ask humming way
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ask-humming-way: …Thank you. Feat: iamyourdoubt, iamyourconfidence, hyper-atomic, askdiamondandal, askug, smittygir4, askbodiddly, snarkytree, xirobu, askgargle, asklightking, ask-paradigm, ask-zephyr-wing, zachypacky, lloxie, ask-jade-shine, cmagen,
ask-humming-way: I thought you guys were meant to hug me, not play tug of wa-ouch! ((Who needs to hug a silly pony when you can just play tug of war instead! Also go follow Blue Horizon; she started her blog only a week ago and has a nice and sketchy
ask-humming-way: ask-jade-shine: That boy needs therapy. ((I told you it was canon)) I don’t know how but she can! Surely there must be other birds around your area with such great talents. You have to show them to me! Oh, I’m not sure if it’s
ask-humming-way: Fluttershy and I are already good friends! But as Zephyr saw, she can get a bit scary… X3
ask-humming-way: P-Panny! Wait up, i-it’s not what it looks like!!! Punky you can stop hugging me now! (Featured: ask-jade-shine, askbreejetpaw, ask-punky, askgothika, asktheabby) (I just realised how much grey and green ponies there are in this update.
ask-humming-way: You cannot be serious..! Where did you even get that much food?! Featured: treeofgaming (Seriously, you were a pony before you turned into a tree!) ((Pan Pare is now open for questions! If you’re sending an ask, please indicate which
ask-humming-way: #worth xD!
ask-humming-way: This is getting ridiculous..!Feat: askbubblepop (Happy birthday!), inkie-heart, and askcutelittlecherry. Follow these adorable blogs! omg lookit da cuties! <3
ask-humming-way: Day 3: Draw a pony gearing up/Draw a pony packing Haha get it? Cause ask-jade-shine is a mechanic, and she’s all about gears and stuff so she’s gearing up for gears! Alright fine I’ll see myself out. x3
ask-humming-way: Day 5: Draw a pony in disguise/Draw a pony faker How was this bunny able to see through my grand disguise?! xD Oh Hummingway~
ask-humming-way: And that flan-! Ok I get it Panny, no need to get into details! Day 10: Draw a pony celebrity/Draw a Very Important Pony Feat: askheartandviolet. ((Had to repost the birthday gift I did for whatisapokemon since reblogging with
ask-humming-way: E-even the pebbles are against me. Why me?! Aww, poor Hummingway x3
ask-humming-way: Can you go away now? I need to find something to cover this cut up before it gets infected.. Aww ;w;
ask-humming-way: ask-jade-shine: ask-humming-way: …Thank you. Feat: iamyourdoubt, iamyourconfidence, hyper-atomic, askdiamondandal, askug, smittygir4, askbodiddly, snarkytree, xirobu, askgargle, asklightking, ask-paradigm, ask-zephyr-wing, zachypacky,
ask-humming-way: I seem to have reached an obstacle. X3
ask-humming-way: To the left I hear the leaves rustle. To the right I hear water flowing. Where should I go..? Hmm Oo
ask-humming-way: Oh no, she looks hurt! H-her breathing looks heavy too. S-should I help her..? Meeps ;w;
ask-humming-way: ask-humming-way: More surprised than cranky. Oh dear.. (timezone reblog) Meeps ;w;
ask-humming-way: (timezone reblog~) Meeps!
ask-humming-way: If you sign up now, get 10% offfffffffffff! xD
ask-humming-way: DON’T BE SO ROOD. ((Apologies for not updating the last couple of days. I was playing a certain game that had given me determination recently~)) X3
ask-humming-way: Anons are so..diverse and unique! I’m not fighting anything. Let alone a grey circle that’s wearing sunglasses! xD
ask-humming-way: ask-humming-way: *grumbles* (timezone reblog!) X3
ask-humming-way: She’ll be ‘K’. feat: askbananapie >w< Oh Bananapie~!
ask-humming-way: ask-humming-way: Huh. Guess it does work! (timezone reblog) x3
ask-humming-way: She seems to enjoy the floating questions. x3
ask-humming-way: I’m envious that you have a cutie mark! eeps!
