooo….time to
Terribly expensive! I suppose the technology is so advanced they will remain so. But cheaper by the gross and inevitably a few will die in shipment. Unlike full grown slaves, they require little fuss or upkeep. A dozen or more can share close quarters
I know I don’t look like your typical farm girl. But I do soooo look forward to slaughter days. I have My own special methods. Sigh…terribly inefficient. But immensely entertaining. Good things can’t be rushed. Don’t you
W/we all ‘identify’ dont W/we? With one or the other… On one side…the goofy. The stupid. The sloppy. They leave messes. Don’t groom themselves properly. And yet…they’ve held court over Us. Chase Us. Terrify
Things are not exactly the same at the Plaza del Torres since the Revolutuon and the New Hierarchy of Absolute Female Supremacy began. The crowds still pack the stadium. Only Females of course. All males have been executed or imprisoned. The patrons
Oh my god darling! Keep punching her. Thats so hot! her face is disappearing! Hahahahaha…. Now…wait wait wait!! Make her crawl over here to Me. I want to stand on Her throat and feel her panic and die beneath My sole!
Hmmmm…look at it. So relaxed and content. As if cleaning My shoes was all I had in store for it! Poor idiot! Looking down and seeing My gorgeous heels framed by the ugly face of an inferior just gets all My power revving and My sadistic juices