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Folks get frustrated with me when we’re trying to choose something new to watch and I’m like “idk I’m cool with whatever” or not being enthused about the choices but it’s, like, listen. I love seeing new stuff but I
artemispanthar:Hey, what do you call a nonbinary aunt/uncle?Thank you, y’all gave some great responses but the answer we were looking for was: me! My twin sister is having a baby so I’m gonna be the nonbinary equivalent to an aunt/uncle! I still haven’t
My little sister is at that age where she doesn’t want a lot of her childhood stuff but as someone who also went through that phase and wish I had back some of the things I tossed, I like to rescue some of that stuff so she can get it back laterSo
fluffy-critter: I know a couple of people who don’t like Steven Universe because of the fact that there’s obviously a lot of backstory but the show hasn’t gone out of its way to explain it all in a huge linear infodump. I really don’t understand
I was a kinda weird kid and, among other things, I liked to collect stuff. Not, like, hard to find stuff but general stuff like “rocks” or “leaves” and I would just collect ALL of whatever I could find of that thing. Once when
So, I actually had a Steven Universe-related dream last night! I very very rarely have fandom-related dreams so I just find it really fascinating. I suppose its not too surprising since I’ve pretty much done nothing but watch, read about, listen
YO, I’m gonna be going to WonderCon on Friday April 18th! Specifically to go to the Steven Universe panel but they have other rad panels so I’ll be hanging out and checking stuff out. I’m super excited but also really nervous but also
My dogs could have the whole house to laze around in but they almost always choose to sleep side-by-side on my bed with their butts touching
my cursor is shaped like an insect (technically a creeper from SH2) and it started to move around on its own so I thought I had a virus or something but it turned out it was just a moth walking on my screen
I forgot to mention it but a couple days ago (the 13th) my baby-dogs turned 4! So here’s a few pics from when they were babies (Vincent on the left in each picture, Leonard on the right) and one of them all grown up
artemispanthar: Woke up early to go see Deliver Us From Evil. Let’s see if it was worth it It was ok, a bit silly but it seemed aware of it. Overall it was enjoyable
When you’re really excited for something when its first announced but every new information that’s released just drains away any potential it ever had:
I have a serious craving for a peanut butter & jelly waffle sandwich but we don’t have any waffles :(
The gallery opening was super fun and my plan was to stay until closing (at 10pm) but there’s SO many people and the venue is pretty small so I was getting pretty anxious (I’m not great with crowds), so I had to bail. But I had lots of fun
The wedding was nice but went on so long (with the reception). Like, its still going, we just left ‘cause we have to sleep Still, it was nice. Some drama, but nothing unexpected But anyway, I’m supertired so I’m gonna try and get my
I had an extremely tedious dream last night. In it I was cooking eggs. That was the entire dream, cooking eggs in real time. I was trying to fry the eggs but I messed up and I didn’t want to bother starting over so I was just like “screw it,
otarrato: artemispanthar: Daily Piñata - Day 65 - Polollybear omg i am so incredibly drawn to this one i have no idea how to explain, but the way you did this one REALLY pulls me in and i love it!!! ;v; hot dang oh wow, thank you! I’m glad
OK but seriously though, I was excited for the episode before but now I’m REALLY excited because I knew it’d be cute but wow its SO CUTE. They’re all so cute. Just 4 cute magical dorks. Like there is not one second in that whole clip
gg-rain replied to your post: anonymous said:how old r u then26 Ahha only 3 years on me! Not so old after all true, but it certainly feels that way sometimes, haha. Like, I’ll think someone is, like, college age and then they make a post like
Blehh, I need to fix my sleep schedule. Its not too bad (its been way worse before) but its not really how I want my days to be going. I stay up too late and thus sleep in later than I should resulting in me feeling I wasted the day so I stay up late
OK, I stayed up way later than I meant to but I’m still going to make myself wake up early. It won’t feel good I’m sure but I can’t keep putting it off if I ever want to fix my sleep schedule So g'night for now!
Ok I’m going to bed but, like, earlier Vincent, one of my dogs, was sleeping on my bed and accidentally rolled off the edge ( because his favorite place to sleep is on the very edge with his paws dangling off). He didn’t get hurt or anything
I have woken up early. I feel like crap but I am awake and that is half the battle. Yaay!