ask-humming-way: Come on dude, why you gotta do this?! ((I don’t know whether I witnessed a burn or a murder. Either way this anon is straight out savage hahahaha.)) XD Poor Hummi~ <3
ask-humming-way: NOT ALRIGHT ANYMORE. ((Happy Halloween~!)) x3
ask-humming-way: You definitely need to teach it to me, I haven’t heard anything like it before! The tune is less jaunty but more calming and relaxing; like a lullaby. ^w^
ask-humming-way:Toot! ((It’s my birthday today so it’s an excuse to draw a party hat! Story update in the usual time~))x3 Happy birthday~! ^w^
ask-humming-way:How can I trust that this ‘cake’ won’t eat me? Swirly is suspicious.x3
ask-humming-way:Feat: @ask-treats-sweetsAww ;w; <3
ask-humming-way:End of Chapter: A Shell of Solitude. ((If you’re curious to know what song they’re humming [ayo!], it’s this one!))Aww ;w; <3
ask-humming-way:Don’t judge me! Guest Artist: @subjectnumber2394/ @ask-copper-wings. ((Surprise! I owe Subject one for doing an ask before I went to Japan. You should all shower him with hugs and follows! Ily bby <333))x3!
ask-humming-way:Nailed it!>w<
ask-humming-way:Has Feather.. always been popular around these parts..?x3
ask-humming-way:What happened to FAMILY?!?!xD
ask-humming-way:The last thing I need is to get lost.. ((Back to the main story~! Here’s the previous update/recap to jog your memory.))=o
ask-humming-way:*CHOKING HORSE NOISES* Feat: @rainbowfeatherrepliesMeeps! xD
ask-humming-way:ask-humming-way:Wha-? Did she just..?(timezone reblog)Meeps =o
ask-humming-way:SHE’S FINE DON’T WORRY.X3!
ask-humming-way:I think Swirly really is pretty. Nothing more, nothing less.>w>
ask-humming-way:It’s her fault if she gets worried~Aww~ :3
ask-humming-way:The shot seen ‘round the world. “Woah…” ((Everyone’s doing it so I’m joining the bandwagon too! I followed @ask-king-sombra midway through its story. I love the characters and their interactions.And @ask-wiggles herself is
ask-humming-way:[AHHHHHHHH INTENSIFIES]Meeps! @@
ask-humming-way:ask-humming-way:The only pan you’re getting from me is one to your face! ((Seriously though, the next update will be an actual update. If you want more Pan and her shenanigans, I have a whole chapter just for her!))(timezone reblog)X3!
ask-humming-way:ask-humming-way:I forgot I’m underwater and can’t speak fish! ((The symbols are all random if you’re trying to decipher it! I’ve captioned what she says if you guys are curious, though Humming won’t know that!))(timezone reblog~)Meeps
ask-humming-way:I’m definitely feeling much better by the way. Thanks Hums! ((Hey guys! Sorry for not updating lately. I’ve been stressing out for the last few days and feeling too tired to draw both physically and mentally. I’m feeling better but
ask-humming-way:I’m not mad Hums. Just disappointed! ((Not sure if I mentioned it, but I found an office day job in the city! Unfortunately, that means I’ll have to cut it down to an update or two per week. Hope you understand! <3))x3
ask-humming-way:ask-humming-way:Living in this forest taught me not to fall for these things so easily, or else ponies would notice me! Note: Swirly would still take the bait.(timezone reblog)xD
ask-humming-way:ask-humming-way:((Some Halloween suggestions from you guys which was really fun to draw! And also Pan as a knight/paladin since I’ve been thinking of hero classes for my characters for aaaaages. I have another batch I drew (including
ask-humming-way:ask-humming-way:((And the last part of the Halloween suggestions! There were other suggestions but I just didn’t have the time. Again, I really enjoyed doing these costumes, especially Sapphire Shores! Also Hunter Humming and Sorceress
ask-humming-way:[Fish Flopping Noises] >w< Oh dear….
ask-ruby-streak: ask-humming-way: ((For @ask-ruby-streak, a super cute ask blog I’ve been following for a long time! And my senpai just noticed me ahhhhh!!!! their mod drew Swirly so I had to get revenge! Only it didn’t work out because Ruby’s mod
ask-humming-way: Perspective (2/2) “It is amazing how we all see the same thing, but our interpretation can be enitrely different due to our perspective.” ((I really love the friendship that Humming and Pan has together, and I wanted to express