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attomic clips
Hola, no sé ocupar esto.
choriflay: porfi<3
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fuckyeahsociallyawkwardpenguin: okenso no sé a quién me recuerda, hum hum.
(via technotetris) Happy Father’s Day Everyone <3
cduartem: NOTABLE thedailywhat: he soñado con hacer eso <3
fuckyeahfob: youshineinthesky: bsidetomytongue: Idk about you, but I wouldn’t mind if Patrick grabbed my ass. I think, I’d appreciate him grabbing my ass, ngl. 1000
fuckyeahpatrickstump: falloutkimmeh:thelifeofjay:twomoreweeks:gabrielleee:(via lyingmilkshakes) (via potorlowoskongstonwontz)
fuckyeahpokememe: I found this on :D -Chloe ( not very effective D:
marionette-: I have no inspiration… lol Me recuerda a uno de los pocos chistes que me sé; que dice así “Había una vez un pollito, parado en medio de la vereda, mirando hacia un local de comida ‘chatarra’. En eso pasa otro pollo,
(via mlktoscl) won’t sleep ‘till friday
Day 01 — Your favorite movie: “Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.”Day 02 — Your favorite songDay 03 — Your favorite television program Day 04 — Your favorite book Day 05 — Your favorite quoteDay 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
I’m the invisible man who can’t stop staring at the mirror - at the mirrorI want to make you as lonely as me, so you can get, get addicted to thisyou can get, get addicted to this now (8)
teextragnoperro: dementira: sca - Guagua De Mierda jajajaja xD Guagua ignorante, GUAGUA DE MIERDA!
teextragnoperro: lailo: Cambiaría el atardecer por el amanecer y agregaría Comer frambuesas. TOTALMENTE de acuerdo con todas (via 9gag) soy demasiado provinciana para decir si realmente el Starbucks cabe en esta lista :c
It’s really awkward seeing someone after a long time that was consistently in your life in the past but is now a stranger.
poisonedraindrops: (via loudwhispeeers, shubr) Absolutamente u_u
poisonedraindrops: happythings: (via shiftwspace) porque siento que debería consolarme, pero no lo hace?
there’s no place like home
Day 01 — Your favorite movie: “Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.”Day 02 — Your favorite song: Fall Out Boy’sDay 03 — Your favorite television program Day 04 — Your favorite book Day 05 — Your favorite quoteDay 06 — Whatever
como puedo yo pararesto parece no tener finalestoy unido, atado con un hiloestoy pegado a vos como con un ima-ah-an (8)
Day 01 — Your favorite movie: “Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.”Day 02 — Your favorite song: Fall Out Boy’s Day 03 — Your favorite television program: America’s Next Top Model Day 04 — Your favorite book Day 05 — Your favorite
poisonedraindrops: widdleyvonne: heckyeahawesome: heartnett: iheartjust1n: theadrian: lenaasaurus: OMGA IT’S LIKE THEY’RE TWINS!! Zooey > Katy Yes? ZOOEY > KATY Katy <3
poisonedraindrops: libertysunset: -blissfuldreams:(via fashionfever) those shoes, that skirt, those glasses - i fell in love ♥
babyblue-eyes: youretheonlydrugineed: bubucacalovesme: (via followyourisabelle)
poisonedraindrops: bitethehand-: catchupkara: letsmakethissimple: neekaisweird/jamie-ftw / latenightsonrooftops / -fallingfromgrace / eyesofdestruction / kaylasaurus / myinsidesspill / mandyaxtell unexpectedtexts<3
poisonedraindrops: maikeeb: myunicorndoeslsd: -infintyonhigh: sleepuntilmay: meeshellhead: milkchugger: monstertron: 27,516! First try tooooo! (via whoadanggianna) MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OMG. LIFE = COMPLETE. OMG THIS FUCKI
wordsoflove: barklee: s1lentmel0dy: noxlumos:desafinados:little-erica:hallonpaj:(via fuckyeahdh) este es el tipo de cosa que me hace sentir TAN mal por no haber querido ver la sexta pelicula :c
fuckyeahtheoc: spaztastic:toonumb: (05) Seth Cohen played by Adam Brody | The OC “Oh, I get it. I’m just here for the comic relief.” (via deliriant) < 3
poisonedraindrops: greenishest: liveinthedark: fuck-the-what: mylifemymistakes: (via k-k-katy) they need to add her “alejandro” outfit. and the ‘telephone’ outfit
*interesad@s, contactarse al 8-4299GiB* asdf, sueño frustrado.
poisonedraindrops: (via keeph0lding0n, brokenheartstwistedminds) it does, it does
(via mlktoscl) EEEEEEEEH, Creo que me acaba de dar un paro cardiaco, o una embolia, o diabetes… o algo.
poisonedraindrops: hit-girl: (via mb24)
le amo ♥
poisonedraindrops: dylanbignose: enaaa: forgetthenightlife: imhot: gdnicks: godlyfecalmatter: abandoneddriveways: tacosandsnoopdog: iwrestledahipsteronce: obese: i see rape (via hewontfollowyou) rape pit Bring me the rape. Rape You At
JAJAJAJA, esto me recuerda mi mechoneo. Ibamos con mi compañera, pidiendole plata a todo el que pasara frente, y reclamando pa’ callao ‘nos cagaron, nos pidieron caleta de plataa, etc etc’. Una de las frases que más deciamos era como
(via fuckyeahphilosoraptor) LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
iheartlove: jackaraia: kayshazam: romancitonikonista: gabdar: randominternet: I Love You Multi Shot Buenisima < 3
iheartlove: asunlessnight: heartlesshippie: (via williamshakespear) No me gustan los gatos, pero amé esta foto.
falta como un mes, por la cresta Dx lo ne-ce-si-to
Day 01 — Your favorite movie: “Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.”Day 02 — Your favorite song: Fall Out Boy’s Day 03 — Your favorite television program: America’s Next Top Model Day 04 — Your favorite book: Verano Robado - María José
movieallyouneed: Terry Gilliams Via: grande!
(via icanread)
showthethunder: lezriot: xsunshinemachine: whoeverthatis: folieabecca: (via patronbenzedrine) ♥
fuckyeahragetoons: submitted: puzzlingpieces nap FUUUUUUUU WEÓN, la historia de mi vida.
dianadearr: cheeenaa: (via iwillzapyou) Yaaay :D
omfgimfallinforyou: underwater-caves:iknowyoubetterthanthat:(via fearless-) Dejando de lado el acento británico, esto es lo mejor <3
jessliu: love this movie. perfect dialogue. bonus points ; ucsc alumni back and forth, 4ever
ilovetreemeat: @attomic para de amarlo xD holy sssssssssshhhht
i-said-id-never-walk-away: @attomic: cuando nos dibujaste D:! ( mira las cámaras <3) terrible HIPSTAH po wn, y sí, yo también me fijé en las cámaras <3
im-not-gonna-sit-here-and-die: @attomic 4 u ):
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