Hey, so I usually don’t mark follower milestones or anything. I keep an eye on it but I usually don’t pay it any mind ‘cause I figure I’ll just keep doing my own thing regardless and I appreciate all my followers. But today, well
Y'know what though, I just remembered that I got a pretty bad wound on my chest earlier this year and I didn’t want to show anyone because it looked really bad but I was sure I’d be fine but I knew my mom would freak out (she did) and it was
I have to go outside to do the laundry but there’s a giant wasp just sitting on the backdoor (its a glass door) so I’m afraid to go out because I don’t want it to get in the house (I also don’t want to get stung). I tried knock
I’m disappointed that We Love Fine added messenger bags but do not have any SU messenger bags. There’s like 30 designs there but not one SU one? I totally would’ve bought one because I’m all about messenger bags. Fix this, We Love
watching a series on Netflix with another person is such a strange experience to me because I’m used to mass-watching a series all at once, like, 10 episodes a day for a few weeks until I’ve burned through them all But when I watch a new show
jaclcfrost: hotels can’t be boring to me they’re just fun even if i’m sitting in the room watching tv or riding the elevator or sleeping it’s just fun for some reason like they’re average every day things but in a hotel everything is way more
caedussolo replied to your post: “If you’re ever out with me at like a store or whatever and we pass a…”: Soooo… keep Artie away from Yankee Candle. Got it.Haha, pretty much! Might also want to steer clear of tea places and places
I often worry about stuff being reflected in my glasses when I’m browsing tumblr on my phone in public. Like, I’m probably just being paranoid but yea what if man
I just randomly remembered that the kid who played Stevie in “Malcolm in the Middle” went to one of the middle schools I attended growing up (we moved around a lot so I went to several different middle schools). Like, I saw him around but
Well I have this thing partially inked but its taking forever so I should probably sleep and finish it up in the morning. Here’s a progress shot though
I was sorting through my video folder because not everything is labelled properly and I wanted to fix that but to do so I need to play each video to see what its of. So I stumbled upon an old tribute video I made of my dog, Dakota, who passed away in
shikai-of-the-4th-world replied to your post “Even if it was for a very short time, I really liked Greg spending time with the gems. He’s such a nice normal guy and the gems can be a bit jerkish to him but he still tries to be friendly with them
OK but like waaay back in March I was trying to draw a Pearl and Zazu comparison but I abandoned it but I still have the sketch at first I was just drawing it because I like Pearl and I like Zazu but it occured to me just how much they can in common
archaicapricity: So, someone in Steven Universe I think says something about something being “Ador-bubble” like, adorable, but they say adore-bub-ble And I can’t remember who said it, or what they were talking about, but I really want a
I’m trying to put a poster into a frame but it was delivered in one of those tubes so it was all curled up so it won’t lay flat and I feel like I’m in one of those old cartoons where a character it trying to lay a carpet down flat but
I’ve been stuck in IKEA for like 2 hours because it’s my brother’s birthday and we’re all going out but he’s getting a bed for his birthday so he’s picking one out but he’s extremely indecisiveWhich is fine I
Well, I want to try fixing my sleep schedule again since I failed last time (nevermind that its already pretty late right now…) so this will probably mean a tired and grumpy Artie for tomorrow. But its a necessary evil to stop sleeping half the
Bah, I set my alarm but I forgot to up the volume so I slept through it. Ah well, better luck tomorrow I suppose
Man I just… I get over things and generally just leave them behind because sometimes bad things happen and you can’t change that, you can only keep moving forward. And its ok and I generally have no problem with it but, like, sometimes I
I don’t know what it is about cold weather but it really makes the city beautiful to look out over. Something about how all the lights look is very different than when it’s warm out
It’s really nice out, its like cool and overcast (ok maybe a lot of folks wouldn’t consider that nice but I like it when its overcast) but not too cold and its slightly windy so there’s nice constant airflow. It’s days like these
Whenever my dog Leonard is being a dingus I call him “Len-NERD” just to emphasize the point. I don’t do that with my other dog only because I can’t think of a good pun on Vincent but rest assured he’s a big dingus too
I was trying to take a picture of my dogs because they were sitting side by side being cute but Leonard licked his lips between the time I pushed the button and my phone actually taking the picture and the resulting photo is really amusing to me
squeakwee replied to your post: squeakwee asked:what has been on …WOW awesome art!! it’s really good + no I meant the bird but I guess the bird with teeth on your pic *is* Artie??aw, thanks :D and ohh, I got confused ‘cause I actually did
My little sister got home from school and she was all sulky so I asked how her day was and she grumpily said “fine.” and then propped her leg up on the arm of a chair and said “but look at what happened.” and pointed to a teeny tiny little scratch
so, like, I heard it was self-insert day or something? This is actually something I drew a few months back ‘cause I’m an embarrassing nerd who draws stuff like my characters/avatar interacting with characters I like but keeps it secret. But I figure
amewzing1 replied to your post “I love my dogs. They’re both very cute and they are the best. It is…”I love my dogs and I love your dogs, but I wonder if they would love each other…Leonard loves everyone so he’d be fine but Vincent
I call Leonard my little guy because he’s very slightly smaller than Vincent, although he’s still a 75 pound German Shepherd so “little” might be a bit of a stretch, technically speaking. But still, he’s my little guy.I call Vincent my big
Vincent, one of my dogs, likes to lay on the edge of the bed (why, I don’t know, but he seems to be most comfortable there).He also has a tendency to roll over in his sleep. I think you can see why this can sometimes cause a problem for him
Earlier today Vincent was goofing around and bumped into my desk, which splashed my coffee all over my tablet pen. So I doodled an Artie to make sure it didn’t break (it didn’t!). I liked the resulting doodle so I cleaned it up and threw some color
@jacensolodjo replied to your post “Can it be Monday already? I am impatient”but artie you just missed it it was yesterday. xP
me: Okay brain, I gotta focus on filling up my queue so I can’t do anything that’s gonna distract me, but I want something to listen to while I do it. Maybe some podcasts or video reviews I don’t have to look at?my brain: Naw. Music.me: Music’s
He wants to keep an eye on my food (in case I want to give him some) but also doesn’t want to get up from the comfy couch, so this is his solution
I had ordered that SDCC exclusive vinyl record but the post office kicked it back to sender because it didn’t have my box number (I know I put it on but I think maybe they released the shipping address I put with the billing address) so I guess
I’m trying to get back into the swing of drawing since I haven’t drawn in, like, 8 months and my go-to doodle subject is Artie and, by extension, panthars (the species Artie is). And hey this is a good excuse to discuss aspects of the species, a subject
One of my neighbors is having a party and they’re playing mariachi music but for some reason between each song is, like, a Kidz Bop version of Surfin’ USA (in English) but not the whole song just the chorus
artemispanthar:Self portrait doodle based on what I was wearing today: basketball shorts, raincoat with way-too-long sleeves, socks with sandals, perpetually-fogged glasses Incidentally I actually do have Artie-colored (black with blue stripes/accents)